The support nerf train has started again

You called it! It’s on the PTR now.

Well, this is how it is.

Support: gets nerfed into the ground
Their players: Why have you done this? Can we roll this back?
Crowd: Revert the nerfs are you crazy? They were broken! Busted! Totally dominating! You say the hero’s destroyed but actually they’re balanced now!

a bit later
Support: gets even further nerfed from the already nerfed state
Their players: What. Why.
Crowd, that previously said that the support in question was balanced: Boohoo! Support tears! Victim complex! The hero was broken and op and needed nerfs!

later on
Crowd: Why are my queue times so long???


Pickrate and especially WR stats over the last 2 years disagree, but they aren’t strong enough for me to argue against an opinion.

Either I am not going to play tonight, or I am going to one-trick Brigitte. If the community wants to keep nerfing her for how amazing she is they can’t possibly complain about how bad a healer she is and its my fault we are losing, right? Right? Right? … right?

I love this game sometimes. Enjoy the queue times indeed.

“Why aren’t you healing me?”

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I’m literally losing what little hair I have left over these changes.

I’m pulling out a new clump every week!

GG for the accuracy.

My money was on Lucio or Ana ^^’…

But I’m not being too hard on myself, I predicted map pools and hero bans almost immediately after Role Queue’s release being confirmed.

Devs and this community are getting so predictable anyways.

Also, I called for people wanting more hero bans in the DPS categories and guess what, there are already threads saying 2 DPS banned was not enough haha…

Gosh, the restriction trainwreck keeps going on and on…

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What their stats were doesn’t change that. Sombra was at least meta for a few days compared to Pharah and Sym. They all can use buffs, even tho Sym just got a damage buff which is the wrong kind of buff she needed.

Some of these changes still makes me glad I’m not playing this game seriously.

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There’s a thread that speculates the idea that Blizzard is nerfing the power creep in all roles. Support is specifically being reworked around Mercy so she’ll go back to being the go-to healer pick meant to be.

The only way to begin the power creep fix is to start by nerfing support. They keep the team fights going, so nerfing damage first makes no sense when you think about it.

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I’m either very passionate, or hopelessly addicted.

I’m still not sure which because I can go for weeks without touching this game and not care.

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I can’t wait how in a few months they’ll make their way back to mercy and they’ll probably make her healing 40 HPS from the already measly 50

…bad logic. The game has evolved beyond mercy. Who in their right mind would want to devolve the game?

Don’t get me wrong, I love these kind of games but the balancing and community killed my love for it so I’m here on the forums chatting and hoping for something to bring me back but nothing so far.


Don’t ask me. I didn’t make the thread. The theory was based on Blizzard’s statement of what value Mercy is meant to bring to the team.

To nerf power creep I assume they’d have to work backwards. Going back to the roots.

Looks at pick and win rates.

Yeah, maybe the disadvantages and advantages need serious tweaking here

wonder why… oh right you wont understand cause u actually fckin pepega irl lmaoooo

the loud dps mains won’t stop until every support has zero impact and is completely unfun to play


Those clowns whined about Moira orb and then we saw bunch of post whining about Moira orbs.

Monkey see, monkey do.


Then we get DPS whining about not getting any heals and put their blame on healers.

There is only one thing healer can do. Drop this game, uninstall it and never remember it again.


The largest nerf went to a DPS; the second largest nerf went to a tank, but its the support nerfs that have people playing the victim…