The support nerf train has started again

…Or inflate even more the dps qs.

I’m doing my part.

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Sombra was never meta, she was anti-meta or counter meta. Basically if you knew your team couldn’t win the Goats matchup, you could try subbing in Sombra for a shot at an upset.

Agree with you on “the wrong kind of buff” for Sym though. I think they are just scared of what she needs, small improvements to Teleporter.

Ask Jeoff. Or any DPS.

But also ask them about what do they think about nerfing one shots and burst damage.

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She was still being picked unlike Pharah and Sym tho.

I feel like she needs a little more HP on her turrets so they don’t get destroyed by just sneezing at them. With teleporter just decrease the CD if Sym destroys it.

This might be just me but I kinda liked the shield gen ult she had over the wall.

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That didn’t make her meta, just barely viable (42% WR after all).

Saying “unlike X and Y” is disingenuous, outside of Chengdu no other DPS, Orisa, Hog, Ana, and Mercy were never picked either.

Sombra wasn’t too strong, she couldn’t even break even in her literally perfect meta.

You think the Widow nerf is bigger than Ball?

No, that would make all armor tanks weaker and as a Main tank player I hate that idea.

Sombra while does need buffs she at least got barely picked unlike Pharah and Sym.

How is it disingenuous? We were talking about worst heroes which Pharah and Sym are head of Sombra. Those heroes you listed are were not picked cause they weren’t meta but outside of Orisa are viable.

Of course, ANY nerf to a DPS is totally uncalled for and ruins the hero, even the symbolic taps Widow, Hanzo and Doom got

And even then they get walked back

W8 wat, they already did it???

Yeah, it just went onto the PTR yesterday. A few hours after your post saying it was going to happen.