It makes sense from a lore standpoint because she’s high tech and all about disabling firewalls and security. It’s relatively balanced because her weapon doesn’t have a ton of range so she’s not gonna be melting people through barriers or anything like that.
And most importantly. It counters double barrier because it makes Sigma/Orisa very easy to farm EMP (currently, it can take 3+ minutes to farm EMP against an Orisa bunker because finding angles for damage is so tough). And we all know how powerful EMP is against barrier comps.
Crazy thought to piggyback off this. What if she could literally hack barriers for 3 seconds
Well they could alter the time to make it not too op but it’d create a massive window of opportunity in general and add new flare to her kit while not making tanking impossible because 2 or even 3 seconds isn’t so bad it just opens up the window against double shield but makes single shield still viable because you can just zarya/dva and rotate tanks around for a moment and then hack isn’t up again for another 3+ seconds.
Also would help against the General Bunker comps that love bastion camping a highground >_>
thought comments concerns, General unneeded arguments?
Which also nerfs her kit without any compensation buff.
Listen, if you reduce hack lower than 4.5 seconds you might as well delete her from the game, because her reload time and CD make it a useless skill at that point.
I don’t complain about Doomfist. He’s just slightly overtuned and could be easily fixed by making his one-shot mechanic more difficult to accomplish or removing it all together in favor of setting up combos.
I don’t like Sombra’s kit. It’s not fun. Removing a player’s ability to use the abilities they have is gimmicky. Come up with a more intuitive interaction other than various forms of CC. I know it won’t happen, which is why I’ll just avoid Sombra or pray she stays F-tier.
Agreed the strategy of Camping has always been looked at as dishonorable in all forms of gaming specially fps but her infi stealth is literally designed around that entire practice waiting to remove players ability to even play the game. I mena Look at Poor Bob!!!
Not a fan of stealth mechanics, generally, but it’s not too oppressive as it still requires tactical positioning. So while I don’t like the invisibility thing too much, I’m not gonna complain, it fits her niche. It’s really just the hack ability that irritates me. There are so many creative ways that ability could be approached that are just as impacting without being so oppressive.
Rein has the biggest shield in the game followed by Sigma.
If you want to do the math on how long it would take Sombra to remove his shield.
2000 SHP / 200DPS
10 seconds.
That is NOT an unreasonable buff.
That is also not including the 1.5 second reload time, and she will have to reload 3 times or 10 seconds + (1.5 x 3) = 14.5 seconds start to finish against Rein.
Those numbers are based on an average 5 damage hit per shot + 100% damage increase or 10 damage per shot.
And I even said, just so Zen mains don’t go apecrap about it. Turn 1/2 his shield to armor.
My B, I thought I replied to the OP. Rein has a hard time finding opportunities to fight back, being able to ignore his barrier and farm him for free as Sombra would really suck and probably be another hard counter to add to the pile, but Rein needs buffs anyway.
Barrier busting isn’t Sombra’s niche to take, the heroes that specialize in it are already struggling and have been for a long time.
I’d rather take the hard counter as Zen. My only thoughts when a Sombra EMP’s and kills my 50 hp butt are “worth it.”
That is why I suggested changing 1/2 his shield to armor.
So sombra only benefits from her buff against Zen for 75 shield hit points, then she hits armor, and is reduced to minimum damage values (outside of headshots)
Knowing her EMP drops him to 50 HP, it’s not fair to him to buff her vs shield damage that much, and not compensate his survivability to some degree.
I’d rather get wiped out in an instant by Sombra than sacrifice a single point of sweet, sweet shield hp. Like I said, I’d take the hard counter in that regard, if you think its excessive, then maybe you should re-evaluate whether you think she should get a damage bonus against shield hp, considering she already counters it with EMP.
As for double damage vs barriers, I don’t think that’s a fair way to buff Sombra, it would crush heroes I play like Junkrat and Reaper who otherwise provide very little value.
What if Sombra got a way to heal teammates and was moved to the support roster? Without nerfs, of course, Sombra’s already bad, she’s got room for it.
Who needs Sombra to kill double barrier? Just let Symmetras orbs go through shields again and I promise that double barrier meta will be dead within a minute. At least any bunker combo that invovles Bastion for sure.