I wish they’d at least put sym on experimental as a support and see what people think
THey should definitely experiment her as a support with healing abilities before fully transitioning imo. Thats how it should of been done from start and its not too late do start now!
They tried reworking Sym into a healer,but they didn’t like it so they went with the DPS route. It’s been almost 2 years,there’s no point dwelling on this now. If anything,they should fix Sym’s current issues (infinite TP+unfair double shield meta nerfs) and listen to her mains for once.
Even then,I don’t see how she would’ve worked as a healer with healing turrets or smth without being an F tier throwpick.
all they did is try sentry healing and called it quits
Sym is not fine. Not at all. She’s used as a teleporter, that’s it. Her damage is abyssmal, in OWL most supports had higher damage output.
You, personally, might not be making it about DPS players, but a lot of support players have been.
Your points are mostly calm and well thought out. A lot of the other comments that I’ve seen, are people throwing glorified temper tantrums.
She was even developed as a tank for a while, as well. But, things change.
Take the whole Mauga/Sigma thing, for example. When they originally were working on the Mauga hero, They thought up a lot of the stuff that is in sigma’s kit, But they felt it didn’t really fit the character, so they changed course and someone else came up with the idea of Sigma and they ran with that.
Now, Mauga will be a different hero/kit, coming at another time, maybe for Overwatch 2.
This is what happens when they have multiple ideas and concepts and all that, being developed at the same time. Sometimes your concept A doesn’t end up being the final draft, sometimes it’s concept B, C or F.
And, in the case of Echo, her role was changed. In the case of Mauga/Sigma, they’re both Tanks, but different kit and Hero ideas ended up creating Sigma and made him come before Mauga.
It’s just how it is. Welcome to a game development
Yeah it is, because Kaplan does not want her to heal.
Posted that Sym rework (with a few tweaks): 💦 Doomfish's Sym Support Rework
Headed to bed now.
Honestly seeing a version of her primary beam adjusted for healing would be super interesting. Itd be like a more accuracy demanding mercy beam but with reward for keeping the “charge” up
Especially when we are forced to have an equal amount of each role on the team at once.
No its entitled to think that you should be the one getting a new hero when regardless of how many damage has, they haven’t gotten one in over a year and that just because you have less heroes they should change the order of role releases.
Nah, players are just malding because they’re not breaking their release cycle which has been consistent through the whole lifetime of the game aside from Moira and Brig being released back to back due to Sym moving roles. Since there are no exceptions like that IMO it’s naive to expect them to break the release cycle without them even hinting about it. The next releases are going to be Sojourn Support and Mauga Tank unless something happens. Since no new hero releases are happening until OW2 they might add more than one hero to the game at once though
You’ve gotten more new heroes than Tanks.
And Symm was never a true support. She gave team shields. She never impacted the game or kept tanks afloat the way the real supports do. She offered as much “support” as old Torb did with his armor. No one is saying “Why isn’t Torb support!”
So sick of these folks. I thought she’d be a support too but holy crap move on.
They don’t have a cycle. I’ve posted their releases. There is no actual pattern…
Besides 2019 – unless you count echo’s delay release… DPS role is the only role that has acquired a release every single year.
2016: Ana (sup), sombra (dps) --------- missing tank release
2017: orisa (tank), Doomfist (dps), Moria (sup) ------- even
2018: birdge (sup), hamster (tank), ashe (dps), + Sym (DPS) -Sym (Sup) (+2dps)
2019: Baptiste (sup), Sigma (tank) (missing dps – mosly due to OW2 delays)
2020: Echo (dps)– thats it for this year.
There is no intended order of release with regard to roles. Stop pretending there is.
i’ve posted two quick reworks of how sym could be reworked to healers on OP.
I will make more and post them here as well. This to show how she can easily be reworked to support with healing.
Agreed on Symm, they reworked her to be this weird F tier damage hero when she could have been a cool support. I always liked the idea of having 1 or 2 supports that are MOSTLY utility and minimal on heals, as an offhealer. Nowadays you have to roll with 2 main healers though because of the insane dps creep and simultaneous hps nerfs.
No, you’re right. But it has been the same since Brigitte. Why suddenly would it change?
Again, it wasn’t intended. What has been needed for the majority of the time is not what we’ve gotten.
This is about what the game needs for its own health.
Except it’s only a small ̶w̶h̶i̶n̶y̶ vocal portion of the support players that think that and most of them have no idea what they are talking about, at least the ones I’ve read on the forums.