wait ur a bit older than me… that bit about hal jordan makes me think i might actually know u in real life haha.
well im glad overwatch brought us all here. !
wait ur a bit older than me… that bit about hal jordan makes me think i might actually know u in real life haha.
well im glad overwatch brought us all here. !
Thank you, gentlemen. I have updated the list on my first post. I don’t often go onto the U.S. server, if at all but maybe now, i would! =)
I prefer damage dealers, Like Pharah and 76. When I feel like causing confusion i switch to Junk or Moria. I love watching the kids scatter.
Ha ha! “Git’ off my lawn!”, as they say!
wait ur a bit older than me… that bit about hal jordan makes me think i might actually know u in real life haha.
well im glad overwatch brought us all here. !
Ha ha! Yes, but not by all that much. Well, maybe if you were in Singapore and i am in the U.S., we probably would know one another!
Games, by they video games, table tops or sports, are the great unifiers of people, indeed.
I’m nearly 30, this thread brought me back some thoughts…couple of years ago I was browsing the halo forums and someone posted a thread, it was an 55 years old man who still plays Halo 5, he posted a video playing with his great son , he will be keep gaming until his last breath. I can see myself in the same spot. Gamer till I die!
I am at the ripe old age of 42 and am enjoying this game, win or lose; good or bad comps.
I’m older than that and despise the existence of an enemy team getting in the way of my tasks.
oooo… kkkkk…
(creeps away slowly)
I’m 32 though I’ve felt old most of my life bad joints (hereditary) and energy levels of a sloth. I’ve been gaming for like 23 years. Started with NES, SNES, Gameboy, N64, Gameboy color, PS2, Xbox, PC, Xbox 360, and back to PC.
Come August I’ll be turning 46 with no slowing of reflexes because they were never fast to begin with.
Overwatch is popped my online shooter cherry with most of my FPS time on solo pve stuff. WoW was wearing down for me and needed something new to try - I didn’t think it would even hold my interest for long. So wrong…
So big hugs and heyas to my silver haired family!
I’m in my 30s, won’t be specific because a woman never reveals her true age. Definitely wouldn’t call myself a silver beard tho, for obvious reasons, but mostly that I can’t grow a beard.
Overwatch is the only multiplayer game I currently play, having transitioned from the Gears of War franchise. It’s my first and only Blizzard game. I gravitated toward it because the heroes were interesting, learning the different abilities was a fun challenge, and the lore was presented in such a way to be very captivating.
46 years old here. Been playing games since the zx81 computer first came out .
Love gaming and will never quit .
Just turned 34, and I’ve been playing Bliz games since the original warcraft.
Diablo was the reason I installed Win 95 for the first time.
Never played Wow though - I guess that makes me a freak.
It’s just like that “40 year old club” thread from the old forum
Here we go:
I guess but I saw thing exact same thread, same peeps and words, a month ago.
You mean this post from 4 months ago?
I’m curious. I belong to the “old school” definitely, like I’m a veteran in comparison to most people I see play / stream Overwatch these days. It’s a weird feeling, as I remember so well being the youngest back in the CS 1.6 / CS:S days. I started playing CS 1.6 back in 2000. I’m born in 1990 (27 years). Am I among the oldest - or in the middle? That’s what I wanna find out! So, how old are you?
No, but I appreciate the effort you guys are putting into this. It’s fine though, my mind plays tricks on me so I could just be confused.
Hello dear “silver users”, im 35.
Sadly i cant speak proper english to play with all of you or use the voice chat. (im realy afraid of it)
So i jsut wanted to say hello. =)
This exactly. It’s why I don’t see chrachters as OP i see them as an OPportunity to figure out how to overcome their Kit.
I’m 43, I also fight my kids over the computer to get some time to play. Usually they win because their mother help them. But it’s ok, I can play with her then (she’s so beautifull )
Hi! 38 yo here. 24 years of gaming, never missed a year. 18 yo son is trying to catch up.
36 here, and I live on a tiny island of 1,500 people in the Caribbean. OW helps to break up the monotony
Hi hi! I’m 36 and play on PSN. My usual group of friends are much younger than me and have taken to calling me “mom”. I’m a Mercy/D.Va main with 200 hours on Mercy and over 180 on D.Va. I also main Moira and can play Ana and Zen well enough to not be a hindrance. I’m currently improving on the other off-tanks, after 15 hours on Zarya I’m finally getting bubble management down! As for DPS, I play Mei, Sombra, Pharah, Junkrat, and Symmetra, and sometimes Widowmaker. I’ve been trying to improve with Hanzo over the last few months. (I liked his old arrow speed better tbh.) I prefer playing support, but I enjoy tanking a lot if I have good supports backing me up.
I’ve been playing this game with very few breaks since Halloween Terror 2016, and I have no complaints about it. Maybe it’s my age but I think people take it way too seriously. “It’s only a game, why do you have to be mad?”