The real issues with Mercy

Alright, let’s break this down. I’m going to lay down all of Mercy’s problems as I see them and why +5 HPs isn’t going to change nearly any of it.

1. Mercy is too reliable.

Now Mercy was always more reliable than most. Her beams barely require aim and her blaster is one of the more forgiving weapons in the game. However, when Mercy got reworked from 1.0 to 2.0… her reliability skyrocketted. The new GA tech, while fun, made Mercy almost impossible to pin down. For those few times you maybe did pin her down, well now she has Valkyrie and can start flying and stop letting you interrupt her regeneration with the push of a button.

This made Mercy both nearly impossible to counter and nearly impossible to mess up.

2. Mercy’s raw output is way too low.

This one is connected to #1. How do you balance out a hero who can’t be shut down or denied value? Make their value so low that it can be safely ignored. That’s what the 14 nerfs to Mercy after her rework accomplished. Who wants to play as a hero who can’t actually accomplish anything?

3. Mercy is still the only healer without a way to respond to damage spikes.

Once upon a time, Resurrect was how she responded to damage spikes. However after it got relegated to a 30s cool down, given a cast time, and a self snare… it isn’t fast enough, up often enough, or reliable enough to react to almost anything. Her next best way to react to damage spikes is to GA through her heal target, body block some damage, fall back, and let her regen kick in so she can “push out” another 20 Hps. Not only is that weird to say the least, every other healer has a button they can push to just… get more sustain. No weird acrobatics required.

4. Resurrect is still an ultimate on a cool down.

Most heroes, if they have an ability that gives them a large power spike but make them much more vulnerable than normal, it is their ultimate ability. Not Mercy though. Resurrect does in fact give her a large power spike and make her significantly more vulnerable than normal… but its on her E. That’s not where abilities like that belong. Pretty much every other hero has to charge up and earn their most powerful ability. Not Mercy though. She gets it for free at the beginning of the game and every 30s after she uses it, regardless of how well or badly the player is doing.

5. Chain Beams during Valkyrie still make Valkyrie significantly less engaging than her base form.

Mercy is at her most engaging when she’s using Guardian Angel to jump between nearly every single one of her allies, providing them with whichever beam they need at the time and ideally also dodging incoming attackers.

Valkyrie and chain beams put the lid on ALL of that. If her team is close enough together for chain beams to reach them all, Mercy doesn’t need to GA around. If Mercy is ~20m up in the air, there’s no incoming attackers that can reach her up there. Unless you are actively trying to attract enemy attention, Valkyrie has a tendency to turn Mercy’s movement from resembling a pinball to resembling a kite. None of that is a good thing when it comes to making engaging gameplay for the Mercy player.

6. Valkyrie is too long and not different enough.

What do I mean by that? Well, Valkyrie is just… Mercy+. It makes Mercy just generally better at anything she does. That’s not particularly interesting or exciting. Its not like Dragon Blade, Riptire, or any other ultimate that actually temporarily gives you a different play style that can break up otherwise doing the same thing all game. Also… its 15 seconds long. An ultimate that is that long just can’t be interesting by having the raw power level of Nano, Beat, EMP, Earth Shatter, Grav, etc. That leaves Valkyrie… pretty much no avenues to actually be interesting and engaging.

The closest thing its got is that its massive personal survivability boost can be used to bait other, more important ultimates.

The New Changes

+5 HPs does somewhat address issue #2. That’s it. That’s not even close to enough.


I think we should be grateful that they even touched Mercy.

They obviously don’t want this hero to be anywhere near the meta ever again, so anything large is unrealistic.


Yes, I know all this…

I have fixes for most of these issues but the Devs aren’t interested and when I type it out on the forums people just disregard it or misunderstand something or just come out with a weird apathetic reason why they wouldn’t like it, but then it’s an opinion and it’s often hard to argue against an opinion and you end up just getting into a spiralling argument with some dude who can barely string a sentence together. :woman_shrugging:

So, these days I just let them get on with it.

At the end of the day, the act of playing the character is still enjoyable enough for me, so I keep on doing it.

I know the solutions to the problems you’ve raised, but I’m stuck in a reality of… “people” who don’t want those solutions.


Why be grateful for something that won’t matter and only barely starts addressing her issues? Seriously, this small, token buff is not enough to convince me of… anything.

What about Zen? Are you gonna say Transcendence, an entire ult?

I am indeed going to say Transcendence. Yes, Zenyatta only has 1 response to damage spikes, and it is his ultimate… but its one of the best responses in the game. That’s still one more than Mercy has.

Also one could argue that Discord + Headshot goes a long way towards making that opponent think twice about continuing to press the attack. Which Mercy cannot replicate.


Thanks for fighting the good fight, I don’t want to sound ungreatful about +5 hps, but it really doesn’t affect her core issues she has, which has always been my main gripe with her.

I try, but for some reason my topics almost never get a lot of attention. I don’t know why though.

Because they have a clear goal that states why there is an issue. As opposed to the generic X is bad threads, than everyone comes in saying X is not bad. I find the longer and more thought out a thread is the less attention it gets. If its positive it will get almost no replies.

I feel like they could do something to the initial cast of Valkyrie.

Like make it so that all teammates are instantly healed for 100hp.

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That would be another baby step towards addressing her issues. I’m not sure Mercy is fixable with baby steps though.

Kinda depends what the intended destination of “fixed” would look like.

What sort of qualitative aspects would “fixed” have?

All 6 of those issues I mentioned being addressed in some way so they aren’t issues anymore.

I’m sure #4, and arguably #5 and #6 can’t be fixed without rework levels of changes.

#5 and #6 are easy, just make chain beams smaller, and little beams bigger.

Or heck, mixing together some older ideas.

Make it so Valk just has a chain heal beam spawning on herself.

And her staff becomes an energy spear that can heal teammates and damage enemies, and creates a small aoe on collision. And she just starts hucking spears during her Ult.

Depending on how you define a rework, those first changes could be considered one. The second with the energy spears would 100% be a rework.

Like… Lucio’s changes where he got his auras shrank but strengthened was kind of considered a rework.

I’m not saying that Mercy can’t be fixed. Far from it. Just that number tweaks like they gave us on the Experimental card aren’t going to do the trick.

Yeah, but a rework to Valk, and hardly anybody likes Valk anyways.

Throwing energy spears at people, that could be really fun.

I think you aren’t quite following the point of this thread.

The point of this thread is to hopefully educate the community and the Devs that Mercy’s issues are much more numerous and deep than they appear and that she does need a rework. Her current slated buff and others like it simply are not up to the task of actually fixing everything.

Funnily enough I at one point did come up with a rework for Valkyrie similar to your spear idea, though in my version they weren’t spears. Mine was loosely based off of a weapon from Warframe called the Javlok. Which spits out fireballs that explode on hitting something with a small AoE… which had an additional fire option of being able to chuck the thing for a much larger explosion… both damage and AoE.

do they require any at all? it is literally lock on


I feel like it’s still a bit focused on methods of acheiving goals, but not the qualitative problems/goals themselves.

Ideally you’d think there are many paths to reach a goal.

nobody wants to read, short and to the point get more attention