let see if your tank go d.va and help hitscan. If your support go zen, ana, or baptiste. Players will need to learn counters in 222 it is much more important now.
not ideal picks happen now without 222 so make the best of what you can do and move onto the next game. purpose of role sr is people that want to do silly things like 2 off tanks will fall in tiers till they get where the should be at based on their performance.
I understand your frustration and I honestly feel the same.
But you have to work around your team since this is a team game, like helping your DPS secure the kills and protect them, make more space, heal them, etc.
Tank => Go Orisa, Hog, Hammond, or DVa
Support => Go Ana, Baptiste, or Zenyatta
All the above => don’t expect that a single pick will counter a two-person combo… and ask your DPS nicely to help you focus them down
Actually fairly viable in mid ranks of ladder provided you have good healers, but this happens already on live and switching to a third tank usually leaves you at a healing or damage deficit, so you’re kinda screwed either way if it’s not working for your team. Best recommendation: if you’re a healer, switch to a main healer and be prepared to really juice your team. If you’re a DPS, go for someone with good self-sufficiency like Soldier and prepare to play a little smarter and not harder.
I’m assuming role specific SR will eventually put you with players you belong with. So, if your communication skills are up to par and you flex your role well I’m sure you’ll wind up with like-minded individuals. That to me seems solution enough in dealing with any problems a team may face together Unfortunately you may have to take some hits in dealing with those kinds of situations you detailed above until the system separates the wheat from the chaff.
but for me the real issue is can a lootbox here and there be enough to get people to actually tank/heal…its not like people who normally just play dps will all of a sudden want to (and if they do…will they ACTUALLY tank/heal…just picking them doesnt mean much)
It sounds like: If a small problem exists, 2-2-2 should not come
BTP: There are so many ways to deal with pharmercy. If people are to stubborn to switch, you loose a match move on. One match is not a big loss and Pharmercy duos aren’t that frequent.
D.va winston can have some fun harrassing aerial opponents, Baptiste/Zen/Ana can all also pitch in.
Two offtanks? Can anyone say Dive? If it’s a D.va/Hog or a Zarya/Hog you might have issues but its still preferable IMO to having a solo tanking offtank, or no tanks.
That’s just a report. It sucks, but they’re throwing.
DVa, Hammond, with a side of Orisa can help deal with them… though idk how much DVa’s dumb nerfs hurt her against that duo.
From support, Baptiste, Ana, and Zen can all help against them.
Mei for DPS. Rip Brigitte for Support.
Hammon or Roadhog for Tanks. Soldier, Mei, or any flanker who can live off health packs for DPS.
How is this in reality any different from the same problems in open 6-stack?
If you assuming you are doing a different role swap to something else that’s equally injurious to your team comp. It might solve one problem but it leads to others.
Yep - this exactly and I was in this very spot this morning - finally had to “suggest” to DPS to get a darn hitscan - had a Genji and Tracer for pete’s sake…