Who else doesn't care about the next map and would rather have a support hero?

Honestly with nerfed Brig, I know its going to be a while before they figure out something.

So I am hoping another support hero can exist like Brig at close range. Or give reason for old Brig to exist like she did.

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maybe a support that can make people more resistant to damage. like orisa fortify or like % damage resistance. like they prevent health loss instead of just restoring it.

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If you want to see the other concept I talked today it’s here: 🦹‍♂️ What if the next hero was a Isekai theme hero? (another world theme but I am also thinking Deadpool and Futurama too)) (I posted it this morning, right before I went back to sleep. So Didn’t really get traction as I would like.)

The next hero should be BOB healing people with drinks and caviar.

BOB is just LvL 3 Turret with a smack mechanic and other buffs.

That seems like it’d have too much overlap with Zarya.

Techically Overlap is gonna be a thing we are gonna see more and more going forward.

Just look as Ashe, She is just Ana Dps Style with a Super Sayain LvL 3 Turret.

i mean what heroes in this game don’t have similar abilities

Actually i’d say ashe is a cross between mccree and widowmaker for play style with a little bit of torbjorn sprinkled in there because of her ultimate.

More like the she is a better version of Older style Torb.

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because it wouldn’t surprise me if the next map is either a free for all map, 3v3 map or capture the flag mp.

most dont care because theirs a good chance we will never get to play it in normal play

EDIT: just re-read your title and post I am posting on the wrong foot there, but yeah I would love for a new support , am still expecting another dps with junker queen and mech as an ult

And I moved on to this: :Moon: What if the next 4 Heroes were D.Va's Entire Mecha Squad released at once or Twice