The patch went back live again

i love these changes the only ones i dont like is the ball and moira changes

You’re right - most of the current roster does not reflect any truth to that oft-told balancing philosophy. But you know what small slice actually does reflect a care and curation that leads me to believe there might be some truth to it?

The supports. Looking at GM supports, almost everybody is represented with very close margins of difference in pickrates. Almost all the supports are accounted for, useful, and balanced. Almost. The one exception to that was Moira, who did just get something in this patch.

The support lineup is probably the only bit that is GM balanced, and for the most part, is balanced well if you look at it through that metric alone.

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You cannot be serious, Moira being able to jump is nice but unlikely to be enough to make picking her a better idea than just playing Bap.

Hanzo and Cass are in every game. How exactly is buffing them going to shake up the meta?

some changes are made for lower ranks

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One of the most surprising things I found when I built the OWL viewer was how consistently good OWL balancing was.

I was honestly shocked how well it was balanced for OWL. Like seriously well balanced.

The problem was, Ladder isn’t OWL, and IS where the customers of the game are playing.
Anyway, your point about supports is right, and it isn’t often like that so like giving recognition where it is due, they have balanced the supports there really well.

this is a good point, they do make changes for those ranks but they usually are not big buffs

I don’t like her fade, it gives her a longer predictable arc for snipers now

And that’s why Jeff left

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It’s not going to shake up the meta at all. Cass is still going to be in every game, Hog is still going to be in every game, Hanzo is still going to be in every game.

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When the last experimental was pulled because of the negative feedback I really had hopes that things were moving in a positive direction.

But I should have known. Not only did you outdo yourselves and make an even worse patch while offering no explanation at all for the reasoning behind the changes, but you rushed it out without gathering any feedback and in doing so introduced a gamebreaking glitch.

What a mess. It used to be exciting, but I dread every time a patch that comes out now.


So why did they give Hanzo E back his ricochet!?

Spent 2 hrs in Diamond QP toying with the changes:

Moira – I like this change. It’s kinda adorable. Reinforces her identity of maneuverability. Won’t increase her popularity or success much in the long run, as most other support are still simply better picks.

Reinhardt – Unnecessary. Rein was in nearly every game and will continue to be. Earthshatter already seemed like one of the best ults in the game. If any of the buffs in this patch is later deemed too strong, this is the one.

Hanzo – I like it. Doesn’t feel overpowered (so far). Hanzo saw a decent amount of play before this buff, but frankly he wasn’t all that good. The nature of this buff is unique and appropriate for an archer, and more suitable than, say, giving him 25 more hp.

Cassidy – Not very impactful. Makes him feel a little more fluid I guess.

Torbjorn – As someone with nearly 200 hours on Torb: Secondary fire is still inferior to primary fire in 95% of situations. Secondary fire doesn’t need a lower ammo cost, it needs a unique characteristic to justify its use.

Wrecking Ball – Didn’t seem impactful. I don’t play Ball though!

I think scornful reactions from some parts of the community are a bit of an overreaction. These changes aren’t nearly as impactful compared to what we’ve seen in the past. The disappointment probably has more to do with WHICH heroes got buffed.

What am I supposed to say? My fun doesn’t matter, you’ve convinced me to ignore my own fun? I hate your view of the discussion and I hope your view is ignored honestly.

By buffing three of the most powerful heroes in the game?


It’s better than no content. Forums will never be happy.
I’m having fun with the Hanzo change, very minimal, but gives me a reason to use storm arrows more.


No content is better than this.

These changes don’t address the problematic heroes; it only enforces them being picked even more to deal with the heroes who just got buffed.

Sigma and Bap are the reasons that double shield is either meta or always on the border of being meta. So instead of addressing that, they bring in changes from previous Experimental patches that got a lot of negative feedback before.


Good to see you here Andy!! Your time here is really appreciated!

“The nit and gritt”.

I don’t see how moira super jumping is feasible. When I play Moira, I feel as though there at times where I feel useless as a healer and the only thing I can do in action is deal damage. When it comes to healing. I feel as though if we are wanting meta changes in a positive direction. Her healing needs to be continuous. With Damage reduction needing to be discussed across the board for healers.

Often times, we hear players complain of “why are their healers not healing” but instead doing damage. This is often called “throwing”. When simply put. The player is utilizing the full kit of the Healer. Which includes damage dealing.

  • Mercy is supposedly “throwing” by using her pistol.
  • Moira is throwing, because she is warping around the map, doing damage orbs.

I feel the bugged issues with moira are

  • The damage orbs that often exist for too long.
  • The damage biotic grasp that protrudes through visual obstructions, despite players are breaking site lights.

I think for now. I am going to leave it at that. And let the community talk to you. :smiley:

Speak for yourself.

Of course you are, devs care about your fun.

They don’t for the tanks so we’re damned.


That’s literally what I did.

Didn’t Rein get a buff?

Want to know the reason for the backlash?

It’s not about how they got buffed, but more about why they got buffed.

We don’t know why.