The Treatment of Mercy Mains

No offense, but they never said that they got reworks more so that they’ve been shafted and crippled by bugs, ineffective in their niche and one got put in a state worse than it was beforehand and hasn’t actually been improved since.

Umm…I don’t think them being Support heroes or not should matter when they’ve experienced the same treatment overall.

This is incredibly disingenuous to say considering that Symmetra has more or less been a non-factor for a much longer period of time than Mercy.

No, apples and bananas aren’t the same but that really doesn’t apply here.

The point being made is that most, if not ALL heroes in the game get ignored and shafted throughout Overwatch’s lifetime and that to act as if a singular group has gotten the short end of the stick and ONLY them, is a very close-minded view to have.

Nobody really gets listened to in terms of feedback.

Roadhog-Mains didn’t want the 30% damage reductions, Sombra-Mains didn’t want the 75% to 50% decrease in stealth, Lucío-Mains didn’t want their aura radius to be shrunk, Widowmaker-Mains did not want their Grappling Hook cooldown to be reverted to 10 seconds.

It happens to everyone and that’s the point that needs to be made.

Mercy is not the only victim throughout all this.

People are entitled to their opinion, yes this is true.

However, people are also entitled to have said opinion challenged and for most players outside the Mercy-demographic, they feel the exact same way that Mercy-Mains do in terms of general treatment.

You’re not doing yourself much if favors by acting in the manner that you are currently.

I don’t know about the person who responded to you, but sensible people don’t call others entitled unless there’s a reason for it.

…and unfortunately, I have to agree.

Some Mercy-Mains are entitled and present themselves as suffering in a manner that anyone who doesn’t main Mercy will never understand when the opposite is in fact, true.

Despite how frustrating it may be to play Mercy, at least you can take solace in the fact that your character is still A) Very viable & B) Still gets some form of developer response and attention.

Otherwise, we’d all be like the Bastion-Mains who are like the red-headed stepchild of the entire roster.

…and Lord only knows what’s going to happen when Torbjörn gets his rework…

All-in-all, you are not alone…we are all frustrated and suffering in this game together…and nobody really has it worse than the other.

…Unless you main Bastion or Torbjörn, then life just hates you.

Everybody wants this and that’s fine, I agree with wanting this sort of viability wholeheartedly.

I just don’t get down with this idea that only this specific subset within the community is getting it worse than the others (except for Bastion & Torbjörn) because at the end of the day, we’re all struggling in this game just like the other guy.


Mercy players in every game of mine get thanked via voice and text, upvoted at the end of the match, and will always get an endorsement from me if they play well. This is not uncommon. In fact, it’s rarer to see a Mercy card NOT reach the 5 vote threshold.

You’re the most appreciated players in the whole game. Good gravy, how much do you want?

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Man, Thank you for admiting your mistake, we all forgive you :smiley:
It all can go down bad when you are in nerves, This… Wasn’t the smartest post to make.
We all make mistakes :heart:


Heh, i was expecting you to step on your word.

I mean, i couldn’t ignore the thread out of sheer curiosity. I was kinda expecting you to check the comments out of curiosity atleast.


i personally never understood the hate towards mercy mains

i get that some heros are easier then others but it doesnt mean you wont like and enjoy that hero


An opinion being popular doesn’t mean its a good idea either. The post was about Blizzard taking advice from hero players. I think its fairly obvious they listen to feedback from players. We know for a fact they consult with pro players. Do they not count ?

Literally the only one worse off on the current PTR is mercy. reducing her HPS to 50 was an often sited potential nerf for her on these forums and elsewhere

A 300 hp burst heal is not a QoL improvement. Its a pretty significant buff to her ult.

again a potential nerf brought up quite lot o n the forums

Nothing you said in this post suggests the devs don’t listen to player feedback.

I’m a Mercy main and don’t feel mistreated / victimized at all.

It’s about your perception.

Not like the current Mercy has a higher pickrate the the last incarnation of Mercy 1.0.
SO somehow people want an OP hero… who had a lower pickrate then the one we have now?

They can’t please everyone especially considering mercy is OP.

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Yeah, you poor Mercy mains have had it soo rough with your over 12% pick rate. It must be hard being viable every match. I imagine it’s boring not having any hard counters. Being left alone instead of being insulted for not switching based on what the enemy picks. Pooooor Mercy mains.

Thank you for the kind words! :heart: truly means a lot!

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dont blame Blizzard.

Their other teams are not liek the OW team.

Ion, head of WoW devs, even came out and said they messed up. (and he is the hated dev like jeff is here)

The OW dev (or balance idk which or if they are both in it) team is not how the company is overall.

same thign will happen to it as official one…player will abuse flag system and have it locked :confused:

Almost like the problem hasn’t been fixxed and we all saw these newest nerfs coming a mile away
when blizzards “success” needs more then 5 sets of nerfs one of which was. A set of sledgehammer nerfs where the devs don’t even try to hide the fact it was nothing but a desperate ploy to get her out of must pick status

I wouldn’t be the Kind-of-but-not-officially-the-leader-of-jelly’s-fan-club, if i couldn’t do a simple thing like forgive a little whoopsie :heart:

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I don’t think so, as my mega thread has not gained much attention and is not pinned.

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That’s all that matters at the end of the day.

I feel like so as long as you can acknowledge that you made a mistake and try to improve yourself after acknowledging it then you’re alright in my book.


You are a damned legend

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Finally someone who can speak some sense. Reality check!

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… is too soft - blizz should’ve nerfed hard Mercy long time ago and unpin-close this dumb “megathread” filled with toxicity and 1000000mln “revert mercy” posts.

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Hey, It was resolved allready.