Therapy session

Oh, I never heard of them at all when I got to these forms. So, what they do is that they won’t ban this one person that got a lot of flags, but this one innocent person that gets flag gets banned, am I correct?

Gamemasters are extremely inconsistent and have their own interpretation of the rules. For example, even though Jeff Kaplan himself said that you cannot be banned for one-tricking as long as you are trying to win, some Gamemasters still ban you for excessive Gameplay Sabotage reports. Some do it because of how many you got. Some justify it saying, “you should listen to your teammates or you’re trying to lose” which everyone and their Grandma knows doesn’t make sense. Some ban you after a single Gameplay Sabotage report.

In general, people don’t legit-report en masse unless it’s really obvious. If someone is jumping off the cliff over and over again, that person will get a lot of reports. If someone is yelling at the top of their lungs all the time, that person will get a lot of reports. However, if someone is constantly insisting that x person is the fault we lost, some people may agree or disagree, and they won’t get as many reports. If someone plays poorly on purpose, but is very secretive about it, they won’t get a lot of reports. The problem with false-reports, is that if someone is doing something the community considers bad, like playing Symmetra and Sombra, they will get a lot of reports. The community isn’t always right. The guy saying that Symmetra is the problem? Not a lot of reports. The people refusing to try because Symmetra is on their team? Not a lot of reports. The Symmetra? A ton of reports, in each game.

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I see, you want consistency for the gamemasters so it’s equal for everyone. I see your point now.

Not only consistency, but following consistent rules set by higher-ups and developers. This isn’t possible, seeing as how each Gamemaster has an interpretation and personal beliefs/mindsets. However, being aware that it is inherently unfair because of the inconsistency of Gamemaster judgement, gives people the power to correctly adjust the system.

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I’m sorry that I can’t change what the Gamemasters think, but I think you can. Try to send their lead developer(I think we can’t say their names or else we’ll get in trouble) a email about this in your point of view, don’t try to seen to be in rage. Be constructive of what you say. Feel it in your heart and your mind.

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Thanks for the positivity!

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You’re welcome, I like your name btw.

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Sometimes I post stupid meme’s on the forums for no good reason. But I just can’t help myself.

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Thanks! :black_small_square:

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Okay, try to fight your urge to meme, it’s like fighting a b@ner against another girl because you got a gf, but if you can’t:

That’s enough for a night, but you can still message me here, just I’ll be asleep.

Topic doesn’t matter. But he’s overnerfed or needs some serious bugs fixed with his primary.

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Oh I see, but as I been paying attention to the forms, there is a junkrat dislike than like. You do know it will be an outrage right.

You can tell when someone wants to debate, and when someone wants to just argue and fight.

Usually I avoid an argument and only discuss. If a person can’t discuss and can only argue, then jelly drops it and leaves.


I go silent when people begin to bring politics into the diversity threads, because I have learned that both sides are wrong.

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I don’t see that as a bad thing, that’s good if you want to avoid any arguments from someone. Be a fresh jelly and Jam, not a rotten one.

That’s also good, you remind me of myself since I rather enjoy the crossfire than be in it. Also I don’t care about politics myself since it’s a waste of time.
I see nothing wrong with the both of you.

Lots of peeps hate Junkrat :man_shrugging:
Good thing that I don’t play for their sakes

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Good for you, if were to buff junkrat, what you would do to him.

I would just revert the nade nerf or do some visual and bug fixes. To stop nades from phasing through targets on hits sometimes.

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I prefer to have debates to be sure. The problem is a LOT of people argue from a place of emotion and not an objective standpoint. They’re right because they FEEL they’re right, and you cannot tell them otherwise.

And if you find yourself in an argument with those people, I follow an old adage: You cannot argue with a fool. They will lower you to their level, and beat you with experience. :slight_smile:

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