👋 The Perfect Sym Buff

I think they do listen anyway…
they reply to frame rate drops and other threads just not balancing.
im praying to the spirits that they will fix my queen symmetra.

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I hate silence… think I mention why before.

Sigh Time pass.

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THAT frustrates me so much. They respond to little common sense posts and not to actual important hero based posts.

me too, I feel like all my hard work I put into my threads are ignored. I hope they do have an impact.

How about if the barrier instead of just blocking damage also actually caused some damage to any enemy trying to cross it. Much like Hammonds mine field it would work as an area denial defense.

Not enough damage to kill full health heroes but enough to make the weaker ones not want to cross. maybe 50-100 damage. You could get some interesting interactions with characters that can move enemies around such as Lucio and Roadhog. Pull/push enemies through the barrier and then finish them off.

If they want to push her towards support it could instead heal your team that pass through it, or make it selectable at time of creation, heal or damage.


Maybe treat her turrets like Moira orbs and give her the option to shoot a slow moving barrier or a turret.

These are great ideas, there is so much they can do with her and they are just leaving her out to dry.

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Going to keep putting it out there in one form or another.

They already said it’s hard to keep track of these already.

And that it’s like answering out of a crowd of hands…

So Just have to keep trying.

I honestly thought this was what we were going to get with her last rework XD

I support it

Symmetra has an Oasis skin and her ult is a gigantic glowing wall. A Wonderwall.

I digress.

I love anyone who tries to buff my favourite character but I dislike this idea. You would have a conflict of throwing a barrier and ending up with a turret in a bad spot. You also lose stealth turret placements. Better to separate the abilities.

If she got something on the weapon swap key (1/2) she could have 1.0 photon shield back, or a very weak mini photon barrier, or… anything really. I’d leave the mechanics of turrets as they are.

I miss the fantasy of Symmetra weaving the battlefield as she sees fit, enchanting allies, dropping turrets and structures and just dancing like the goddess she is. Her ult is powerful but a bit uninspired for such a tremendous character. It’d be nice if she could do more with it.

They playtested this while reworking her and said it felt clunky and weird so scrapped it.

Stealth Turrets arn’t really a thing… You know how know why…


Plus I been playing Sombra more, Stealth isn’t a “real” thing against a team.

Getting tired of people saying this.

Its just ignorant of Sym’s issues.

I still believe it is do-able, as she is a builder so she can have ways to do so via healing turrets with more HP, she can build a blue health pack… the ideas are endless honestly.

Geoff said they already tried this in the past but It didnt work

I guess being anything other than a wet noodle would be to strong

I guess being as good as the other dps heroes is bad now?

These are also the same people that gave us valk 1.0, Doomfist 0.01, and made an unneeded unviseral nerf to ultimates because one hero was broken.

They could be lying or tested it for a total of five seconds I want to see the proof in ptr before hearing that excuse.

I kinda like this idea but the only part against it is that turrets would be indestructible mid air, which would guarantee turrets arming up, also depending on the amount of health the shields have, Sym would be really damn tanky

Say if they were 100 hp shields, snipers could break them still, sure but when fighting up close she could be throwing up to 300 hp in shields that then arm up and deal quite a bit of damage if left unattended, remember that turrets force you to turn around to destroy them so on top of this they would be also blocking damage? kind of odd really

Now if the size of the shield themselves were… not big, we could argue that skill would allow you to be tanky situationally which is fine… in this case what would happen is that the hitbox on the turrets just increases until they arm up which kind of goes hand in hand with what sym can currently do (block a single shot with a turret) but better

So I would propose that the shield area to be only 3 times the turret, also, if the shield/turret is hit dead center it would break immediately (5 hp) and the shield itself would be 100 hp

This was way longer than I expected lol

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i disagree with the 4 turrets with their current damage, but i do like your barrier idea

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Sym 2.0’s RMB could have doubled as a photon barrier, in a way, and a teleporter, all at once.

Because 2.0’s RMB was slow-moving, it would have just required a little tweak: Removing the option to charge up another orb while one is still in flight (fully charged orbs, at least); add function to press RMB while fully charged orb is in flight and Symmetra would teleport instantly to the orb’s location, therefore giving Symmetra mobility option she has always much needed, and still does, frankly.

Also, because 2.0 symmetra RMB orbs were so slow, this would work great as well: The orb would act like a DVA Defense Matrix. It’s the slow moving, Black Hole, that absorbs everything in it’s path; Projectiles, hitscan. It obviously wouldn’t be a map-wide barrier, but it could be used effectively.

Unfortunately, we got sym 3.0.