You find it okay that there are many ultimates with the ability to completely 1 shot the enemy team, but an ultimate to bring them back to life is completely idiotic.
It’s a FPS MOBA hybrid. They don’t have to follow any rules. Furthermore, it isn’t a traditional FPS or MOBA game which brings be back to my first point, they don’t have to follow any rules.
Am I the only person that remembers GravDragon and Mass Rez once countered each other or did I just somehow hallucinate the first year of this game post launch…
If you are looking for a more traditional FPS game I don’t suggest Overwatch then. Plain and simple. At the end of the day this game is not marketed as a traditional FPS, so they can be as creative as they want with it. You don’t see people like Mei in a traditional FPS game, or any of the supports, or the tanks, or sombra, or symm. This is not a game for people who don’t like a bunch of wild abilities
Except they do. These ultimates require a lot more than Rez and have eight times the amount of counters at nearly every hero’s disposal.
Death Blossom
You can stun, displace, hide behind an object, use a shield, use a defensive ability, use a mobility ability, or outright kill him mid cast, etc.
Rip Tire
You can shield, 1 shot it with burst heroes, hide behind geometry, split up so he can only get one or two at most, use a defensive ability, kill Junkrat so after the cast even if he killed one or two people his team is short of a player, etc.
Same story with D.VA’s bomb except with the added benefit of Roadhog/ Reinhardt being able to pull it off the maps or away from their team.
Pharah is the same story too, and 90% of the time they die immediately because she becomes stationary.
The dragon combo is that, a combination of ultimates and abilities. It isn’t even meta anymore.
I understand there were fixes suggested for Mass rez. Though even with restrictions, Mass Rez is still stronger than the ultimates and even the combo you mentioned. It’s… it just isn’t good design at all. Sure it was more fun than Valkyrie, but that’s a problem with Valkyrie not Mercy’s lack of Mass Rez.
First, I never said it was a traditional FPS, just compared it to titles that are. It’s still an FPS after all.
Secondly, you do realize I’m a level 800+ player that has played this game since season 2? I’ve also finished Masters to Grandmasters every season, I dedicate a lot of time to this game because it’s one of my favorites.
Lastly, you do realize Mei, Sombra, and Symmetra may be uncanny, but aren’t completely alien when compared to other FPS games?
The idea of tanks and healers has already been done in TF2, one of the most popular games on Steam back in the day. OW takes a lot of inspiration from it, but also expands upon it’s concepts.
It’s more of a MOBA than an FPS game tbh.
Don’t make me post the game’s public description from it’s own website.
You’ll be sorely disappointed to know that Blizz themselves classify it as a FPS.
Dude, it’s just my opinion. I could care less as to what they say. I think their game is more of a MOBA than an FPS game. I mean, what kind of FPS game has a large dragon that deals 300DMG/S in a straight line?
It’s just what I think. You can disagree as much as you want.
On a serious note, yes, I know. When it comes to balance I just feel like OW should balance itself like it advertises itself. Which is that of a fast paced, team based, FPS game.
You know all of the facts
Couldn’t it be argued that having a literal aimbot in a team-based FPS like OW is idiotic for a PvP game?
Not if that Aimbot has a million counters.
For someone who nonstop complains about Mercy spam, you sure like to contribute. I saw two separate topics today by you whining about Mercy mains. Mercy needs changes. She’s a shell of her pre rework self and we all want her fun again. Please stop complaining about it.
What about Wallhacks? It has 0 counters.
In turn it’s weak unless acted upon. Wallhack will not be enough to justify having Widow if you’re bad at her.
It’s power is dependant on not only the skill of the Widow, but on the coordination and cooperation of her team.
And then the aimbot becomes useless. Thereby proving that an aimbot in a team-based FPS like OW is idiotic for a PvP game because it’s so hard to properly balance it.
Mass rez ,however, can easily be balanced to have counters and isn’t insanely hard to balance. Just throw on a cast-time, LoS requirement and damage resistance. Easy. There’s ways to counter it, but it doesn’t feel like absolute garbage to use.
I mean Resurrect was weak as well once everyone got revived most of the time they acted like a chicken with their heads cut off diving straight into the enemy. So… yeah any ultimate needs something else to act upon. Mercy’s was common sense.
Except it isn’t hard to balance because Visor has never been a broken ult or a sole reason to pick Soldier.
Mass Rez just wasn’t ever good in the first place. It’s way too powerful of an ult that’d either require A. For Mercy to be garbage kit wise or B. For it to have so many restrictions it just isn’t even fun.
I think it’s better it stays out of OW and instead Blizz work on improving things like Valkyrie to make it more fun/interactive.
You can’t balance an ult based on the lowest common denominator.
Just because low rank/level players didn’t know what to do once rezzed doesn’t mean it’s balanced.