The State of Overwatch - What is your opinion?

watch it before


It did really well when it was more about shooting things.
Now it’s mostly a close quarters brawl with most players holding M1+W.
And of course, people invalidating your hero by pressing H.


Can you post a text base description?
Not all of us can or want to watch a video.


It just sums up most issues on Overwatch.
Fun games are really fun, bad games are really bad.
Tbh I always think that this games relies too much on teammates.
One thrower will always ruin your gameplay. What I mean throwing doesn’t mean that that player is literally throwing but more like he picks the wrong hero at the moment.
This is the game that is easy to get throw by teammates or myself but difficult to carry.
When a game that no matter if you just pop off or did things very good but then result a loss, it always leads to frustration and toxicity.


Darn it, I was just about to Post this, with a link to my other topic: 🧞‍♀ Sigh..... Timepass (part 2)

But fine, no :artificial_satellite: for this.

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Seagulls explanation of Doomfist Ult is a perfect example on why it should be reworked. Make it better offensively but with more counter plays.

There is a reason we don’t hate being killed by Dragon Blade, Dead Eye, Death Blossom or offensive Ults where you can fight back (okay maybe we do but at least we don’t feel helpless), and not just pray you side step in the right direction or a Tank will try to save you from certain death with a Shield.


I really love this game.
When good games happen, the satisfaction I get is even better than having a chicken dinner in Pubg.
But it also has the worst gameplay experience when bad games happen.
I bought OW since release and at the time every heroes will always have a chance even though I am confronting my biggest counter in the game. Now? Things have change man…

I know Seagull better than your average guy, I’ve followed him since he started in TF2, met him a few times, first in 2012, even got drunk with him once - I’m by no means a friend of his, merely an acquantance, and a very minor one at that, but I know him a bit.

And this seems to me like mostly burnout. Yes he does make some interesting and valid points around the meta and hard counters versus soft counters, but other stuff he complains about, such as the Ult Economy and snowballing, are integral parts of what makes Overwatch, and not just limited to this game, even TF2 revolved almost entirely around which team’s medic had uber.

Basically, yeah he does point out some flaws in the game, but I feel if he wasn’t so burned out on the game he would roll with those flaws and accept them. Hopefully a break for a bit will get him in a happier place.


I could not say it better myself, Seagull did an excellent job with his video. I’ve been playing since release, but I barely play these days because of all the CC in the game.

It’s frustrating, and it isn’t just about changing heroes. People just don’t always know what to do because you need to know too much about the heroes to play the game. Role queue would be a start to balance some things in matchmaking.


Seagull has some great points, don’t agree with all of them but he has a point.

What he asked for is kind of impossible and I’ll be genuinely surprised if Blizz considers it.

Like the whole brig problem?

Just nerf tracer, and be done with it. If tracer gets weaker, brig will have to follow.

If brig is gone, its back to the old thing. While Seagull words on dive is true, it doesn’t change the fact that Tracer really doesn’t have much of a counter or something to control her outside of brig.

Giving mobility a nerf will bring a lot of things down but that’s just one thing that needs to be done.


Seagull also mentioned one thing that I absolutely agree.
Ult are too strong.
How often will you guy frustrated when you heard the sound ‘ryu gyn no kae ro kurae!!!’
It doesn’t even kill you yet but you know that you will mostly get killed next second and you can do nothing about it.
It always happens not only when I heard Genji ult, but also most ult in the game.
IMO it is always an unfun machanic.


One thing they could do is reduce the effective radius but balance it out by speeding it up a bit.

I respect your opinion but I think that ults that each team have should not determine the result of the team fight.


I’m afraid of just giving it buffs of any sorts because Meteor Strike is like a satellite cannon from space dropping on you.

So I’m not sure if the reduce radius would help to balance it, so I would opt for a rework instead. I think it would be a safer bet. In my opinion at least. ^^

More than anything else, I agree about his stance of hard counters. I didn’t think of it too much because I don’t play Pharah, but he’s right, Pharah is a great character because just because I main DVa, that doesn’t mean that Pharah is just easy pickings for me. If I don’t time my DM’s, if my aim isn’t on point, if I don’t do my damage, Pharah can manage me pretty well. But I can manage pharah in turn if I play well. That’s…a fun interaction.

I want every hero interaction to have the sort of depth of gameplay atleast approaching that.

And I also agree regarding Brigette. I don’t want her deleted, and I’ve stated numerous times that I want her to accomplish what she accomplishes, but it should require skill to do so, so that there is a failstate the interplay between dive and deathball. As it is, I will go on record and say that the game was just better before she was added. It’s good to have a counter to dive, but not if it’s like this.

As far as the remark about ultimates, I’m not sure I agree with it 100% fully, especially since some ultimates are hard to land, but I would like to play a version of OW where the ults are nerfed. If nothing else, it does strike me how it’s kind of absurd that the damage ults are so damaging that the only way to counter some of them is to have support ults give such healing that your team is functionally unkillable as long as it lasts. I just think that each Ultimate would have to be tuned to a case by case basis. Some are obvious, like reversing the buff to Doomfist’s meteor strike landing too fast for characters with no mobility to escape, but Rein’s can be countered my so many normal abilities that it might not need much changing.

The birdbrain gave lots of food for thought in this one.


This all boils down to bad balance honestly.


Though Ashe is kind of a step in the right direction, everything about her is skill, and there really isn’t much CC beyond knockback.

Though Seagull point on feeling frustrated when its a team game probably highlights that you can’t really carry in this game, at least, not as much as you would think.

CS, DoTa, LoL, even TF2 allows people to be capable of carrying to a degree. Overwatch is such a tight knitted and team focused game that it leaves little room to carry.

Not sure I agree with it, but I kind of understand why he feels it.

The stats things is basically a damn if you do or don’t. Put stats in, people start putting false reports, don’t put stats in, and its the same story.

The devs simplify alot the heroes these days, no counter play allow anymore, heros that are so simply to play that everyone can reach a high level of play.
All of the thing he said can be fixed by making changes without fear, stop making heros that hurt the game, think twice before add it, hammond for me is a good example of good hero add it with alot of mechanics and counterplays, also the people dont like playing competitive anymore its not rewarding play it is frustrated and toxic, create a proper ladder to play that feels good and add scoreboard to not be so blind its necesary.
I hope he continue doing this kind of videos because the devs need to see that and start thinking “well maybe we could changes things that way”.

Yeah I think that Seagull’s point on hard counters is the biggest take away from this video, it is extremely frustrating to be forced to change to a hard counter or off of what you are playing because the Rock Paper Scissors level of hero counter play 95% of the time outweighs being able to outskill or use nuances of your hero’s kit to overcome an opponent who is strong against your character.

EDIT: There is no “Depth” to counter play anymore, it’s turned into a game of “ if they run this, we should use this, because it’s optimal and far outweighs any benefits we get any benefits from running a comp that MIGHT be able to grind out a fight.


So, talking about the Hard vs Soft counters thing…
I think some of it comes down to the removal of the hero limit.

Let me explain by using Tracer as an example. If you take DVa right before she got buffed into absurdity… Tracer can’t do much against her, DVa can make Tracer’s life difficult… but DVa doesn’t delete her like Brig does.

If you run into a team with a truly ridiculous Tracer player… when the whole game was no limits… put everyone on DVa or Lucio or whatever soft counter(s) exists. Everyone can soft counter Tracer, so even if one person doesn’t have the skill or focus to counter her for your whole team, it’ll be fine. You potentially can have 3, 4, 5, maybe even 6 different soft counters to her… someone will probably shut her down.

Now though… you run into a godlike Tracer with a hero limit. If there’s only 1-2 soft counters to Tracer you can’t have everyone roll as soft counters because they’re aren’t enough. So you have to trust that the couple people who get the viable Tracer soft counters can actually shut her down. If it doesn’t happen, that’s when the flamewar starts, because the rest of the team is stuck. They need to counter the Tracer but don’t have the tools to do it, so they feel helpless.

How do you fix it? Well you could release 4ish more soft counters who will then need their own set of 5-6 soft counters and end up in a never ending cycle of somebody isn’t going to have enough soft counters… or… release Brigitte. One hard counter that is easy to use, where failing to shut down Tracer is nearly impossible who is in turn hard countered by Pharah… a hero who already exists.

It isn’t hard to tell which one the OW devs went with.

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