👋 The Perfect Sym Buff

TP is the worst part of her kit. Until something is done about that, it’s going to hard for our girl to be as great as she SHOULD be.

I just posted a thread on what I think are better changes. TLDR, make her more utility, teamwork, and map manipulation based. Basically instead of her kit being teleporter(extremely teamwork relient) and everything else(??Just use a real dps) just lean into the teleporter/coordination side and make her 1. more fun 2. more creative. Sym thoughts and reworks

Why would think the “Barriers” would be indestructible… Of course they would destructible.

It’s pretty simple if something is able to destroy the barrier that would just destroy the turret placement.

well, if the shield were 100 hp, then everything that isn’t dealing 100 dmg upfront won’t be able to destroy it. Currently that number is 30, which is a fairly easy to achieve number but for example someone like Ana wouldn’t be able to destroy a flying turret/shield with 100 hp midair unless she hits it twice (hitting it once is quite the feat considering the small hitbox and the speed at which it travels) by that time the turret/shield probably reached a wall and is armed already

I guess the bigger hitbox would help but on a duel this skill would be a huge issue, you wouldn’t want to spend resources hitting the turret if you can’t kill it fast, you’re better off waiting and hitting it on the wall

Of course all of this would be subject to change considering all the variables (size, speed, arm time, etc) but the idea of having the shields with a weak spot seems to be the most fair one

Problem is stationary or destroyable healing devices probably aren’t gonna work well. However they could try turning them into flying drones which patrol an area and heal allies within range.

a weakspot on the shield… dude… your crazy.

This is buff for Sym, not make to easy for you to kill her.

Have you seen where Sym is in the meta.


She doesn’t exist in the meta.

Just why suggest this and do not things simply to help a hero.:see_no_evil:

Not cool.

The nerve of some.

As with Symmetra 2.0, the factor holding the character back is downtime. Specifically, Teleporter requires too much time to place and manage.

Teleporter could use the Translocator treatment. Currently, it does not last long enough for its shield health to matter. It would make more sense as a permanent object that goes on cooldown when destroyed or replaced.

This change would make Teleporter a higher-priority target for the enemy team, and it would reward clever placement. The ability could shorten respawn walkback time or consistently link highground without requiring the Sym to waste time continually walking back to the placement location. In my opinion, this change would be much healthier and more consistent with Symmetra’s role as a utility-dps than a major overhaul to her abilities.