Doom and Brig are both some of the worst character designs i’ve ever seen in the history of competitive gaming. I shouldn’t be a free kill at any point in time.
But Doom can just press a button and guarantee a kill.
Doomfist and Brig have done more harm than good to the game, and i think they’re both major contributing factors to Overwatch’s massive decline.
I think it would be for the best to nerf them into obscurity tbh.
I would say just do the most direct thing.
Nerf tracer and bring her in line, its literally the better way.
Cause if tracer becomes weak, then brig also have to be toned down.
Everything been getting a soup thing buff, that new heroes released has to follow that line or they become weak.
Some of us like close-quarters combat.
Which is why we cheered the Hanzo and Widow nerfs.
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Seagull is right, hope Blizz doesn’t remove this thread too.
Except it’s more than just a tracer thing, it’s how powerful mobility is in the game, so if they do nerf tracer they need to bring other high mobility heroes, like Genji and Lucio into line, along with a couple of the tanks, as well. Or they should lower their hp to lower levels like tracer too, which would be the trade off you get for increased mobility.
That doesn’t mean that you should force those characters that don’t belong in a first person shooter into the game by making them excessively obnoxious.
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They won’t ever nerf anybody into obscurity, since they don’t want to alienate players. And because doing so would admit that they designed terrible heroes and would be bad for their reputation.
But I still agree with your stance. I, too, think this game would instantly be loads better for everybody, other than their respective one tricks, without those two.
I rather they just lowered mobility or make it more punishing when a flanker messes up.
As it is, once you get to a certain skill point with flankers, they get far too much reward and the window to punish them is too small.
So bringing that window up would help a lot. I would say that this would also get brig toned down since she’s meant to push flankers down.
Unironically, they have already alienated their playerbase by forcing these heroes into the game. As proven by the game’s declining state.
Well I don’t think any characters should be nerf to obscurity. So we should push for reworks when they are designed to be unfair like Meteor Strike. They did it with Rez, so they can certainly do the same here.
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Unpopular opinion: The game should just get completely reworked, something like Overwatch 2.
Everybody wants to one-trick or at least get to play a single hero and single hero only during one game session. Blizzard decided to go the other route, because it makes their balancing a lot easier. I am afraid that decision has caught up to them.
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I feel as a community we shouldnt just roll back and accept flaws. We should always strive to improve the game we love.
Sure, I’ll give my opini- oh it’s a video yeah no thank you k thx bye.
It’s just a spam war now and fights feel a lot dumber than they used to.
Dive heroes should have been nerfed instead of adding heroes like Moira and Bridget to counter them, as it made things worse for a lot of heroes other than tracer and genji.
The state of Overwatch for me; The only way I managed to keep playing Overwatch was to quit comp 3-4 seasons ago. I only use QP and events for fun now. The amount of effort and mental fortitude it takes to win games in comp, with all the CC and shields and headaches that comes with grinding up, is 100% not worth the petty amount of SR it gives.
QP only
Events were fun (only first time tbh)
Gave up on Comp
Don’t care for eSports
I’m still having fun playing it, but not every day. Or week.
I agree that Overwatch has become this. However I think this was a response to the long Dive meta that existed in Overwatch. It’s been toned down wrong because Brig was simply too strong when she released and had little to no counter play against alot of characters and players. Brig is the only character in the game that can walk up with her shield up stun and drop shields, but also can almost instantly do almost 200 damage in under a second.
While I think Doomfist and Sombra have their problems, there is better counter play against them compared to Brig.
My biggest problem with playing Overwatch is that NO ONE PLAYS TO WIN and even if I do, no matter how many thousands of hours of experience I have, I have NO CONTROL over my games. I have no control over the Rein that switches to Widowmaker for no apparent reason. I have no control over what map I get. I have no control over the guy that left the game after we lost the first team fight.
It’s just too random to climb. Nothing changes from season to season. Placements are still, after two years of the game, pointless.
I’m not even mentioning the lore or lack thereof or the endorsement system problems or the LFG.