The support nerf train has started again

The issue is there isn’t much of a disadvantage in the heroes which do one shots.

Hanzo still have catjump, fan the bow, wall climbs etc.

As a one shotting hero, you would EXPECT him to not have more utilty powers than s76 who can’t.

I suspect the number of heroes who can one shot WITHOUT damage boost will go down. And the ones who CAN one shot will be less strong in other ways.

THAT is the problem, not that armor shouldn’t be good.

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The support nerf train and the tank nerf train have frequent trips and pull into the station with regular intervals. Meanwhile the damage nerf train takes much longer to get up to speed and has far fewer stops.

Also, the tank nerf train causes a train wreck about 50% of the time when it pulls into the station.


I’m already dead. I main tanks.


no but youre claiming am doing so and trying to shove it down my throat.
youre wrong.

Brig is broken in a way she works in specific situations pretty well and does awful in others with no middle way, which is the issue of having a tanky melee support.
one can say its ok, not all heroes should be viable at all situtations, i think the viability should be based around the players skills, their synergizes and weaknesses, not what heroes are played around otherwise you, which is how brig works rn, ur either enabled or you aint doing much.
another way to see it is, youre stuck with this situation where a hero is very good at one thing, and if nobody is doing that thing well youre just throwing.
abit how symmetra 2.0 worked well only on defense, and then didnt work ever against dive.
not sure if im clear enough.

not saying she’s op.
im saying her kit is a mess.

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Six in one, half dozen in the other.

If realistically armor doesn’t do much to improve tanks lifespan, and is primarily just holding back sustain damage characters(which was never the intent of it), wouldn’t removing armor and slightly improving their other forms of protection make more sense?

One day we will have six McCrees vs. six McCrees because everyone else has been deleted and people will still call McCree OP.

you are. you are complaining about brig and calling her broken. don’t try to treat it like you don’t want brig nerfed

but that’s not what they meant whatsoever, because their original reply to the topic of “the nerf train starting again” was

“nice, broken heroes need fixes”

if they were referring to brig being broken like sym in her being underpowered they wouldn’t have phrased it like that

i think it’s quite clearly kusarin was trying to say “good, nerf brig, she’s broken”

also i’m not disagreeing with you, just wondering why it seems kusarin agrees with your comment even though it’s clear he wasn’t trying to say brig was “broken like sym is”

at this point i kinda find it hard for them to be able to nerf brig justifiably.
are they gonna make repair pack go from 2 second duration to 3 and split the hps?
but isn’t that a better thing?

put longer cooldowns on her abilities?
i really don’t know.

The real problem here is that burst/One Shot damage is incredibly powerful in this game because of the lonnnnnnnnnng spawn tines, AND you have heroes with one shots like Widow and Hanzo that have no compensatory downsides.

I shoot at someone with soldier the enemy team had an opportunity to heal/shield/bubble/lamp/armor pack/kill me/get to over to try and stop me

I click on heads as Widow or Hanzo and the only mitigation is Mercy Rez. And Widow/Hanzo have fast ROF, unlimited ammo, no flinch or recoil or sway mechanica etc.


Here’s the thing, why learn tank/support when they get nerfed into the ground? More so if it’s one that the community thinks is overpowered or low skill.

Damn, I thought it would be Ana next. Guess I owe my friend that 5 bucks.

It was designed to give tanks more survivability post-barrier nerf. Seeing how Orisa is right now with all her nerfs, I’d say it wasn’t a bad decision.

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I meant to nerf Brig again, or reduce Repair Pack to 50 over armor HP.

I’d rather her not. The only reason she’s seeing play right now is 1) because Reinhardt and Ball are the only really viable main tanks at high levels at the moment and Brig is always good in brawler comps and 2) nerfing has put her in a spot where she’s needed more often to keep the team alive. Also 3) Ana and Lucio both have much higher pickrates with better win rates. Moira also has a higher pick rate and a comparable win rate. She’s good in her niche but she’s not top dog support by any means. Just that Deathball/slambulance is what’s needed to keep people in the game sometimes.

I counted four threads asking for Brig nerfs, among some others sarcastically quipping about it, asking for advice playing her, something about her squishy face, etc. It took me all of 30 seconds to find them; to imply they aren’t there indicated a complete lack of effort on your part to honestly comment on the topic.

KILLS :woozy_face: AIM :persevere: DAMAGE :tired_face: KILLS :triumph: AIM :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: DAMAGE


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No one is targeting supports, get over yourselves. The current balance of the game is the best it’s been in two years. You can actually play most support now below GM. Chill.

Dps hardly ever get nerfed though :confused: