The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

I am not a forum celebrity either, since I mostly just hang out in here.

Akaras logged in on the 11th of September, but didn’t post anything. I hope he changes his mind and comes back. I miss him.

wait ppl know who you are outside of here?

ghost can’t type.

the corona claimed him.

He logged in on Sept 11.

Venturing outside this thread is what I sometimes do and usually regret if I do.

ghosts can turn stuff on and off.

but they dont type.

i post in other threads frequently.

You’ll probably be a ghost long before Akaras, then. You could be a cuddly little kitten and ppl on the OW forums would still want to curb-stomp you in the name of their messed-up “virtue.”

Some of them

There is also a widowmeiker appreciation thread out there.

Please don’t necro these threads.

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i’ll live for awhile longer at least.


human nature is “if ur told not to they want to” so they might get necro’d

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So what are you doing tonight? I just dropped by my moms house. She made kalabacitas BBQ chicken and corn bread. To drink I’ve had a Moscow mule, and a glass of wine.

Not ‘le gasp’?

just gasp.

it fit better in this instance.

In what situation would ‘le gasp’ work better?

I decided I want Jean instead of Qiqi. Genshin’s draw are the anime hotties, and it’s hard to find one hotter than Jean. She reminds me of Charlotte in Black Clover and Sonya Schulen from Suikoden.

I won’t complain if I get Qiqi, tho.

Halloween costumes?

I want to get a couple characters in Genshin Impact, but I can’t Gacha anymore this month. It’s driving me batty. xD

a more shocking/unbelievable context.

no. its a lovely world.

cute > hot

also pretty sure Lisa would fit your needs when shes climbing walls :\

also shocking when i see someone post stuff that is report-able on forums.

Lisa is terrible gameplay-wise. Jean can win Abyss matches if used right and has huge utility. And that figure of hers and the blondy beauty, yeah, she rocks.

Me liking how Jean looks is reportable?

no. not talking bout you ;p

she is.

but you are apparently not after usefulness but after mere looks v_v

No, if she was not highly capable, I’d take a pass. Like I just said I did with Lisa.

Jean can launch enemies up in the air and cluster them. This sets them up for Keqing’s blade storm, and if you do it right, you can knock them off a cliff or the edge of the map in Abyss for instakills. She’s also very good at healing the party by attacking, not something Barbara can boast of.

Honestly, if I get Qiqi I’ll go with Qiqi, if I get Jean, I’ll go with Jean. I hope for ONE, but likely will get zero. Neither is a Banner or is likely to be one any time soon. It seems next to impossible I’ll just randomly get both close to each other, and the truth of this game is you have to be very careful allocating resources cause they dry up after a while, and things get REALLY expensive later.

I love this time of year.

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I like it when it’s warm but not too hot. Not a lot of “perfect” weather where I live.


needs more snow.

Summer is too hot. (and cant go beach to cool off casue pandemic e_e)
spring is too rainy. (i like rain but cant do much outside casue of it)
autumn is ok.
Winter is cold and snow covered. its great.

also tonight it will feel liek 30f (seren is in upper 30’s/low 40’s) for my area.

officially below freezing~

now if only it would rain for snow :|…

p.s. seren
when i log on to genshin in hour i have kill anemo elite and then i can ascend my Venti. so his Q will regen energy for himself and any one who ele reactions with it.

Its supposed to drop to the low 30s and we could get snow by Monday.

Snowball is coming for you.