The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

yup. 80 yrs old.


good and bad are subjective.

also he doesnt care about mortals and only helping due to the contract he made with rex.

not true!

shes used to burn stuff.

Wait, you can’t sell your amber for rupees? I thought Genshin Impact was supposed to be similar to zelda botw?

Jk guys.

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Any chance I could join your game for a bit? I need Violetgrass to Ascend Qiqi but my game is out. :frowning: That is, if you don’t need the Violetgrass for your Qiqi currently.

OMG Aaron is advocating anime-girl slavery. How shockingly scandalous!!!

(I know you’re just goofing around. xD )

I luff the Genshin Impact. Especially the highly cute anime girls.

It’s hard to say for sure, but in any case, their flavor is still very inspiring :sparkles:

asdfghjkl; Sorry for the Latest Reply Ever™, I just couldn’t think of a clever joke :joy_cat:


Don’t worry! Flavorful donuts baked by a wonderful mechanic… errr… squire are always inspiring! ESPECIALLY given that she has a big fluffy Katt who she made a helmet for.

Love the Katt. What warped lost soul could NOT love the Katt?

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Amber is free fire bow user.
Mora is the currency. (named after 1 of the gods in game)

that stuff is hardest to gather.
just wait for ur world to refresh~

RWBY Season 8 Episode 1 was released Saturday

while it was not a very exciting, it laid the framework for the rest of the season.

I pray Ironwood comes to his senses and Penny rids her self of her entirely undeserved guilt and self doubt.

Best moment imo: Nora’s hug

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Hi Dodo!!! How are you doing???

I hope the good guys prevail and the bad guys get a kick in the shin.

I got ultra lucky Gacha’ing.

1 Diluc and 1 Mona out of the same 10 wish roll.

1 Qiqi constellation point

1 5 star catalyst.

Bunch of useful 4 stars, especially Fischl is now 1 constellation point away from full 6 constellation. Diluc will be fighting with a 4 out of 5 advancements Bell.

Hey Elliot, how are you my friend?
Are you enjoying Genshin Impact, and how close are you to beating it?

What do you say when you beat a hard boss in Genshin Impact?

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I am quite well, thank you! :smiley: How are you doing?

They only give so much story in every little while; we’re getting more story very soon. It’s a great game to explore and just look around.

How is New Mexico doing? I hope you’ve had more of that yummy Mexican food you were talking about before. :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, that pretty much sums it up in one word. xD

I’m doing really well. I had to use a hammer drill for like 4 hours today, so much fun.

Anything new with you at all?
New haircut, visited a good restaurant, having a birthday upcoming, anything?
I’m planning on buying an Xbox series x in the next few days.

It decided to finally cool down. How is Illinois?

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Probably a lot of people got shot in Chicago like on any other “normal weekend,” but it’s gotten to the point where I don’t turn the news on anymore.

It’s very warm today and will be tomorrow, but after that it’ll probably get wintery. Yum!

Why did you need to use a hammer drill? Construction?

My life is pretty boring so nothing that grandiose. We did eat in a nice restaurant this weekend (carry out but you know what I mean) because it was the anniversary of us managing to flee the USSR, and that’s always a happy occasion in our home.

What is the Xbox series X, if I may ask?

70’s abotu past week.
still a day or 2 more b4 it goes down to cooler temps for highs.

microsoft’s “next gen” console that looks 100% like a small form factor PC. (cause thats what consoles are now)

And you know why it’s going down to freezing?

Because Qiqi is here now and she likes cold temperatures, so she summons her little buddy and queue up for the blizzard.

She’s so adorable I don’t mind the upcoming blizzards though.

Of course, she’s friends with Mei, who is also adorable and hugs Qiqi every time she sees her because they’re both ready to start a blizzard!

I am sorta starting to wonder if computer power is going to plateau after a while. How much power, max, can video games require? We’re not exactly at 8-bit Mario levels anymore.

Qiqi isnt mei.
Mei has the lil buddy.

Qiqi uses legit magic.

from story 3:
"The method to cancel her orders is very simple—hug Qiqi from behind, tell her something like “I love you the most,” and the orders will dissipate, just like that. "

it does and will.

HDD (hard drives) reached their peak speeds ags ago.

We moved to SSD (solid state drives) for faster storage speeds.

On the CPU side, Silicon, is reaching its limits.

There is testing being done using CNT (Carbon nano tubes) for the future.

Also tests beign done for neuromorphic chips that simulate the human brain (as have been tested to be better than the brain). its one of the most complicated ones.

Also gallium nitrides for semiconductors is a future path under tests.

and more than that. (i just dont recall any off top of my head thoguh think someone way tryign to use crystals and light)

thats not the question you have to ask.

a game uses what its engine is made for.

current 3090 gpu can use up to i think 1200watts of power at peaks.

Power usage isnt a limitation.

Temperature is the limit (as it is with majority of computer tech).

if you keep em cooler they can run faster. (example for this is the pc overclocking ppl who use exotic cooling like dry ice, liquid nitrogen and liquid helium)

However get too low and you stop stuff from running normally/at all.

and then you have to worry about condensation (water on electrically powered stuff? not good idea)

a modern cpu/gpu running at 70-85c (158-185f) is within operational temps as maker states. (thoguh generally ppl want em in the 40-60c for longevity)

you’d be shocked.
many indy games that are rgeat fun use retro style 8/16bit.

they are ez and cheap to make for ppl.

Yeah, drilling holes in concrete.

What did you have?

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Don’t spoil Qiqi’s story T_T. I am not there yet.

AND Qiqi has a little friend that blizzard’s stuff. Just as Mei has a little friend that blizzard’s stuff. Qiqi has the little adorable zombie outfit. And Mei also has a little adorable zombie outfit.

And they’re both ice elemental.

Clearly, this is not coincidence.

That sounds very loud and painful to the ears. :frowning:

Filet mignon, mashed potatoes and yummy salad. :smiley: Thank you for asking!

How are you doing, Aaron?

How are you doing, Hotaru?

Way worse on the forearms tho.

That sounds delicious.

I’m doing pretty well today, I have a bunch of errands to do tomorrow, but I’m off the next two days, so thats cool. Are you a chicago bears fan, or am I misremembering things?

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I am not a football fan, but the bear is my favorite animal. It may be a lethal apex predator, but it is still cute and cuddly.

Yes! Best food my tummy ever had the privilege of welcoming. :slight_smile: What is your favorite food?

I hear construction pays very well but is very destructive on the body in the long term.

Enchiladas, lasagna, or fettuccini. I really like cheese, and cheesy jokes (I’m sure you guys know the the cheesy jokes part).

What was your favorite school subject? I really enjoyed math particularly algebra and calculus. I also really liked psychology.

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