The true reason why Zen isn't viable

Healing creep. Why pick Zen when u can have double main healer and pump over 120HP/S making every comp with ridiculous sustain? (I basically can’t play Lúcio/Zen in plat anymore unless i go full reddit and confirm kills in the backline) But lets increase damage, it’ll surely help dealing with healing in the game (obvious sarcasm).

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in ranked heals are generally better than utility because people in ranked usually don’t position properly, take cover properly (i see garbage reins whine about damage when all they do is block worthless spam), or manage cooldowns properly

zen is good in owl because discord is incredible and they take full advantage of it, whereas in ranked your random ashe or random zarya don’t bother killing the glowing target

zen was really good in mercy meta ranked because there wasn’t the busted amount of aoe heals being vomited out so people didn’t get super angsty for playing with lesser heals, not to mention the mercy pocket

Moth having two free resurrects also allowed people to just int with no punishment. Zen’s healing wasn’t going to save them anyway, so they paid no attention to whether they had the orb on them unless they died and didn’t instantly get resurrected.

ik. I was main support back then and played duo with my friend as Mercy and we almost hit diamond only doing that lol

Because Discord isn’t valuable in a DoubleBarrier meta

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Even before double shield he wasnt good in my rank. The healing in lower ranks is far more important than any utility, which is why Moira is one of the highest picked supports in plat.

Because Discord wasn’t valuable for Mei/Reaper 2Tank comps either.

Yeah, But insane healing is and that same insane healing is the reason why he is garbage rn.

More like not enough vulnerability to Dive to make a discord matter

U think i’d cry about Mei being busted a year ago if healing wasnt so strong? it was literally impossible to kill her cause of 250HP and OP Bap(he was op asf after all the buffs some time ago)/Moira comps lol

With Ashe, Genji and McCree being meta over the last year, heroes like Zenyatta and Lucio don’t have enough healing to be able to compete with their damage output.

I agree AoE healing is too strong, but you can’t give gutting nerfs to AoE healing and expect the problem to go away. We will wind up in a massive damage creep problem.

In reality, Ashe, Genji and McCree need to be brought down a notch at the same time as Moira, Baptiste and Brigitte AoE healing being brought down.

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Which hero would be Diveable?


in owl, zen was meta in that comp but only situationally on payloads with bap

realistically, without making zen op for owl and gm i don’t see how they can even make him good across ranked in all metas when he’s a skillful support with a top 3 ability that requires precision for survival

Why do u think damage was increased? instead of reducing healing they increased damage and thats just an awful change.

If they bring them down without nerfing healing further it will still remain strong.

Correction: single target healing will be strong.

Nobody is arguing Ana and Mercy (primarily single target healers) heal too much. The problem is with aoe healing.

Yeah, but i don’t want to be eaten alive by Moira mains by mentioning her, cause i main Genji as DPS so my arguments are all invalid no matter what.

Zen is supposed to be the best support in DS along with Baptiste. You don’t need the extra sustain because of shields and Zen is one of 2 supports that have significant barrier break while being able to heal

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it’s lame that we got that one huge support patch after mercy meta but never a patch that nerfs aoe heals and the top dpses

honestly nerfs to the top 3-4 dpses and nerfs to aoes would go a long way since i think a lot more things are viable or fringe viable than people think but are just overshadowed or can’t compete with aoe heals

They could make AnchorTanks more Diveable.

[✅] Abbreviated Tank Changes

discord makes anchor tanks more divable

that’s why owl doesn’t use double shield that much atm though i wonder if that’ll remain after orisa returns from her ban