The patch went back live again

Wait, didnt they were talking like we have great future ahead of us or some other stuff? Why they are not happy future is now!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess whatever it was wasn’t balance, because we can see how thats going.

My feedback is I’m unlikely to play after this patch. Tanking was hard enough with all the spam already, and we ended up with buffs to three characters that can pump a lot of damage into tanks already. Feels like the idea was to buff Rein to bring back the huge mass of casual and low rank Reins to buff tank numbers, but those of us who don’t like playing Rein? Can’t speak for the others, but it feels like these patches were designed to get me to stop playing.


The buff of Hanzo and Mccre is a joke… these heros need nerf, not buffs!!! , and Rein… more op… Hulk smash., the nerf of Hamster is okay.

And Moira… Not even the super jump of mercy … moira is now more OP than ever.

The Torb and Cass changes feedback was already conveyed from the October patch:

So even the feedback selected by yourself isn’t meaningful, I fail to see how is this not further evidence of tanks being low priority.

Sorry, I appreciate what you have done here and you’re awesome, but we’ve been down this road, a lot of patches all the way back to 2020 share the same theme “this is bad for tanks but it’s going live anyway”.

We need action that shows tanks are in fact, not low priority. Action, not words.


They don’t care. Idk how many times I have to say it for people to get it.

3rd time everyone is saying that those changes are not needed yet here we are again.


Correct me if i’m wrong. I think most of the changes have been in experimental before the patch went live.

One of the seriously dumbest set of changes ever in this game. More DPS love and power creep, more Tank nerf Hammond hate because he could punish bad aim, countering, or teamplay. Guess what… there’s more plays you can do besides “spin and win” with the grapple that might need grapple time! Sorry lower tier players can’t aim in a circle or figure out ALL of the easy counters to WB!
Every time you think this game can’t get worse…


We have this talk last year and every month you saied yea its a bug, then why you puting coleslav combat roll in air everywhere again?

What’s the pupouse of this?

The meta? For me its H.E.D.
Hog, Echo, Doomfist coze right now they super op.
Shield? No problem
Enemy? No problem. 1 trick and enemy is gonne. Hog and doom just can use 1 ability to kill you. Or just like echo, doom can use 2 abilitys and still kill you.

I dont wana Play Ana every game to counter hog,and at the same time been served on a silver tray for doom or echo.

Its more and more frustrainig and unfun to Play. No Wonder moust of owl and normal players, streamers, content Creators leave the ow to Play something better.

Playin as other support here give no value.

Former devoted and addicted tank main here.

Finally quit the game weeks ago after literal years of watching tanks get systematically dismantled… Came back just to see this patch.

Not surprised by what I’ve learned. Utterly tone deaf developers who don’t seem to actually play or understand their own game. Nothing has changed. :clown_face: Bye!:wave:


So you know it is a bad idea… great… at least its something.

Come on. Yes it will change things but not for the better. Hanzo and Cassy are already pretty strong in busting tanks and spamming damage. Why kick the tankplayers that already lie on the ground?

Sorry but the balance is not the first time “not quite right” without using more aggressive language. Maybe a new approach or a new view on the game is needed. Because how balance is done currently its more than bad. Slow, biased and leads to frustration without addressing the real problems.

And here we go again with the “Feedback is welcome!” line. I personally have the feeling that you get feedback to exactly do NOT the things that we suggest. “Balancing around the problem” while creating newer problems that are worse so it seems like they are fixed… thats one problem with the balance. Remember Tracer? She is still overturned with her longer range but people accept this because we have BIGGER problems now! Is that what balance looks like?


I was hoping the Lucio beat change would come through, but then the forum would probably break down.

Yeah 'cause more burst damage is the opposite of what we need.


What I find odd about this is that they always say they balance for high ranks and OWL, but Hamster spinning for hours on the point without getting killed is a very low-rank problem because people can’t aim/don’t properly counter him.

And I say that from a very neutral perspective because I’ve never played the character.

Well, they don’t they try to take a more holistic view.
Like say they did. Then you would be some eye watering Bastion buffs.

But they don’t. Because they are not trying to balance Bastion for GM / OWL.

The general idea is that low ranks aren’t a good reason for buffs, but they are for nerfs, specially when it comes to stuff found to be disruptive or annoying.

Truth be told though, devs have been consistently bad at balancing around anything. They just scare the headless chicken and go for it, there’s a distinctive lack of balance philosophy, consistency, or goal.

The only thing we can count on is the Goodman Bottleneck.


6v6 Hanzo onlies in No Limits with occasional Rein and Ana after hours of the patch being live

This is not normal

It was explained plenty of times before to be honest, you dont need to look hard. I am really sorry but i am very frustrated, so after this point i might be harsh and all over the place.

Overall its not a rocket science to figure out why the game feels bad in its current state, in fact it is crystal clear, its just you guys are keep ignoring it, hoping it goes away eventually because it dosnt align with some numbers or you guys just simply dont agree with it. Or even worse, you keep listening to OWL and Top500 players who are so out of touch with whats happening in the actual game its not even funny anymore.
Its overall an awfully similar case to what happened with the WoW team. They ignored every single feedback that they thought its not important, or its just a player skill issue.

I do not understand how is it so hard to comprehend, that the overall damage, especially BURST damage is insanely high in the game right now, to the point where it means that tanking is just impossible at worst and dosnt feel good at best.

Why do you think, that there is such a heavy tank player shortage? Let me explain why, if so far that wasnt clear. We are way beyond the point of “there is just less tanks in every mmo as well so its expected”.
As a tank, i dont want to hide behind walls, peeking around corners 24/7 just so i can finally use my defenses to survive or give protection to my teammates for a critical 2 seconds before it gets obliterated if they didnt capitalize on it.
Way back when, it was the most optimal play for Reinhardt for example to let go of the shield sometimes to preserve energy in it even under heavy fire, even if it meant a few shots got through. Now its not the optimal play, its the required one even against poking damage.

Why is it, that despite a well known community sentiment that some DPS heroes are too good at too many things at once without a clear, exploitable weakness, not only getting away with it for so long, they are even buffed in top of that???
Just to be clear that the prime example for that is “Cassidy”.

Why is it, that we have plenty of other heroes in the DPS category, that are underperforming and it is proven to be in a state that players are reporting its users just for picking them FOR YEARS, FOR YEARS, but they dont get addressed in any way shape or form, not even in quality of life or cosmetic levels.
I dont know if you are aware, but in the case of Symmetra, players have been requesting her hand to be golden with gold weapons a long time ago…She dosnt even have a victory pose or highlight intro where her gun is showing up and that was pointed out and requested YEARS AGO.
Her teleporter is reportedly bugged ever since her last rework, (which was again, years ago) auto destroying on random places across all maps without even a refund on cooldown when that happens and working very incosistent overall. But hey, i guess its fine because she is good for taxi and even decent on some control maps right?
I could go on and on about how incomplete and scuffed some DPS heroes can be that could be easily solved but ignored, just out of fear that some random OWL and Top500 player might become too good at it and might be a better pick in some cases than someone in the flashy play gang.

Why is it, that despite the overall consensus and clear evidence, that tanking is just awful, it just dosnt get addressed? Here is a great idea for it, maybe make them feel tanks again. Dont give them useless damage buffs in random parts of their kit that wont be utilized more than maybe once in a blue moon in a real match environment (for example remech and Rein Shatter impact)
Give them something to work with that actually helps them survive or protect teammates better, something that makes them not requiring the coordination of 3 other players to achieve something with it.

Why aoe healing is still so strong despite the universal agreement that its on the same levels of problematic than burst damage?

Why is Mercy still didnt got another rework,something closer to what she was originally? Maybe as a first step for addressing the too much aoe healing, take her spectator mode Valkyrie away and give her an actual,impactful ultimate like mass rez was. While we are at the mass rez topic, give her that dam thing back…its not hard to give it an extending range overtime, a casting time or a line of sight requirement for christ sake. I dont even mind it if its borderline unusable as long as its feels good and rewarding as hell when it actually goes off.

Why is Brig still in the state she is in? Her overall kit is so counterintuitive its not even funny anymore. Might want to full rework her so she becomes a usable and enjoyable to play even in lower ranks. How often people actually play her below GM? She is one of the most popular characters in the support role from a cosmetic point of view but people just cannot use her because she has a bad kit. You might want to adress that.

Also while we are at it, BUFF…NOT NERF every single tank hero for OW2 defense wise.
The biggest factor of taking away one tank, is not less damage going around overall, its less defense overall…

Sorry for the rant but i dont know how many times these point were explained before by not just me, but hundreds, if not thousands of other players both in great detail and just ranting. Might as well try and listen to the actual playerbase who wants to play your game but cannot deal with it in its current state, the game is dying and getting ridiculed by the entire industry because of how badly it was and still is being managed.


What is this “Ana become meta”. Everywhere except GM Ana is the top picked support by a long margin. Even in GM she is 3rd so is still in a majority of games. She has been like this for as long as I have played the game. But they just don’t seem to want to nerf her out of it and she makes tank players like me leave tanking. Get Ana out of every game at low ranks and you might see a bit of a slowdown in the exodus of tanks.

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I was talking about grandmaster, and yes I know that Ana literally dominates every single rank by a long marging aside gm