Alright… you asked. I’ve written multiple fairly beefy topics on this subject… so… here you go.
If you want the short answer, it can generally be summed up by a distinct lack of agency over anything she does. If you want the long answer… well then buckle up because we’re going to go over just about every part of her kit and look at why it is a drag to use.
1. Her Healing Mercy’s base healing is not bad. Not great, but its reliability makes up for its somewhat lower output when compared to Ana, Baptiste, or Moira. However that’s not where it falls apart. Mercy’s healing falls apart when…
Alright, let’s break this down. I’m going to lay down all of Mercy’s problems as I see them and why +5 HPs isn’t going to change nearly any of it.
1. Mercy is too reliable.
Now Mercy was always more reliable than most. Her beams barely require aim and her blaster is one of the more forgiving weapons in the game. However, when Mercy got reworked from 1.0 to 2.0… her reliability skyrocketted. The new GA tech, while fun, made Mercy almost impossible to pin down. For those few times you mayb…
Hello everyone. I thought I would share with you all the reasons why I think Mercy needs another rework. I’ve broken this down into what’s wrong with each part of her kit. You’ll notice her blaster and GA aren’t on here. They’re fine. They need zero changes.
Her healing. The problem with this is threefold.
Firstly, like all main healers Mercy cannot use both her primary healing and primary damage at the same time. However, both other main healers have short cast time, decent duration CD abiliti…
There’s a whole lot of things going on with Valkyrie that make it bad and uninteresting to use. Let’s go through them shall we?
Valkyrie is 15 seconds long.
That makes it tied for longest ultimate in the game. An ultimate that is that long cannot be particularly strong, otherwise it would be ridiculously overpowered. Picture a 15s long Tac Visor or a 15s Dragonblade, yeah that’d be broken.
So if a long ultimate cannot rely on its raw power to be interesting or fun… what can it do? Well i…
Now there’s some overlap in those topics… but… yeah. There are a lot of reasons why Mercy’s current state is not healthy. There’s a reason why the most upvoted post of all time on this forum is ALSO a post about how Mercy is a mess and needs a rework.
Now… does Mercy need to stay fairly forgiving and approachable? Yes… but at the moment she is too forgiving and too approachable and the Devs have absolutely killed her play making potential to make room for the level of impossible to counter that she is.