all current supports heal in some way, sym never had a healing ability she always had a dps vibe. shes best left in the dps roster, where she fits better
Thats because her initial design was to be a builder support who just shields her team and provides a bunch of uttility. Its not uncommon for games to release one support that Just provides tons of utility and buffs.
And its not uncommon for these chars to be reworked a bit later to get some healing in their kits.
Support (Ana)
Dps (Sombra)
Tank (Orisa)
Dps (Doom)
Support (Moira)
Support (Brig)
[Support (Sym) reworked to Dps (Sym]
Tank (Ball)
Dps (Ashe)
Support ( Baps)
Tank (Sigma)
Dps (Echo)
- +4 dlc Supports (not including -2.0 Sym)
- +4 dlc Dps (not including +3.0 Sym)
- +3 dlc Tanks
If anything, Tanks deserve a free dlc hero more so than Supports deserve to receive a 5th dlc hero…
I would be ok with 4(S), 3(D), and 4(T)… nevertheless Dps was next in line.
The right thing to do would be to release one more Tank before OW1 so that all the free dlc heroes from 2016 to 2020 are evenly distributed… so that each role had received four new heroes.
Or they never should have reworked Sym and made Brig a Tank. They neglected Tanks to compensate Supports with Brig for the eventual loss of Sym.
Fact is, Dps deserved a new hero. And the Sym rework screwed the Tanks out of a hero.
by that logic soldier and roadhog should be supports too. bro sym is fine as is, shes been reworked like twice now, just stop. leave her be. enough!
Straight truth here, some people really need to see this right now.
And some people conveniently selectively ignore the good that Blizzard has done for support,
whether it’s breaking their “we don’t balance platforms separately” rule in order to separately balance Ana on console so she is easier to play, or the recent QoL where she can toggle confirm a nanoboost on someone,
or making role queue so you always are ensured two tanks and a cohealer and you don’t have to babysit 5 dps every match,
or giving Ana, Baptiste, and Mercy all mini-events with special limited edition skins, or short stories for Ana and Mercy,
Or the two premium skins (Pink and Atlantic) for Mercy, or the premium skin for Zen (the octopus), or the premium Lucio DJ emote, or the premium skin for Brig (GOAT)
tehy don’t follow this – this role is next-- pattern you guys speak off
No one was next in line for anything…
Supports and tanks are the ones that needed a hero release and more so supports.
Soldier is a pure dps – horrible example
Roadhoag is an offtank.
There are two kinds of supports in games —
Those who take dmg and protect their team in the front – tanks and off tanks
those who buff, debuff, control, bring utility, and heal in the back. Healers and enchanters.
sym is also pure dps. bad choice for a rework.
Some of them, yeah. I’ve never seen anything wrong with calling people out when they’re acting foolish publically. Sometimes it does make sense to point out to someone that they’re acting spoiled. Other times it’s just trolling.
To me a good deal of people seem like they do need to hear “Get over it” in this specific case. People are literally calling the devs out with very negative tones over things so small as “but she LOOKED like a support” - like what? I dunno… I’d expect someone to tell me how foolish I’m acting if I chose something like that to flame the devs over. Different breeds I guess
Sym isnt a pure dps she is a support.
She shields her team, buffs her team, brings heavy uttility, has zone control. great example.
They did make a very foolish decision, but people harp over the wrong things.
oh definitely. “People” do everything. People kill.
she doesnt have or give shields, her ult shield is the worst shield in the game, she does have a zone control but so does torb and hes not a support, honestly her support days are long gone, shes 100% dps at this point.
Who cares
That won’t stop me and anyone else from enjoying the game
o.o that escalated lol.
Her Shield generator was amazing and it gave shields to her whole team as long as its up? There are places you can put that thing that no one would fine. My uptime with that gen was very high. what are you talking about lol… what even! half her hp are shields btw .
yeah they are gone, they made her 50 percent dps now.
I think Sym just needs a damage buff
she doesnt have a shield generator anymore, she doesnt give shields anymore. her only remainign shield is the ult and thats not a good shield at all. her only real support these days is teleporters but that doesnt make her a support hero or a 50% support, like how soldiers healing pad or roadhogs healing gas cloud dont make them 50% support. these days sym is just a dps hero with a teleporter. her gameplay is just ploping down turrets and stuff, not really support stuff.
nah just poking fun at how you can break any standard by grouping individuals up into the people. but now you got me wondering about how many forum posters are dangerous irl
I’m just hoping we didn’t scare the devs away from the forums for the time being. I dunno about you but if I was the head of a dev company I’d want to let a forum cool off for a while before showing up again…
i remember when she was doing dmg for once and got nerfed in less than a week lol.
One because she got reworked form support to a dps role.
Her ultimate is a powerful Support Utility tool. Designed poorly but still a strong one.
Her teleporter got nerfed down to favor more its supportive side. Its now inferior version of her old TP.
Primary isnt really a primary weapon, its mainly to just charge off shields.
Her secondary is the only real DPS ability and the main primary.
Sentries are weaker than her support version and don’t even slow as much. /shrug
50dps 50 support.
Riots in general are
It just makes the rioters look like a bunch of middle schoolers fighting over which Capri Sun is the best flavour. Like eesh. Just drink your juice, man.
no more like 90& dps 10% support, she has a few support abilities but its equivalent to soldiers healing pad or roadhogs healing cloud, not enough to make her a support. besides her ult shield is trash.