Sym thoughts and reworks

Sym is a really interesting character to look at, her history is crazy. I personally preffered sym 2.0 with barrier best, but the newest sym is the best. But she’s misguided. She doesn’t put out enough consistent damage QUICKLY to be useful,(at least more useful than another character) while her teleporter ability can be used to dictate entire strategies. Picking sym rn boils down to “Ok, can we make do with losing a real dps to make a smart tele flank.” And sometimes, it does pay off. That’s where the fun of sym comes from. She has a low pick rate because you NEED communication and cooperation, more than any other character. And that’s fine, I think that that’s actually a great playstyle. It means she has a low pickrate, yet is viable in serious games with real teamwork. But her kit doesn’t synergize with this. Teleporting a team across the map isn’t as useful when it takes multiple seconds right by the enemy before she starts doing useful damage, or use her orbs(which has basically become her playstyle.) So instead of acting as a weird basically useless ground pharah, I say embrace her utility dps role. Make her a combo of sym 3.0 and torb 1.0, give her more building abilities. At this point I dont even care if she’s a damn fortnite character, building hardlight stairs or bounce pads or SOMETHING would make her way more fun and way more useful for her team. She’s designed to be weak, all her damage abilities have some form or setup time(turret flytime and setup, beam charge up, orb charge) and is designed to be a character who outthinks her opponents and sets up. Give her more UNIQUE mobility and map manipulation abilities then, instead of turrets people don’t like to fight. That’s why mei’s ice wall is disliked, but not hated. It’s annoying that it blocks your path, but that’s all it does. If more of sym’s kit was about the map and cutting off routes other ways than pure damage+slow effect(which really, no one likes to fight.) she’d be way more liked. If shes GOING to be used in exclusively coordination based teams, make her kit coordination and map manipulation based too.

I think she is fine. I get an average 15-25 kills a game with her and sometimes way more. I like her new rework a lot cuz I can make d.vas rethink about using their ults

She works and it’s easy to get kills, but she doesnt fit in team comps well, especially in competitive

Psssh team comps. I’m talking about quickplay😎every hero is viable in there

If she’s reworked to require more coordination, it’ll just make her used even less. Let’s face it: Most players in OW don’t want to put in the effort, nor do they trust each other enough, to make coordinated decisions for players in low masters and below. Even in GM, coordination is scarce in comparison to actual OW esports teams.

The map-changing aspect sounds interesting, but is impractical for the developers to code and work with. There is no doubt that it would have TONS of bugs, which Mei’s wall already had (even though it’s so much simpler).

Good ideas, but I’m not sure if they would be practical, or possible to be added.

Also, paragraphs please!

Yep, with Sym 2.0 I got my best results on comp.
With this new Sym, im not able to play comp without being harrased.

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Your comment on paragraphs is noted :joy:

and that’s what im saying, shes always required a fair amount of coordination and probably always will, so instead of leaving her KINDA viable without teamwork(meaning she wont get picked) im saying make her bad if your team doesn’t coordinate with her. The teams and players that wouldn’t pick her(most of em) won’t select her, and notice no change. The teams and players that would and do pick her would benefit hugely. Make her high risk high reward, but not in terms of engagement, rather coordination and strategy. That’s not to say make her bad or underpowered, but instead more like zarya where the better, smarter, and more teamwork based you play, the better you do

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It does sound good on paper, but how would it work out in reality? Having Symmetra be bad if her team doesn’t coordinate with her… Would leave her being quite unviable in medium to low ranks, where coordination is scarce. This would leave Symmetra players themselves quite frustrated, and much more useless, under the circumstances of no team coordination. Not only that, but Symmetra players would automatically be put in the position of “leader” of the team, where they have to direct other teammates to follow the leader, or take the hard-light staircase she built, etc. Now, this wouldn’t always be the case, since others can direct the Symmetra, but doing so would be far less effective than the Symmetra themself being the leader.

Now, wanting Symmetra to be high risk, high reward sounds like a good idea, and sounds like it could work by having high coordination and strategy requirements. However, incorporating coordination into a hero that is designed to be high risk, high reward results in a another addition to the aspect of high risk: high effort. This would primarily apply to the Symmetra’s teammates, since they have to put in the effort to stay coordinated, go a certain way, etc. Yes, the high risk would apply to Symmetra, and automatically requires effort, but more effort would be put on the teammates to ensure the effectiveness of Symmetra.

This goes back to medium to low ranked players: Most are not willing to put in the effort, coordination, etc. to have such a Symmetra on their team, hence the reason why low risk heroes are played in lower ranks.

Again, these are good ideas, but such strategy and coordination is mostly observable in high ranks, which is the minority of the player base.

You make really good points, but you’re kind of arguing my side- ATM, sym is as you described. Doesn’t work in lower ranks due to lack of coordination (which also means some people throw or leave if you even pick her) and if you DO pick her it makes you the leader with the teleporter, and you’re screwed if they don’t listen to you. If she had more things to build it would mean she could get told to put stairs or a bounce pad or something anywhere. It would become about how fast and how creatively you can use her structures with your team, not "hope team goes through teleporter and if they don’t then switch so I don’t get yelled at for playing sym. She’s never been a high pickrate hero and I think that should remain, she shouldn’t be picked every game. She should be picked by players the know how to use her, with teams willing to coordinate, and they should be REWARDED for that teamwork.

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Oh I seeeee. So a bounce pad or staircase… Yes that would be much more simpler for teammates to follow. These are some good ideas, would love to see them in action.

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It’s not that she’s bad in the live servers, she’s just not particularly good. Every other character outshines her except maybe torb and thats another can of worms. Her teleporter doesn’t feel good enough to make up for her lackluster and solo playstyle kit