I think about double damage against any tech (Barrier, turrets, shields, traps, mines, etc.)
Of curse it would replace Opportunist. Enough Wallhack ability ingame.
I think about double damage against any tech (Barrier, turrets, shields, traps, mines, etc.)
Of curse it would replace Opportunist. Enough Wallhack ability ingame.
Actually I think its fair that Hack removes it.
Here’s my problem with punishing/rewarding hp types: its really messy. Take armor: it used to unfairly counter a bunch of heroes, just because. I think having Sombra remove shield hp works the same way, but in reverse. Its not very balanced to punish heroes so hard for their hp type, because it can easily suppress heroes for no reason other than “it works that way.”
I also don’t want Zenyatta to have to choke down a net nerf (especially to my enjoyment) when there are other ways to buff Sombra.
Thinking about it, this is actually the root of my concern with your idea. Its basically just giving Sombra a huge damage bonus for attacking certain targets, but not all targets applicable deserve that kind of counter.
I’d rather see Sombra become a support or recieve tons of small buffs like more speed, higher damage threshhold to cancel Hack, etc.
Can you guys understand that buffing heroes to counter double barrier will just create a huge powercreep?
Just nerf Sigma and Orisa. Its that easy.
All of it is fixable by fixing Sombra.
Think for a second, don’t just assume you have factored in everything about the current meta.
How many characters on these forums are people calling for a nerf?
Buffing Sombra makes her viable to the point she can counter most of those heros WITHOUT nerfing them.
It fixes Sombra to be more viable and a worthy DPS pick in 2-2-2.
Heres the thing when has blizzard ever went for easy they seem to go the hardest way before they choose tge right way though they seem to enjoy adding charcters before they fix the current ones personally though i imagibe sombra is very hard charcter to balance she has the potential to break the game easy. But if she doesnt she seems to be useless
No argument here. That is a sad truth of this game from launch.
That is also true, but her statistical data says otherwise. Even when she received her nerf to hack duration because of OWL, she had the worst stats at every rank including OWL. In OWL she had less than a 40% win rate, with a 42% chance of winning a fight with EMP at the same rank.
It’s not the character that’s the problem, it’s OWL that is the problem. What breaks their meta is unacceptable. Blizzard’s mistake is balancing the game around OWL, when they are literally 0.01% of the community. What does and does not work for them, does not mean it can or won’t work for anyone else.
Blizzard’s problem with balance is, they are artificially creating meta, instead of letting the players create the meta themselves, which includes but IS NOT limited to OWL.
Think about Clockwork for example: Before Sombra got nerfed, they were destroying GOATS in contenders to the point everyone had to mirror their meta to stand a chance. This was a 4 man team of one tricks that ONLY played 4 characters, and were destroying GOATS.
Instead, Blizzard nerfed Sombra because of GOATS which is no longer possible, but Clockworks meta is still possible. And a new meta emerged because of 2-2-2 shield meta.
Buffing Sombra doesn’t change Clockworks meta, nor does it 100% counter shield meta, but it puts shield meta in a place that Sombra becomes viable and not to a worse degree than she is now.
I’m not saying revert her nerfs, by all means keep them on her, but give her the buff she needs to not only be viable, in the current meta, but also counter the other meta DPS picks right now, without throwing that nerf hammer out at them, when it’s not necessary.
Also it would help put dva into the mix who could literally soak up the spam to preserve shielding from said tactics and you would thus only have 1 shield instead of 2
Random Internet pleb approves!
No if my experince in overwatch has taught me one thing no its never that easy if people cant fibd a better option they will continue using the Same option
I fall victim to that as well
Partially why i have so many hours on rein because i cant play dive charcters to save my life hammond and winston are literally my worst charcters though i understand them i cant not play them. And i hate orisa because i like to hit things with malee or at close range still pretty good with her just hate the charcter
We have A TON of heroes in F-tier. We have problem with shields being meta. Buffing Sombra to deal with shields will just make her mandatory, it won’t fix anything. I’m saying this as someone who actually play Sombra a lot and thinks that she needs a buff. But she doesn’t need one to deal with current meta, she just needs a good buff as a hero. And something not so obviously OP as shield ignore.
I already highly question if a character like sombra is even healthy for the game at all.
But sure if you want to make it so EMP happens every half a second go ahead.
DVA needs a buff FFS.
I totally agree.
Remove her CD from matrix and allow her to use it at will at any given time as long as she has shield charge.
That will fix her a lot.
I’m sure she could use more buffs elsewhere but that is the one WTEF buff she needs right now.
I guess you forget there’s Bastion too.
Try this one on for size instead of disagreeing.
Rein Orisa, Sombra, Bastion, Ana, Moira.
Let me know how it works out for you, after you buff Sombra the way I suggested.
any barrier specific change to kill double barrier is a terrible idea because it will affect Rein (and brig but who cares) way harder.
Just nerf orisas damage output and shield uptime to be more in line with Reins, and look into Sigma shield deployment time nerfs
I mean thinking about it rationally yeah because she does exist you could buff heroes like sombra to do double shield damage to help penalize double shielding. E.G Sombra puts translocator behind your team runs behind enemy stealthed gets hack on important target TP back to team intiate the fight nuke the shields proceed to being able to play the game
Just one of many tactics that could work. Enemy swaps off double shield to counter you everyone wins. No more double shield and both teams get to play the game
They tried it with Hanzo for his rework.
Rein contributes to the issue.
He has a 2000HP movable shield, unlike the other shield tanks in the game (short of sigma)
Blizzard also said they would never implement it.
It puts shield tanks in a REALLY bad spot.
Yeah but that never went beyond internal testing. That never hit the PTR as far as i recall. Other than that they tried discord through barriers.
That’s a really interesting tactic
Blow up one shield, first, then blow up the second, by alternating hacks.
And she still plays with her team, and actually helps break the shield.