The only people who don't want 2-2-2

It should make it much much better actually. Now remove medals and give us stats :slight_smile:

I consider this statement to be highly offensive, personally

2-2-2 will not be the end of OW people are just going to overreact on the forums because its the forums.

The statement in the OP remains incorrect

While others will fan the flames …

Blizzard could have done the sensible thing and should have gone for 1 tank, 1 healer and 4 flex.

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Or — you know — left it alone.

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I’m not a DPS main - and I don’t want it either.

The categories are arbitrary.

Healers Have Different Playstyles
Hours played with Mercy, Moira or Lucio - don’t translate to Zenyatta or Ana.

I see more Widow/Hanzo/Ashe fans touch Ana (hint - sniper-playstyle).

Tanks Have Different Playstyles
Hours played with shield-tanks (Orisa, Rein) don’t necessarily match dive-tanks (Dva, Winston, Hammond) - and god if I ever figure out Zarya. Just because I play 2-3 tanks when needed doesn’t mean I excel with all of them (because they have radically different uses).

Guess I Can’t DPS
I play 3-4 DPS… and I cannot imagine ever queueing for my FAVORITES under this system - because it would be a disservice to the rest - because I have zero talent or interest in the other 4/5ths of the DPS roster.

I don’t want to snipe. I don’t care about kills. I absolutely loathe the #Edgewatch characters.

I play Mei as a psuedo-tank to help tanks with shields & by disabling divers… but her skill set isn’t remotely similar to a Reaper or Widow or whatever (who I never touch).
AND if Mei doesn’t work, I switch back to heals. Just because I enjoy 3-4 DPS doesn’t promise I have any interest in the rest.

I’ve had comp matches where we had 2 tanks, 2 heals, 2 DPS… and we were losing (on attack) because our 2 DPS wouldn’t swap. I dropped heals, switched to one of the few DPS I’m decent with (because I saw it was a good counter), dove in and we took the point. It wasn’t about having the “ideal comp” - it was because 2/2/2 doesn’t work when a DPS refuses to swap to a proper counter.

Flex Teams are Dead
And what about when friends are all flex?

“We need a good reaper - want me to take over as tank?” (no more)

“That Bastion is eating my shield - I’m going to go Mei to block and disable.” (no more)

“I went in as Sym but Pharah is wrecking me. Do we have a good hitscan and I’ll shield or heal?” (no more)

This 2/2/2 idea just seems like an awful WoW-style forced-idea.


True, but since Blizzard wants to implement a role lock any way, I much rather have one that is far more sensible. What I really want is no role lock at all. I am extremely disappointed in my fellow support mains who cried about people instant locking DPS. I can thank them for ruining a game I played extensively. I am forced to go look for a new game because the game I loved is being butchered. It is devastating to say the least. And no, I don’t want to play their stupid QP Classic in Arcade. If I can’t play the proper game there is no reason for me to play at all.


Only referring this to people, who, even when they see that team have no healer/no tank at all, go full dps and when you nicely ask them to switch, cause we cant even cap 1st point/push payload 5 meters with that teamcomp, refuse to do it. Blatantly picking dps all the time is not the right way to learn how to play this role.

I play for a very long time with my team in a group, how a team game should be played and now we’re extremely punished for doing it. Support main btw.


God this is such a poor strawman. “You’re all just salty dps mains”. Like really? What about tank and support mains who enjoyed 3/3 and 3/2/1? And got destroyed during dive or one shot.

The meta will be locked harder now more than ever since you have no way to deal with over powered synergy. One shot was a 2/2/2 comp. Dive was a 2/2/2 comp. The only thing that ever beat them was 3/2/1 and 3/3 comps. How did you deal with 3/2/1 and 3/3 comps? You played different 3/2/1 comps. or 4/1/1.

Every dominant comp has been 2/2/2. Even goats was a product of 2/2/2 being so dominant, you couldn’t do anything else against it.

Right now, bunker is a 2/2/2 and look how oppressive it is. and 3/2/1 is now out the question for beating it.


One would think that the developers would be aware of increased queue times for damage dealers in WoW. It is rather dumbfounding that the same developers of which some who actually worked on WoW for a time don’t understand how bad this role lock will be.

I wish people good luck with people picking the wrong hero and you won’t be able to do anything about it. It is going to happen and it is absolutely going to be worse than 5 people instant locking DPS. You are just going to have to deal with automatically losing a game if you happen to have a player who won’t switch within a certain role or someone who simply can’t play much of the roster.


So we could have 3 dps regardless?

FWIW, it remains highly offensive to me

You should be able to request a switch from a teammate of roles if they agree. They could easily just add that function and boom problem solved.

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Why are you opposed to that?

Not everyone wants to play the same role. You have your play-style I assume.

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I main tanks and I still don’t want 2-2-2. It defeats the purpose of innovative meta and swapping through matches.


2-2-2 force is not a punish. I play in team as well most of the time. Cheesing with goats/4 or 5 dps should not be needed if game played properly. Yeah, that was an interesting possibily that brought a lot of different situations in game, which is not always bad, but mainly playing against 5 dps or goats is just cancer. Especially if you do it multiple games in a row.

I dont see this as an easy or particularly feasible change, and I dont see it solving any problems