GM is low? I must try harder to maintain Top 500 and not go on vacation and lose it.
Umm no? I meant because some people don’t utilize the full potential of an ultimate, doesnt mean it’s balanced.
Not only that but you’re technically talking about players from almost 7 seasons ago.
So wait I’m confused now.
Resurrects power is dependant on not only the skill of the Mercy getting into position to pull it off but on the coordination of her team to actually make use of the second life and not die and feed ult charge.
Giving a second life to your team is a lot more powerful than giving wallhacks to your team.
It also takes no coordination for Mercy to Rezz and doesn’t even take coordination from the team to kill the enemy if they aren’t talking sandbags.
That’s is not true.
Wall hacks and then a rip tire is the most underrated ultimate combo in Overwatch.
Knowing where each player is on the map is far more valuable then a second life.
No not really. As the counter is for their team to spread out, so junk can only get one. Alternatively they could just kill tire or shield it.
If you hear Widow say her ult line then Junkrat soon after screams “FIRE IN THE HOLE,” it’s quite clear what those two are doing.
Whatever you say. But I’ve seen quad kills after quad kills with how well it works.
Tactical Visor is an ultimate that lasts for 6 seconds. Its counter is shields. However, because it’s an ultimate, it’s allowed to be very strong (not saying Tactical Visor is OP, just that it’s a pretty strong ult because of its consistency). A literal aimbot is such a strong tool, that it has to be limited to an ultimate (excluding Symmetra 1.0. and 2.0’s primary fire because of the range limitation).
Plus, an aimbot’s strength is relative to the character. Widow with an aimbot is much stronger than Soldier with and aimbot due to the high burst damage of Widow that can instantly kill enemies. Soldier has a (relatively) high time to kill (compared to someone like Widow - btw, I’m gonna keep saying that Soldier has a high time to kill, because I’m comparing him to the likes of other dps heroes. This is also ignoring any abilities). Therefore, the aimbot remains acceptable because of the high time to kill Throw an aimbot on Widow, and it becomes awful game design.
So basically, for a literal aimbot to not be game-breaking, it has to be limited to an ultimate, must have a time limit before it runs out, can only be applied to heroes with a high time to kill and must have a consistent counter. I’m not saying an aimbot ,no matter what, is ‘bad game design’. Just that a lot has to go into balancing around the aimbot.
Also, Visor will never be the sole reason to pick Soldier, because all it does is empower his primary fire. If his primary fire is strong, so is Visor and vice versa.
I’d beg to differ.
Before she got invuln on rez? Yeah. But after the buff?
I mean, she was perfectly fine with mass rez for over a year, so I’m confused about how mass rez was OP. She was even F tier at 1 point.
Not if you properly balance Mass Rez.
How so? A cast time (with slightly restricted movement at worst) and LoS requirements (ignoring dumb things like lampposts and the payload obviously), and Mass Rez still feels impactful and fun, while also having counterplay.
I think it’s better if it returns to OW so that Mercy players don’t get stuck playing a boring rez-bot who can sometimes go into spectator mode. Mercy isn’t going to be getting any buffs as long as rez on a cooldown exists.
Well seeing as how there have been many other things they didn’t want I find it hard to believe tbhh.
Players consistently say, even on this thread, that because Jeff said it, it’s not true. Or because he didn’t specifically say it, it’s not true.
It’s almost as if the entire rework did remove mass rez.
If any of that was true about their intent, then blizz wouldn’t have made an ability of Mercy’s turn her into a statue every 30 seconds. Especially not an ability that people will rage over, if you’re playing Mercy and you don’t (can’t) use it (without dying).