The Zen Café, A new and improved place to vent and relax

I’ll send the message to nerdgurl for ya.

She now lives on the Discord Zen cafe.

Also Pokemon on switch hype.

On the contrary the cafe there hasn’t had customers in awhile. At least here you have me. Lol

Can I has another Irish coffee?

No. No coffee for you.



I’ll take one bourbon, one scotch, one beer.

I can’t help you, officially on strike until I get a Mug.

I…am not…happy, state of decay 2 came out like half an hour ago…and it has a really bad bug in it

All the text flickers!, its annoying!

Oh no. I was literally about to go play it. How bad?

it doesnt ruin the game, it just makes it annoying, hopefully they patch it soon,

Hopefully, but i could see them putting it off until the physical launch.

we will see, hopefully soon though, i wont be playing it until it gets fixed, its just…too annoying

I’m about to try it anyway. Hopefully it won’t annoy me too much or it’s some kinda freak case. Have you tried restarting? Sometimes that can fix issues. As can hard restarting the Xbox. Not sure what to do on PC.

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I will take a Tranquilitea and some scones please. Slide some jelly sandwiches to JellyandJam over there. On me.

we will see…i really wish state of decay had cross platform play

I don’t have the glitch. I had it happen once on one screen, even that same thing hasn’t done it again. I do have the shadows and corpses glitch out quite a bit.

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Here is your stuff, sorry for the wait.

It’s my birthday today! What do you guys want to do today?

I want to wish you Happy Birthday and a lot of luck! :mage:

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