The only people who don't want 2-2-2

I’m perfectly relaxed.

I’m just telling you that role-que is a bad idea and while it may solve some problems, it will also generate new ones.

I don’t know, I didn’t make the post but you could read it a bit more and watch the video to get more information :woman_shrugging:

Oh I accept it, doesn’t mean I like it.

Nothing we can do as a player base to change what is being bought in.

Oh maybe we can strike the game for a month and see how blizzard likes it.

But again, I accept it.

The third stage of grief — Bargaining.

Lol, I don’t think they’ll notice. You in the minority my friend, and reading all the comment from other sites on the net, it looks like a lot of people are coming back for 2/2/2.

Imagine that, people want to play when they’re guaranteed to have a balanced team.

Jeffs voice is creepy and grinds on the nerves.

I wasn’t having a go at you personally.

I was having a go at the reporting etc system they have in place, automated and robotic.

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I understand! They said they have an actual team looking into these reports so hopefully it won’t be like the report system we have now. Although I can’t say for sure that what they’re saying is true. :woman_shrugging:

Its not balanced, that is the problem, sure its going to make a 2/2/2 setup, but the heros themselves need to be reworked for it to be efficient at any sort of balance.

People are still going to prick heros that will not mesh together, example is widow on a closed map or 2 off tanks/supports.

I could go on, but there is no point, its being bought in, people are going to have to accept it and play with what they are given, but the whinging will not stop as people will want certain heros only used with other heros etc. This will become another problem in the future.

It’ll be a lot more balanced then it is currently on live.

This cry for 2/2/2 didn’t come out of no where.

Im not in grief. Denial is the stage you are all at though. You guys will get through it.

I almost always stick to a 2-2-2 comp, but I’m against 2-2-2.

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Most players don’t wan’t 2/2/2 to win more…don’t know someones think that…most players wan’t more enjoyable matches…it’s not fun stomp or get stomped for bad composition

Grief is the process as a whole.

There are five stages:

  1. Denial
  2. Anger
  3. Bargaining
  4. Depression
  5. Acceptance

I’m actually not against 2-2-2 being implemented. I just think they’re doing it wrong by forcing us, and even the pros, to do it. Making it an option rather than set in stone would give us more of a win-win. Those who don’t use it and then complain about team composition and such would have no room to talk since they could have role queued and solved that problem.

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You could try brig. Brig is good with moira (not sure about new brig)

Even mercy if you’re attacking can be good. Don’t always need a defensive ult

You will be screwed more than ever before if someone is trolling, underperforming or the character pool that player is good at doesn’t work in that situation. There is nothing anyone can do. Maybe more one trick will rises

Toxicity will grow way faster, for example those who thinks the players on the other 2 roles are bad/trash they will start throwing, at the same time no one else can switch to that role to compensate

I always duo with my friend, switch between roles for different situations. I pay for the game but I can’t play what I want even when it is needed is not acceptable. Unless everyone is forced to choose at least two roles.

Classic quick play in arcade will be dead in a month just like the original quick play(No limit) which basically disappeared from the game.

Feels like this system just let those who doesn’t know teamwork(Communicate), doesn’t want to learn the game, players only know how to play on one role and make the game easier for them to gain SR to higher ranked matches.

How much would you like to bet that we’ll see a dramatic increase in the number of Battle Mercys?

I never wanted 222 to happen, my least played role is dps and i have a heropool of 20 heroes i can play at Masters/GM, Goats was my favorite meta ever and i despise Snipers and Sombra.

Drops mic

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Here’s the funny thing. I’m 46, and have been online gaming a long time. I’ve seen “get out” posts like him in a lot of games: DC Universe Online, EQ2, SWTOR, Paragons, HoTS, and numerous others.

And how are those games fairing today? How have they faired the past several years?

The thing is, people unhappy will and do leave, and those posts always seem to be the beginning shots at just the right time to cause a shift. Coincidence, no doubt, since a majority don’t even visit the forums, but I’ve watched the cycle in game after game when a paradigm shifts.

And a paradigm has shifted here.

I’ve already uninstalled the Bnet launcher. OW was the final Blizzard game left. I’ve just been jumping on the forums in between catching up on my reading tonight, something that’s long been overdue. Before I head to bed, I’ll be clearing my browser history and deleting anything Blizzard related from bookmarks.

And I was a long-time Blizzard customer, since 1994. But Overwatch today just solidified what I already saw in Diablo 3, HoTS, and the past several WoW expansions: It’s time to move on from giving Blizzard money. No more Blizzard related merchandise and no more statues, and what I have is likely going on eBay.

And most definitely, no future Blizzard titles for me.

Kaplan and Goodman and their work managed to drive my wife from WoW many years ago. Now they’ve managed to drive us both away from being Blizzard customers, after a quarter-of-a-century of being so.

Congrats to Kaplan and Goodman. You accomplished what I at one time thought impossible. Kudos to you.


This right here is actually the secret to making Overwatch the best it could be.

Map design would be the biggest problem, but team comps would be so much better. More people like playing dps anyway and it would open up a slot for niche characters.

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