The Treatment of Mercy Mains

I can’t believe it either. Blizzard is way to careful lhen it comes to Mercy and her Nerfs. Instead of 1 big nerf or some medium nerfs they nerf Mercy just a little bit every time.

If it was a DPS that was so strong compared to other DPS characters Blizzard would have taken the nerf hammer down big time. But with Mercy they just tap her slightly with the hammer for almost a year…

Why? Because every time Mercy gets a nerf the players go into “DPS favouritism” and “they killed Mercy” mode. That is why Blizzard is taking to long.

If some Mercy players wouldn’t cry wolf every time, every day Blizzard would take the feedback seriously.

To my count they “killed” Mercy atleast 10 times and every time she remains on top :man_shrugging:


I don’t know what the point of this is, we already have had a couple threads like these, and all they did was cause trouble and lots of arguing.

I don’t blame you James, you are cool❤️

(Always nice to see you)

but this isn’t helping one bit, and most will disagree.

Truth is, mercy mains are the same as all mains, mercy has gotten plenty of attention, weather it’s good or bad, who cares, this game isn’t about mercy, and people need to stop pretending like it is.

A lot of the debates come down to personal preference and opinion. A lot of people think she is fun, a lot don’t. That’s better then the state of a lot of other heroes.

Fun or not, people would love for their favourite character to be viable in all metas😂

That’s just Jellys opinion on the matter, take no offense.


I’m assuming you’re why he silenced his own post.

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If JellyandJam is done with the matter you know you’re done for😂


I know, you will not see this but…
Why would you post this thread on the disscusion OVW forums, When you are actively trying not to discuss?


Well she’s not gonna get reverted so you’re gonna be making those videos a long time.

There is no need to read the rest of the post. you already know what its going to say. its been said a 100 times already.


No, It hasn’t.
It’s been said 3 megathreads and 60000 posts allready.

Hey man, good to see you👌


See you in 2082, if the world will even exist then.

Why would you want to speak to someone that has no intention of having a disscusion?

“I won’t listen to you”, so why does he have to listen to what the OP said?

Good to see you too buddy


Hey, Nice to meet you :slight_smile:


People don’t post on these forums to talk to other people (or they shouldn’t), they’re for the devs to MAYBE read their post and consider what the original poster is asking. I don’t post on here usually to talk to any of you.

Dude just go Sombra and hack her!!!1

‘‘General Discussion’’ :
‘‘Discuss all things Overwatch with fellow players.’’

Being brought up on the forums does not mean it was popular opinion among the characters mains. Most of these leave a hero worse off than before. The buffs that people did get were superficial and did nothing to help the hero. Lucio may be the only exception in this case with aura radius, and i’m still wondering what bug came with it.

Moira is still useless in higher elo’s because resource can still be denied. They didn’t revert the healing through barriers at all, which is pretty detrimental to a hero that does nothing but heal.

Ana’s Nano buff is more quality of life than anything, and doesn’t fix her glaring issue of being the main healer with the worst healing since power creep. Don’t even get me started on how bad they messed up Ana to begin with.

I’m pretty sure not one Brigitte main wanted her shield bash nerfed so tracer has more reign in this game.

Sombra’s completely trash tier now, nobody asked for this. Nobody asked for any of her changes. And even the one’s people were okay with came with so many bugs it ruined her further, bugs which they still didn’t manage to fix.

Reinhardt mains lost all their animation cancels. Rein who’s already in such a bad place in this game and is nothing more than a mobile shield. Also still full of bugs

Zarya’s charge decay buff is terrible considering the nerf that came with it.


That’s were you are wrong buddy. Forums are by definition public spaces to talk with other people, not a select few.

You can aswell send them an email and stop reading these forums. You don’t want to take part in them so i don’t get why you waste your time here.

Send an email and be done with it. Use Google to find contacts.


It’s LITERALLY the first thing you see when you enter general DISCUSSION

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Alright everyone.

I have read the first 10 comments and I want to apologise.

When I made this thread, I was very angry and should not have posted anything. Instead, I should have calmed down first and then posted something whilst I was in the right state of mind.

Hope you guys can forgive my stupidity!

Hope you’re all well :heart:

I’m also going to edit this into my OP.