The only people who don't want 2-2-2

Are the ones who instalock 4 dps and then complain about losing.

2-2-2 will save this game from itself and make balancing easier.

Though i still feel like they should balance the game about 7 heroes.

2-3-2 but I digress. Also nerf snipers before its too late.


The anti 222 threads lately are just proving alot of people are struggling to think of many genuine negatives in comparison to the many potential positives


I don’t want 2-2-2. It doesn’t matter which role pugs pick, I’m still with people i don’t know and cannot trust. I wanted a guild clan system instead. Im not a 4 stack DPS player.


Guess people don’t want reliable team comps with everyone playing what they want.


Like you are going to get killed in real life becouse of this players lol. It matters the roles ofc better compositions better chances to win. i had so many games as Winston outdmg 4-5 dps ended with like 3-4 gold medals.

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Yes. I definitely instalock 4 DPS.

Oh wait, no, I main Tanks and Support, but will flex to any role to counter.


Nice generalization. I main two supports and do not want it.



Agree 100%.


Does any of that matter to the fact that I am not a 4 stack DPS and I do not want 2-2-2? No? Then your initial opinion of only 4 stack DPS not wanting role lock is false.


Counter-point: The only people who want 2-2-2 blame DPS for everything

You must be out of your mind if you really think this’ll suddenly make “balancing easier” (as if Blizzard are the kings of balancing decisions) or “reduce toxicity” (it won’t. That guy allegedly throwing on DPS? He’ll be doing the same on support or tank)


I’m amazed I somehow managed to lock 4 DPS so much, but lack a DPS in my top 7 most played heroes. Actually, only ~87 of my 1114 hours are on DPS. Quite a feat indeed.


This is the same “saving” Wrath needed at its peak with Cataclysm.

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The tank and support players will cherish the day that 2-2-2 drops because we have sense. We know the sacrifice of having to deal with dps instalockers. We know the struggle.


Ofc will make balancing easier creativity will be limited and people will not be able to create cancer. Some people are throwing game becouse they got angry about too much losing and and just said fk it they dont care so why should I. Dps role is big problem in this game and if you dont agree you are blind.


I certainly know the struggle of “Can a DPS switch to counter Doomfist/Pharah/Reaper”

Now all we need is a competent matchmaking system and an anti-smurfing net.

I’m more mad about Moira instalockers that make me redundant or have to swap to Lucio. 2/2/2 doesn’t actually fix that.
DPS instalockers aren’t competing with me for hero selection, and there are rarely so many I can’t build a solid comp. As in, it’s been months since I played quad-DPS rare. Why do you feel the need to villianize DPS here? They aren’t boogeymen here to ruin your precious game; they’re just other players.


I play a lot of the healing cast- but switch to DPS if my team issnt able to kill certain enemies. Healing a team who cant aim is not fun


I want 2-2-2 especially for when i want to play dps, cause now if a feel like playing dps i might not even be able to.

I don’t know I agree htat sniper should get nerfed, high skill heroes should be rewarded.

When you play DPS. Are you going to switch to counter. Can you switch to counter the likes of Doomfist, Hammond, Pharah, Reaper, Tracer, Genji which give other roles specific problems?

Honestly I don’t even know why you worry right now, last season I made the switch to maining Pharah, most of the time I was able to play her in a valid comp. Sometimes 3 DPS (never 4), but rarely, and I think I switched to off-tank or support in those 3 DPS matches because I felt it was needed and we would have lost about twice.


There are tons of problems though 2-2-2 isn’t a fix it just tries to cover up the actual problems of this game

We need more counterplay options limiting them isn’t going to help