The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

tell this to akaras not me~

anyways off to lunch. ttyl~

Just to clarify: widowmeiker is awesome


That’s incredibly subjective. Just kidding.
Some dude called you an android in a thread I was reading earlier, I almost made the joke that androids are better than I-phones. I don’t know how you deal with so many people being so rude to you for no reason at all. It’s quite respectable that you respond to those bullies with dignity, and you never snoop down to their level.


Honeydew Mei watered my crops, built my house, cured me of all diseases, and gave me a +5 bonus to all saving throws for my next 3 life times.

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silently reporting works wonders?

i have seen future and sadly your next and 3rd life have natural 1’s.

but 2nd life is full of good rolls.

so its a nice day out.
had good lunch.
had a lemon flavored shaved ice for dessert.

@akaras lemon shaved ice > coconut/pineapple.

I suppose you are speaking of this post

I dont think the poster ever clarified who he/she was referring to, tho I did ask for clarification

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been over half a day sicne your last psot.
are you alive?
did you crash?
are you having your organs harvested by a cartel? (if so mei can help keep you cold)

He didn’t graduate from typo-police academy, he’s probably a bit depressed at the moment. Dont worry akaras, there is always next year.
Go light on him.

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wait so he was impersonating an officer?
that will get you thrown in jail v_v

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Thats it.

We could never be friends…

Yeah, just tired.
In fact I am going to nap right now.

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i understand.

poor akaras…he sent code that he was tricked by a beautiful woman and then knocked out by a cartel and had his organs harvested and he is dying :frowning:

When was this?

43min ago.

he didnt say it directly but i understood his message was in code as to not alert anyone.

Poor guy, I once had a girl call me 20-some times just so she could personally tell me she hated me (she was legit crazy). But she never had my organs harvested.
Akaras, you can do better.

she cared for you obviously ._.

all for widowmei :wink:

but she sweet talked him by mentioning having some green chilies in her car.

passing time reading manga.

need an OW one v_v

latest reading was a demonlord beating a heroine but returning her home andn ot killing her and then falling in love with her mom.

its funny.

What exactly is a demonlord?

lord of demons duh v_v

and demons are typically (in manga) evil and at war with humans.

usually humanoid but with horns and/or other beast traits.

I think we upset akaras.

d…do we get him a gift basket?
basket of green chilies?