The official Mercy fanclub

Mercy Winged Victory will receive her custom voiceline back in the future, according to Geoff.

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Mine too. I’ve play a few heroes, Orisa especially as of late, but there’s no hero like Mercy. :angel:


yes, Yes, YES.

Mercy is our angel and despite her current state I know she’s viable, but there’s more to it than that I have continued to play her! I’m not giving up on Mercy anytime soon.

:heart: :heart: :heart: Mercy :heart: :heart: :heart:
~ Always and Forever ~

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Yeah! Hopefully by the time Summer Games occurs. I don’t have the skin yet, but I look forward to getting it. :joy:

Interesting I feel we both have similar characters in mind, but maybe not.

I should write out the character that greeted me at some point but I don’t exactly recall when maybe this past November, but I guess when doesn’t matter.

I’ve been thinking of sharing Alia Zoepfel…

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Well the character I’m working on is a half tank (kinda like Brigitte but far less annoying if the concept is anything to work with)

Ri San is the name I’ve got for him so far, the backstory is that he was a person who played the role of both mechanic and medic during the front lines of the Omnic Crisis in Korea, as time went on he basically got reassigned as the on site medic/engineer to D’va’s Mech squadron, he’s kinda like a foil to D’va’s more immature attitude and also something of a mentor.

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Hello! Just wanted to let the club know that we have another Mercy main top 500. I managed to place top 500 on elimination comp and for the first time become a top 500. It was stressful but worth the effort.



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i like most mercy mains. most of the time you get the nicest ppl ever, but other times you can get the biggest a s s h o l e s in the game. you guys seem cool tho

Grats :heart:

I got to Diamond in that Elimination myself which I know isn’t much, but its something to me.


:heart: :heart: :heart:

At least I hope I’m a positive influence on the team thou sometimes I get really shy :confounded:

It takes one---- I jest, I jest, no really I jest.

It can happen when you feel powerless and your teammates are being unresponsive to your callouts especially callouts on flankers/divers who are about to try and make the Swiss doctor into Swiss cheese :sweat_smile:

Now tthat might not be truly be the case as there might be just be a lot going on but it can seem that way. And can’t forget that playing Mercy doesn’t make you perfect, so you [ I ] make mistakes.

I think keeping it positive is a good thing. :grin:

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Anyone here bought the Pink Mercy skin? It’s to a good cause.

i bought it, there are other mercy skins i like more but its still nice and like u said its for a good cause so why not.

I bought it too. No matter the skin, I want to promote this kind of action.

And I’ve noticed there is a micro community forming on Death matches. Pink mercys actually help each other and doesn’t fight each other which is kind of funny. :slight_smile:

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Life is already hard enough as a Mercy in FFA DM with 100 dps and one of the smaller hitboxesin game at the cost of literally 0 useful abilities.

Why make it harder for the others?

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Played some Mercy yesterday because of the pink skin but ressing still sucks so much. I hate that my only options are to not play her, play her and feel bad because of a slow skill that gets you killed or feel bad because I let people stay dead.


I honestly think with the Pink Mercy skin that they should change her yellow healing beam to pink because that’ll suit it so much better. Does anyone else agree or is it just me?


I agreee, I find the new skin very distracting , it’s like Lingerie >;) and I feel ok with keeping her alive a little longer than I normally do.

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I love the new Mercy skin


I would, exept that I know it can’t happen. Yellow is Overwatches universal colour of healing and especially for new players it is important that that be a consistent theme when they don’t know all the chaaccters intimately.