The real issues with Mercy

mercy is reliable yes. like soldier. overwatch to cater to every skill level needs heroes like this. but your point about her being not able to accomplish anything is completely disproven just by the fact that she is being played a higher levels.

her rez Is good almost ultimate level yes and that’s why she has an underwhelming but still very useful actual ult.

it’s all just balance.

that she isn’t very engaging is a sound argument because she doesn’t really have a powerplay but she kind of does with rez anyway even though the rez most of the time become more about who she rez

They do. I can’t tell you how hard it it is to actually get the person you want to get when you’re team is grouped up. Fat Road bodyblocks it, Genji jumps in front of it.

I’m not saying it’s aim like Ana has to aim, but it does take a modicum of aiming to actually get the right person at times.

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If you think Mercy is impossible to mess up, then you don’t appreciate things like GA movement, beam/damage boost juggling, resurrect management, and of course defensive positioning.

Your average Mercy player will stand five feet away from their team, barely even use GA, never use damage boost, resurrect in unfavourable scenarios and die, and use Valkyrie to save themselves.

A high level Mercy player will fluctuate distances and positions based on enemy team composition, use GA and techs frequently to remain evasive, prioritize damage boost in key scenarios, resurrect key targets, and use Valkyrie to win team fights based on information tracking.

The difference is staggering, but chances are if you asked an average player, they’ll say they did all they could just because they couldn’t miss with her primary.

that’s usually an issue with your sensitivity, i never struggle with it, maybe mess with that?

It isn’t though. How many of those high level Mercy’s are picking her to hard pocket a Widow, Ashe, Pharah, or maybe Echo? My guess would be most of them. Mercy is getting picked almost exclusively to shore up the weaknesses of a handful of heroes who have aspects of their kits that are… sorta broken, but are tempered by those weaknesses that Mercy is handling for them. She isn’t accomplishing much.

Valkyrie is really not that useful. Both chain beams are rivaled by E abilties found on other heroes. Battle Mercy is a bit better, but still if you wanted to kill stuff with your ult there are numerous better options.

The one spot it is (nearly) unmatched is just how safe it makes Mercy for the duration.

Something can be theoretically balanced but still designed in such a way that it is an absolute slog to actually use them. That’s what point #1 and point #2 together were trying to get at. Her raw output is really really low but it is “balanced” because it’s gonna keep coming, basically no matter what. But that isn’t an interesting and fun place for a hero to be.

Will try that, thanks!

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she is literally changing heroes from being mediocre to good and you don’t think that’s accomplishing anything?

mercy is one of the few heroes you always can get more out of. every second you healing when its not needed when you could be damage boosting is wasted.

Valkyrie is not useful? what? 60 heals on everyone for 15 seconds with that mobility? or just 30 percent damage boost on everyone?
to quote a wise man “you must be joking”

also hard pocketing isn’t a thing In higher elos like it is in most ranks. high rank mercys don’t just ignore their team and especially their other support for pocketing 1 person regardless of they are hitting shots or not.

On her own, no. Oh sure, she can empower her allies to be scary. Really scary. However she starts falling flat real fast if you try to empower potatoes.

The rework and nerf train pretty much robbed Mercy of any instance of gameplay that she could point to and be like “THAT! I caused that! Wooooooo!”.

Seeing as Moira and Zenyatta can mimic those effects with their respective E abilities, Valkyrie… while not useless falls firmly in the “Meh” category. It’s simply not that strong.

Add in that it goes out of its way to actively harm the player’s play experience… and then it becomes bad. Legitimately bad. Even worse than Super Charger because that at least has the courtesy of letting Orisa get back to doing normal Orisa things after the brief cast animation.

I seriously doubt that. As you go up in rank, Mercy’s heal becomes relatively less useful and damage boost becomes relatively more useful. Ever since they messed with Boost, its been good for pocketing and not much else.

Now high rank Mercy’s probably have the game sense to not keep pocketing a teammate who’s useless and peel for a teammate when they need to… but… pretty sure they’re still pocketing most of the time.

your teammates inability to utilize what she brings to the table is not something she should be balanced around. if you are on mercy but getting no value YOU should be on another hero period.

I said almost.

Even the most potato of Mercys will be able to hold her beam on somebody. The most potatoes of Soldiers? Yeah… they’re just never going to hit anything ever unless they’re shooting a Rein shield or push Q.

Mercy can absolutely make positioning mistakes. Anyone can. But Mercy also has the most tools out of anyone to make it so those mistakes don’t turn fatal.