[The Older Watchers] To The Older Gamers (35 yrs and above), Hello!

41 here, been playing games since the Intellivision and Tandy CoCo. Love me some Overwatch, just started trying to “git gud” and have climbed to gold.


I love seeing you guys commenting about playing the game with your kids. I’ve never had a relationship with my father but I’m so glad to see all you mums/dads bonding with your children over this game :slight_smile:


Oh, my 8-year-old has his own account. He used to play it quite a bit after school and homework, and amassed a lot of other young friends by starting in vs A.I.

He grew tired of the Hero changes, though, and rarely plays anymore. Before he left, they all did a ton of Custom game modes they’d create.

He’s been liking Dead by Daylight for about 8 months or so now. He and I sometimes play that together now. I just bought my own copy and all the DLCs on the recent steam sale. Yeah, he’s allowed horror. I grew-up on it, and horror is one of the genres I write for a living. At six-years-old, he’d fall alseep to Freddy Kreuger. Thing is, though, we showed him early on all the behind-the-scenes stuff, special effects, and make-up. So, he’s always known that Freddy isn’t real, is played by Robert Englund, and no one really dies. He’s never been scared by it, and never had a nightmare from it.

My father did special effects for a living for about a decade. Plus, the 8-year-old’s now 18-year-old sister has been doing make-up special effects since she was 13, and is soon attending the Tom Savini school for it. So, he’s always been around the stuff.


We should start a league!!!

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46 here. also started out back in the Atari/Commodore 64 era. Love Overwatch and have played with both my son and daughter. Who are probably better than me but it is still a good time. We haven’t been playing together as much lately so just me working on my weekly boxes and avoiding competitive for reasons I can’t fathom.

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i am old enough to remember communism and young enough to laugh because of memes

well i startedy my gaming expirience with console called “Rambo”
because Atari was not alvalible in my country… they made a mockup/stole or bought some kind of license from atari

my first computer was Amiga 500 - Commodore were first computers that we could import , my firends had C64, A600, A1200,
and ofc.
‘Pegasus’ that was mockup of Nintendo

then PC master race came


I already know there are a bunch of older people playing this game with the amount of hate younger players get.

32 years old and 28 years exp in gaming here. :grin:

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Random 18 yr old passing by


I’m 40 and was thinking… what is the highest ranking player over 35? I’m only gold and don’t see me having a chance of getting to Plat.

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I mean… I’m nearly 20. o.o Does that count?


I’ll go home.

intruder alert, intruder alert … we got a millenial spy here :smiley:
youre welcome Chibi

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By most definitions, I’m a Millennial at 36, but I don’t feel a connection to the label, or much of one with the people, I’ll admit. I’ve been wondering if it should only apply to people who don’t remember being in school without widespread internet use–maybe 1987/1988 as the birth year.

Another limitation with the label is just how many Millennials seem to remember growing up with, and loving, Pokemon: I missed that tide. Still, it’s undeniable there’s a lot of overlap in interests.

I remember favoriting a blog from someone who thought there was a small group between GenX and GenY that didn’t quite fit in with either, but I don’t remember where I saved it :stuck_out_tongue:

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That is exactly what i am…
How could you have spotted me so quickly…

:smile_cat: Glad to be!

I have never related well with the younger peoples anyways…

Them and their “Memes”


1976 was a nice year ! :smiley:

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39 here )), 266 hours of widowmaker, both my daughters play overwatch ))

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Dang… I highly respect that.

yesterday played 65% accuracy ))

i allso think that in fact ‘millenial’ term is not that accurate
in different countries this kind of behaviour/mindset came much later than it is established

Let’s just say, Im so old, my Son almost qualifies to join this group.