You don’t know how lucky you are!, I would love to live on a small Island In the Caribbean!
36 years old here. Been playing games since I was 12. I remember Warcraft 1 and being amazed by it. I play on XBox when the kids go to bed so I play tired a lot of the time unfortunately. I bought this game because I thought my son and I could bond over it. Years later im the only one still playing it and my wife rolls her eyes whenever I bring home a new OW figure to put on the shelf in the living room lol. My reflexes aren’t nearly good enough to take me too far in the rankings and I get cramps in my hands from playing nowadays… but I still love it. I had a game where I wound up talking about life to a 10 year old kid and it was awesome. I get plenty of shocked voices on chat when I mention I’m 36 (I get asked my age good amount because of my deep voice). It’s funny how some people take the game too seriously.
33 here so a young one i guess…my back still hurts after a long session though as if im 70.
I’m just 16 and I like the old folks on here they’re nicer than the toxic kids screeching down a mic.
You guysh are welcome in my games always
I just joined the AARP. No really I did. Silver, I decided that my goal this year is to hit mid plat before my next birthday, higher if possible just to show that age shouldn’t stop you from improving your gameplay.
I cosplayed Grillmaster76 at Pax West last year, will probably do it again this year
Old enough to know better young enough to want it 3 times a day…
Checking in.
I’m 29 and I feel old.
Overwatch is my first shooter game I started play during the first anniversary event.
Don’t use your age (of 30!!!) as an excuse.
I am 46, have several times been in diamond, and I score around 170-180 ms reaction time, which is extremely good, even for people in their 20s.
My problem is that I insist on playing high-skill heroes that are currently off-meta (Tracer, Ana mainly), dumping my rank.
There is no guarantee that if you had been younger, your reaction time would have been better. It is a physical trait that you can’t do much about.
I can feel physical effects though. My brain doesn’t restitute from the strain as well as it used to. I can not like the pros play non-stop days on end, because I will fry my brain. After a few days of 4-6 hours play, Im so worn down (manifesting as headaches and tiredness), that I will need to be completely off for another 1-2 days.
And that is a real limitor to getting really good I think (but actually am not sure).
So Millennials can be considered old gamers now?!?!?!
Cool im in!
35, Married, and not having children. (ah the life ) Still no greys yet, but then again my grandpa didn’t even have greys at 50.
Currently playing on PC in mid plat and I flex tank/support.
I have to be honest, I only play because of the wife, and only login to the game anymore when she wants to duo.
I’m 45-years-old and have played Blizzard titles for the past 24 years. This is the first Blizzard title that I would prefer to fully walk away from, and the one that, in my opinion, has gone downhill the fastest over the past two years. And this is coming from someone that played WoW from launch until a year or so ago, when I could no longer support the constant pruning of everything over there.
Overwatch has made it a guarantee that I will no longer purchase a Blizzard title at launch again, if ever. It was just the latest in a long line, for me, dating back to Diablo 3 and the previous two or three WoW expansions. I even skipped purchasing Battle for Azeroth, and instead pre-ordered Deathgarden from Behavior Interactive.
Your reaction time is better than mine. I had a much faster one when I was younger tho. That’s pretty dope you managed to be Diamond tho, rock on.
35 Been gamin a lot, clickin the keyboard and shiat. Rts gamer, this is my first fps that I took half seriously, always been an rts gamer.
37 here. I will be 38 in a month. Older gamers at this point aren’t exactly rare since gaming in the home has been around since the late 70s/early 80s. Its a life long hobby for a lot of people who grew up with an Atari or NES in the 80s and throughout their child hood.
I share this hobby with my teenaged son. he plays on PS4 though. I need to build that kid a PC of his own.
Indeed. i cannot agree more.
I wouldn’t be as salty a loser if there weren’t so many bad winners and matches that are essentially done in the first two minutes or less.
Sup old man, I’m hitting 30 this year
Thank you to everyone who had replied to this thread. It is really awesome to see the number of “Older Gamers” who are playing this game.
As some would have mentioned, there was a similar thread back in the old defunct forums and nothing exactly like this for the mid-30s and above to mix and mingle.
I have removed the battletag ID and characters/roles played because i reckon that people would just ID one another through this thread.
Let’s face it, although many gamers are now in their 30s and beyond, for a game such as OW, the demographic is way younger and as someone posted, there are players as young as 10 years old. My son who is 6 years old is dying to get on the bandwagon as well.
As i was watching my POTG of my Winston holding off, alone, a full Red Team from the payload while my team mates came out of spawn (Primal Rage kicked in just in time for some environmental kills and a couple of lucky swings into my team mates’ laps as they emerged from Spawn Room - King’s Row, final 5m); i just could not shake off the sense of solitude because of the age difference.
Yes, the friends whom i have made were great but not single one was above the age of 25 with the exception of a married couple who were 27 & 28. I was giving life advice to my 19 year old daily Mystery Heroes “buddy” especially when she was bullied and had to change her nick to avoid the guy harassing her (No, she did not report her for insulting and denigrating her). Last week, I was also teaching a young lass who is studying in China about the cultural intricacies of the Mandarin language via mobile chat. Meanwhile, i was rolling with my guys, on a semi-daily basis, who were all typing “6666666”, “LOLZ” etc. Out of a friend’s list of over 20 (i have pruned it down quite a bit recently), only 1 guy is matured enough to conduct proper conversations about strategy and composition. However, he is starting his Post-Grad research project and has not logged in for about a week.
So while i enjoy the game and the company of these young 'uns; it is just not the same as when i was with people my age and older in my FFXIV guild (aptly named, “TOG” and acronym for “The Older Gamers”). The tone of the conversations. That shared quiet understanding. The same sense of purpose. The ability to communicate without drama. The mature exchange of ideas; both about IRL and in game matters.
In addition, this forum is really of … well… you peeps know what i mean. I have tried to be sensible but i believe that maybe Esoterica, you can understand, because you were in that thread. Hence, perhaps, this thread would be the lone island amidst the tumult for us to just share gaming and IRL experiences. Seek one another online (Many thanks for adding me, missiz#11694) for a game or two, for as long as we are all playing, loving and enjoying OW.
sorry for the ramble and thank you so much for being in this thread.
43 years old here. I’ve been gaming since the Atari era and the 386 systems I used to build. I will say that Overwatch is one of my top 5 all-time favorite games.
Now get off my lawn!
Hi! 37 and FEMALE here! Been gaming since I could read. Thats like… 33 years of gaming. Holy… cough Anyway… I have my fair share of younger gaming buddies… but I have the most fun grouping with the folks my age. Soooo much more chill. And sillier if anyone can believe it. I feel like us 80’s children have a tendency to be at home with our inner goof. I haven’t done a study or anything… this is simply speculation.
Please don’t call us Millennials… because we’re not.