The overmoji café: re

He did. It’s not new for the regulars though :stuck_out_tongue:


I don’t like BTC. His content just preaches to the choir

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I don’t feel like watching a 11 minute video but if i’m going by the title and it’s not clickbait then i disagree, 3 heroes a year is fine because after their intial release everyone besides those who enjoy them go back to the other heroes they play.

I think what overwatch needs is content that all heroes can be used on such as new game modes and a permanent PvE mode, i’m sure the next few heroes will consist of a anchor tank, a main healer and so on anyways.

they should just balance what they already have because there’s plenty of underpowered heroes that can mix up the meta if buffed, for example if they buff orisa so she’s in league with reinhardt and winston then they could create a new meta, beyond that heroes like junkrat and reaper can be the end of goats if buffed.


On the DBD reddit I got a post locked even if I got permission from the person to post it. The whole thing was a joke. Maybe it’s because I’m a facecamping killer main. It’s very killercist :((

A thread I made recently :3

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Card playing day. I guess it’s time to duel cough I mean deal.


guess who’s bbbbback
totally didn’t forget this existed for a week


Gonna post this dream idea I had: 🦹‍♂️ What if the next hero was a Isekai theme hero? (another world theme but I am also thinking Deadpool and Futurama too))

What’s your excuse for missing work?

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Did you bring any food?


Cake :birthday:


Are you sure it’s not a sponge??

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Who else doesn’t care about the next map and would rather have a support hero? Who else doesn't care about the next map and would rather have a support hero?


I’d prefer a new map because i don’t think i’ll ever end up playing any other support besides lucio anyways, how it usually goes is there’s the new hero excitement then it dies off in a week if the hero’s play style doesn’t truly interest you.


Forgot to add the link

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I could add a link and I will :Moon: What if the next 4 Heroes were D.Va's Entire Mecha Squad released at once or Twice

But does anyone think with this abnormal amount of heroes being worked behind the scenes… could just be D. Va team?

I’m so incredibly bored having to stay in bed ALL DAY and not even get a chance to leave my place or play some games at my PC (recovering from a torn muscle).

I’m sure I’ve watched every Netflix movie in existence. Someone send me some birthday cake or cupcakes. :weary:


And then you realize that hero replaces yours…
cries in Mccree