The Support Riot explanation

10 percent dps* 90 percent support*

She has a bunch of support abilities that made her relevant*

And is not equal to at all to soldiers*

Roadhog is an offtank – Tanks and offtanks and front line supports… why bring him back to this?

Her shield was amazing.

So devs can’t change their minds? Maybe the way they were making her as support wasn’t working or felt bad.

This is why I think Blizz needs to be harder at keeping their mouth closed about things like this. This community takes every as gospel. It’s also likely why we see fewer and fewer dev comments on the forums.

90% Dps 10% Support

her strong primary, strong secondary, and decent turrets out weigh a bad shield ult and a teleporter. also im talking her current ult not her original.

sym is a dps deal with it
if sym should be a support due to her teleporter soldier should be a support because of healing pad. this is your logic talking pal not mine

They only changed her from support because of the ultimate, they felt like it wasnt a supportive ultimate and didn’t want supports to use it. – read the article.

Not talking to the community nor listening as well is the reason they are where they are at now and why most companies fail — NCSOFT.

10% dps 90% support.

Her Weak primary which is only good for clearing shields – supportive.
Her actual Primary [the secondary] is her only real dps ability
Shield gen was amazing
photon barrier ulti – is not out weight by the sentries and its a strong supportive ultimate.
her teleporter literally is pure supportive atm.


90% Dps 10% support
her primary is honestly powerful in its current state and deals great damage if aimed correctly. her secondary fire is also great and deal significant damage if it hits. and her turrets whilst not what they used to be are still more then enough to deal with enemies and if your team is good enough they can be a real burden to the enemy. her teleporter is meh rn and is only good for shortening travel distance and her ult is trash at the moment. her dps abilities significantly outweigh her support leftover abilities.

This is where I hard disagree, as a DPS main. We have 16 heroes. If people feel that is inadequate and that they need more and more when Supports and Tanks only have 7 and 8, respectively, that’s entirely a them issue.

It’s like the kid with 10 toys demanding that he get the last Bionicle at the store, even though he has a fairly new toy and the other two kids who want it only have four toys apiece. If you’re the adult in this situation, I think most people would pretty reasonably give it to one of the kids with four toys. Put DPS/Support/Tank on that situation, and somehow it suddenly flips to everyone saying how we need to give the kid with 10 toys the extra toy :man_shrugging: That, to me, seems extremely greedy of the kid with 10 toys, particularly if he then tries to label the other two as selfish for wanting more. It’s just very silly to me that someone would look at this situation and say “well plainly the kid with ten toys is entitled to that Bionicle!”


10% dps 90% support.

her primary is honestly weak in its current state and lacks even if aimed correctly. mostly used supportively to remove shield gens and ocassional genji tickles.
her secondary fire is her main source of dmg, basically her primary. her Sentries are weaker than her 2.0 version.

"her teleporter is meh rn and is only good for shortening travel distance and her ult is trash at the moment. "
Because they are very supportive/utility base abilities on a DPS role char for some reason.

her dps abilities significantly don’t outweight her support leftover abilities.


As a support main speak for yourself.

She was never an effective support in any capacity. She never belonged in the support category. Nothing sucked more than solo healing and having someone think they were actually being useful. Old Torb and 76 were better supports.

With this in mind, it’s not surprising that quite a few of us wanted her kicked out of the support category. I personally would have wanted her to be a tank, but she def belongs more in DPS than in support.

I have no issues with Echo being a DPS. I wouldn’t main support if I didn’t already like the existing ones. I’d rather have better balance and a team that’s actually worth a damn.


90% dps 10% support

her primary fire and secondary fire are more then enough to shred through enemies, i know this from first hand experience. her sentries whilst not as good as they used to be still deal sigifigant damage and if used by the sym player correctly and her team supports her properly her sentries can destroy the enemy team, her teleporter has such a short range its only use is shortening travel distance by a few seconds or reaching near by platforms, not that big of a support ability. and her shield ult is still trash rn. ultimatly her dps abilities out weigh her support leftover abilities, cased closed

90% support 10% dps

her primary is for shreading shields only. Her secondary, new primary fire, are the only things that really can dmg an enemy down.

i know this from first hand experience. her sentries are not as good as they used to be.

She need the team to support her properly to make her kit work if not, she is more of a weight/burden to her team.

her teleporter has such a short range its only use is shortening travel distance by a few seconds or reaching near by platforms, basically a support ability.

And* her shield ult is still trash rn (agreed). ultimatly her dps abilities dongt out weigh her support leftover abilities, cased closed

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90% dps 10% support
both primary and secondary fire is good. her turrents are good all things considered, her teleporter is not a good support ability since it has stupidly short range. and her ult is bad, so bad i a partcial sym main easily forget it since its such a bad ult and is ultimately a useless ability. at best its used to block an ult or something but it still useless, since the enemy can just cross it no trouble and its so easy to misplace the stupid thing. her 2 support abilites are meh and absolute trash, her dps abilities are better. case closed end of arguement were done here.

90% Support 10% DPS
both primary and secondary fire is weak. her turrents are weak all things considered, her teleporter is not a good ability since its a supportive ability.

and her ult is bad, so bad i a partcial sym main easily forget it since its such a bad ult and is ultimately a useless ability. – agreed it is bad for a dps hero because its a supportive abilities.

her good version was given to sigma.

her 2 support abilites are meh and absolute trash on a dps hero

case closed end of arguement were done here.


Not wrong. I get that Some are unhappy, but stop taking it out on other players.

At the same time, I hope people will recognize it isn’t everyone acting this way.

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Equal distribution is a horrible idea when there isn’t an equal roster. I’m tired of hearing this weak af argument


Just jumping in here to say that Symmetra is definitely a Damage hero and will never be a Support hero ever again.


I mean they barely make appearances so i think they are already following this lmao.

I don’t think the forums will cool off until they begin to tackle all the issues and return to communicating with us.

reworked as a dmg hero but not well done – still has half her kit as support. Believe what you must. and your welcome.

People can’t understand what they didn’t see.

Suggest those who didn’t see Sym as a support, look toward other games with non healing supports.


Or look towards Kaplan who doesnt want Symmetra to be a Support

Meanwhile he made Echo (the better Sym)

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They’ve done it before tho?

Did you miss the part where the hero was originally planned to be a support in the first place? It had nothing to do with people setting their own expectations.

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