The only people who don't want 2-2-2

Hi, Mercy main here. Occasional Rein.

I don’t want forced 2/2/2.

Have a nice day.


Nonsense. I have played this game for over a 1,000 hours. I play almost every single day for hours on end and I believe this is a horrendous idea.

Have fun with those same players picking heroes that don’t even synergize with other heroes in your team. Or have fun with the people picking heroes that are just complete F-tier. Or have fun with that one healer who just doesn’t do well, or that one tank who just doesn’t do well, or the one DPS who doesn’t do well. There is nothing you will be able to do about it. At least at the moment you can still switch to any hero to try to shore up someone else’s shortcomings. You are going to wish the old system was still in place once you have witnessed forced locks. It isn’t going to be pretty.


It’s coming regardless. have a better one!

In September… That’s a lot of time to complain.

the statement in the OP remains incorrect, regardless

Problem solved if your teammate agrees and is aware of the situation.

“Hi, this is Mercy. There are some enemies trying to flank us and I’d like to swap to DPS for a few minutes.”

You really believe Blizzard had thought of that???

An example: I love to play Pharah, she’s my favorite DPS but here is the important part: she is my ONLY enjoyable DPS hero. When I queue I don’t know what composition I’ll play against and if I’m forced to switch off from Pharah I have lost the joy of that game. Since I’m not the type to put my team into a disadvantage I’ll probably never play one of my favorite hero again.

Great change.


Support main here. You don’t speak for us.


I think that mean locking DPs makes you lose superfast lol

I’m a Mercy main and I told you before — you don’t speak for me.


Agreed. Role queue is finally making me want to return to Overwatch again.

I’m a tank main. So I’m the kind of player that the game needs more of. Not someone who instalocks Hanzo.

[quote=“Guiltycrown-11463, post:105, topic:370324, full:true”]
2-2-2 will not be the end of OW people are just going to overreact on the forums because its the forums.[/quote]

Except I never post on the forums until this god-awful idea was just announced.

This is the death of flex players (who excel at a couple tanks, a couple healers, a couple DPS - but not ALL the healers or ALL the tanks, etc). Effectively, because I don’t play 4/5ths of the DPS characters, I can never justify queueing for the 3-4 DPS I actually enjoy playing. And if I’m expected to heal attack-widows, BGNR.

Last time I got on a Blizzard forum, they had just mutilated the class I had played for 8+ years as a main - so despite being my favorite expansion, I uninstalled. They effectively deleted my playstyle.


You are all so salty for no reason. Like you didn’t see this coming. Well its here. Get with it or get out.

I am aware that we are fixing a problem that doesn’t even exist.

And thanks my dude!

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Didn’t EA say something like this when Battlefield V launched?


I dont blame DPS. Just the 3rd and 4th ones!

How could one person be four DPS at the same time? That’s quite impressive.


The salts running through your veins.

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the statement in the original post is still not a correct one

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