The upcoming nerfs are not enough imo

I’m convinced you’re either a troll or legitimately have no grasp on balancing. It’s one or the other.


And I’m convinced you just throw random insults to strawman anything and doesnt actually contribute actually good points ever and just baits.

Make threads saying supports or dps should be nerfed by 33% across the board or something for a change. It’s unhinged.

All good points are lost on you so it doesn’t matter.

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I did actually put up a post with nerfs across the board for all of the roles.

I also didnt say nerf her overral by 33%, your logical sense is lacking, if u nerf only her D.M by 33% it doesnt nerf her overral strenght by 33%, its more like 10% at worse.

I could say the same for you but at least i’m bumping my thread with you so i’ll keep replying :+1:

I mean are you an egotist or something? How many times are you going to link that same post?

This is what I mean about unhinged.
Did you even listen to the balance talk they did on Twitter? Your suggestions are light years away from where their balancing from.
It’s not even close. They’re never going to even come close to making changes that resemble what you’re saying.

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I kind of am, not gonna deny that, but also lack memory here and there, so i actually forgot i had posted that to you so yea my bad there.

Still just throwing out insults though, not random tho this time i’ll applaud it.

That post was a looong time ago, i for one think the balance team is playing too safe atm and alot of people kinda of agree,

I wouldnt say i’m very happy with how slow they are with changing stuff thats obviously broken like Soujourn and the Tank role in general so i’ll post that, its that simple.

Its not even about that either, since i put the changes to be criticzed by the community to see if i failed to see if they are bad or not.

Am i not allowed to be unhappy with the games current and continuous balance?

OP definitely never played D.Va. The just got killed by a D.Va so they want her to get trashed further.
Don’t be an idiot.
She was good but never OP. She was picked because of the current meta. Blizzard is also an idiot for nerfing her but not nerfing Sojourn and all the other heroes that should be prioritized over D.Va.
DM is overrated.
They will trash her anyways so dw. Blizzard doesn’t like D.Va. She will be near useless after a few nerfs.

Yep, everytime i die to a different hero i come here to the forums and call for nerfs.
Even though i’ve been playing this game in and out since its launch, every day, every single match i make a different post for every hero that kills me.

Fantastic argument :skull:

She is overpowered and dealing like 20 less dmg isnt gonna change that.

Sure is.

Different balance team, if they were to trash her why did they do these super minimal changes then?

I’m willing to bet (nothing really what) that basically stays literally just the same lvl of pick/winrate and still overpowered, we’ll see exactly that this upcoming playoffs.

Actually she gets even better because Sombra/Zarya are worse.

Because D.Va isn’t that OP? Her crit box is huge. She melts faster than pretty much any tank.

She’s really fun to play. People underestimate how much that plays into pick rate.

Genji has been trash tier at many points in this game and he has always had a high pick rate.

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Dva main here, i think this change will not affect much, but i don´t feel Dva is that op, only if you have really good supports or the enemy team is inferior to yours. In even comps you cannot be as decisive.

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Winston/Doom/Queen/Hog die much easier than her, her critbox is not that much bigger its issue is that its centered on her model.

Hecc even Ball/Rein can die just about as fast as well but their biggest strenghts is durability but dont do as much as her.

She has 3 seconds of basically invulnerability against “crit” based damage (Unless its Soujourn ult cuz thats balanced, NOT)

And a ton of mobility to just escape a ton of situtations, she is not an easy tank to take out at all.

Having your character be effective in even comps is not an argument for her not being OP, that just means the other team is also abusing other OP characters or as well.

Shes definetly OP in comparison with the balanced tanks like Rein, Orisa, Queen* (Queen needs a small buff)

Just went and looked at KarQ’s video about all the changes from OW1 to OW2 and they made the barrier cooldown one second faster but also reduced how long it is up by one second.

My problem with Rein is while he’s designed as a traditional tank (i.e soaking damage) I feel like he should still have value elsewhere. I don’t think that pin’s damage and fire strike should get damage buffs. But one of them should imo.

If you’re insinuating that damage as a whole has gone down since OW1 I’d have to ask proof on that. Since at least from my own experiences lethality in OW2 seems to have increased.

I genuinely agree and hope you’re not thinking I was suggesting that. I was just trying to discuss an incorrect perspective about tank power from what I’ve witnessed from average players. Nothing more.

Sure, but it really depends on how well the game retains players. Currently for more than one reason OW2 seems unpopular. So if the “regular” player that visits OW2 doesn’t show up often enough their aim skill won’t really move.

That technically is a little nerf yeah, so tiny though.

Compared to his OW1 counterpart ,he does more consistent damage with 2 firestrikes with a much better mobility cooldown that i coulndt actually unironically tell you to unbind it to play him well now,

His issue, yea is that he is pretty easy to avoid much like Orisa and unlike Zarya (his brawly tank peers) doesnt have so many stats that he cant just solo the whole team when the situation arises, but he can still do stuff, not nearly as much as an charged Zarya but better than an Orisa on close range.

I think if we were to buff him, reverting the weird Pin damage nerf they put on by making it so pin itself does 50 damage when pinning some1, so that you can technically Firestrike > Swing > Charge and it will kill the person by just running them over while also by just booping them, to me its kinda weird that his charge boop does dmg but not his actual pin and also just deals 225 total dmg now seems a little odd, a minor buff.

Nonono, we were talking about how tanks are more effective on less mechanically skilled lobbies and there, dmg is just overral less present cuz the dps just cant play well.

Dmg absolutely went up by a ton with 5v5, obviously with one less tank.

Well, mechanical skill can be learned through many types of games, what the new players would actually struggle with is game sense, knowing to focus the squishys instead of the big horn(ed) horse there just being loud.

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I would be fine with a small nerf to bubble’s HP if they’d be willing to revert the duration nerf.

I can agree to this.

Oooooh okay, my apologies.

I think he needs (50-100) less bubble hp and (50-100) converted armor so (400-450) hp and (100-150) armor from the current (350 + 200)

Whatever feels the right amount.

Long reply chain, cant blame ya.

They did nerf him though

See, the change timeline is kinda difficult to follow.

Appearently (and i’m not even 100 on this), got buffed on the closed alpha test client because Winston was alot better, they gave her 1 more second of D.M and i think…some other small change, so at that stage, they shouldnt have buffed her that way and just actually nerf Winston instead.

(Source is i think Flats talking about tanks on his experience on the closed alpha)

hindsight is 20/20 i know but it just paints the picture of how i think the balance rn stands at, Winston needs to get nerfed and so does her.

I feel like buffing his HP/armor in place of losing it on bubble would make him more frustrating to deal with in lower brackets due to his mobility. They already did give him 50 more armor from OW1 as is. I don’t think he’d need an HP/armor buff if they nerfed bubble HP. But I’m also not a Winston enthusiast so idk what’s good for him overall.

Thats not a buff btw, its a armor convertion to normal HP, a straight nerf.

The current has 200 armor and 350 HP, i would convert some of that armor to HP, it gets confusing i know.

So he’d lose at least both 50 armor and 50 bubble HP to a maximum of 100 armor and 100 Bubble Health, i think 50 armor and 50 bubble is the actual balanced place but idk, could be more than that, maybe something inbetween.

Oh my apologies. I guess I’m just tired today. I’m fine with that then.