That’s more to do with Asia favoring Dive comps, and specifically Chungdu loving the lack of Mei
Omg really? And why would one forego Zenyattas utility, damage and a defensive ult for so much healing. Is high healing really this essential? Why?
Zen was one of the best heroes in the game when Moira and Ana both healed more.
Oh my god really? So they haven’t reduced the healing output of Moira, Ana, Baptiste and Brig at all ever since the last time Zen was meta just 7 months ago? That’s just horrible. Why would the developers not decrease the healing of these heroes to their lowest points to date!!!
Healing is essential the lower u go, cause people cant take cover on walls and rely too much on shields.
Moira’s healing was 80HP/s which was beyond busted, but at least it was HP/s and not burst healing while Ana and Bap are burst healing. Bap’s 60 was stupid and Ana’s 70 per shot still stupid, but who am i to complain. Also, i also main supports, i just am against insane healing for a game like this (and also ridiculous damage that delete tanks in a second)
Wait wait wait, Are you telling me that despite being Meta with an 8% pickrate while Moira had 80hps, Baptiste had 60 per nade and Ana had 75 per shot, he is unable to be meta now because of healing creep when Moira has 65, Baptiste has 50 and Ana has 70? My god my calculator must be broken because these numbers don’t make sense.
He was meta where? OWL? cause i havent seen Zen meta for a while now in ranked (Unless u mean Bap/Zen before brig armor buffs) which was just ran at higher ranks for what i know. Also, not even talking about meta, but being viable at all in diamond and below.
Is this the same Brig that lost her ability to give armor outside ultimate? Or is that another Brig
Now it could be just wild speculation from my side, but it almost seems like having a strong competent main healer to compensate for his low heals was making him viable, while the same main healers being weakened means they need more heals provided by their off supports which zen doesn’t do.
But this is just crazy assumption on my part. There is absolutely no way that the reduction in healing hurt zens viability despite the fact that his viability was at it’s peak when healing was highest and is at it’s worst when it’s reaching career low for the heroes he worked with.
I really wish Zen was a not viable crap. I am selfish, yeah. But every time I heal and I get him into the game, it´s pain for me to keep group alive and ofc. I have to deal with all that crap and blames cause “but you are the main healer, Zen can´t heal much so it´s your fault”. Yeah, have fun with Zens than, I am out. I specialy love, when Zen doesn´t even bother to use his healing orb, or he puts it on the one person and never changes targets, even tho that person is dead, or other people around him are critical.
That and he moves 1 mph, has a giant hit box, and really no way to defend himself other than throwing East to dodge balls
Actually, he’s not bad at all when he can survive. He has a big hitbox, pretty immobile, no shield and no CC. He’s the most favorite target of DF in game.
because 120hps doesn’t shut down a dragon blade, or let people have a chance or surviving a grav
his hitbox tho is atrocious, basically a floating rhombus
Zen isn’t really a healer, primarily. He’s supposed to deal a lot of damage, but they gutted that ability. His healing was always just a fun thing you could stick on a flanker. Now he doesn’t have a niche