The Zen Café, A new and improved place to vent and relax

I can get you a cute animal!


How is everybody doing? How was your weekend off?

I just realized we can invite the devs themselves to threads. Should we try it with this place?


Hiya Kiwi, I’d suggest you share the direct link to the image instead of linking is to the album.

Like so


Thanks! I messed around till I figured out how to get the direct link lol

Its breakfast time, we should open up more of an early morning menu

But we serve whatever people want already, our menu has to be on tablets or else people drown in them. So there’s already plenty of breakfast food.

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Be warned for thou that enters thy discord. They run rampant, praising a false god. Enter, and prepare to never come back.

I’m back~

Yeah the discord is crazy. Far too chaotic and clustered. I like chaos, but this is not a healthy kind of chaos. It has an order, but you must be around the entire time to keep up.

Alexis has joined the server :slight_smile:

Is it really that bad? I’ve been on there awhile and it doesn’t seem so bad.

You probably are able to keep up with it. I’m not so it’s pretty bad to me.

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That’s one of the things i disliked about it, since you seemed so focused on that awhile back.

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Can I get some rum to drown my sorrows?

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Sure thing buddy.

Gets rum and slides it to PyroPanda

May I ask what is troubling you?

Gets rum and downs it

I just feel lonely, that’s all.

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Ah, sorry to hear that. You want somebody to talk too?

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I don’t need to. I don’t deserve anyone.