Therapy session

I see, don’t let that get to you, you’ll only make yourself sink to their level. Have a cool head and do what you do best.

I tend to dig too deep into things I know will make me upset. I’ve gotten leagues better at just ignoring these things but I still often end up hurting myself and sometimes others when I’m lacking self-control. Man I needed to write that down thanks :heart:

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Disappointed, but it already happened so never mind.

Why did I make this sound exactly like Eggman lol.

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You are aware of your actions so that’s good. Just watch what you say about in these forms and be careful.

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I’m sorry to here.

Why not?

I don’t know, I am just wish they fix Sombra’s hack as there were many times where I would Hack the Doomfist and because all his abilities can easily break Hack’s LoS, I feel like it more so an Sombra issue rather than a Doomfist issue.

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Hmmm, I play df so I been hacked and sometimes I break it. Can you give me some examples so I can take a look at it? Please.

Anyone else wants to tell me what is their weakness in when you’re in the forms.

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If only I had videos my friend.:wink:

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It’s fine, anything else that’s on your mind?

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I respond to toxicity by being toxic. I also don’t know how to let things go. This has led to many reports

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Don’t do that, you’ll be just like them, a toxic person that doesn’t know any better. Be calm and beat them with positive power.

If someone says Junkrat three times, I appear.

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If you stop caring what other people think, there becomes no flaws. The problem is that with the system, there are certain rules that say you cannot be relatively rude. The problem with this part of the system is that each Gamemaster has an interpretation on what relative rudeness is.

Are you being blunt and receptive to what someone is saying? One GM will ban you. You have over 100 reports, false or not? One GM will ban you. You have a single report saying, “this guy was mean” when all you said was, “oh [crap],” one GM will ban you.

Is this really a flaw? Or is it just incompatible with a system. When you decipher the differences, you’ll feel better about yourself.

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oops, sorry for the that, Use calming techniques. If you do get upset at them saying a word, tell them why they are wrong without the use of anger.

In a nerf way or a buff way.

No lol that is all for right now.

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Okay, come back if you need anything my friend.

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So, you are saying that a Gm has more power than someone lower than Gm, correct me if I’m wrong, or I’m missing the point?

I’m talking about Gamemaster. The moderators that ban and silence you.

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