The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

I think in Baptiste’s case, he’s just carefree and pretends not to get hung up on anything.

When 3/4s of the character’s voice lines are “has everybody signed their insurance policies?” in the spawn room and “To let me heal you, make sure to stand absolutely still, but at the same time dodge the enemy bullets,” he comes off as a tongue-in-cheek jokester.

Currently replaying Remake before Rebirth.
Last week i was doing a tear on Elden Ring.
I was also helping my brother finish Remake and INTERmission.
He’s all caught up but im behind, fortunately im pretty good so I’ll have it done before the update finishes downloading.

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My order was cancelled and im sick…
Still don’t have rebirth.

Sorry I am so late in replying x_x .

Are you feeling better now?

And did you get rebirth?

How’s your week going so far?

What do you think of having two of the same character in your game party?

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Yup, playing it right now.
I will say you will probably HATE the beginning.

Rebirth everyday is good for me.

I don’t know anything about that but i played classic and the only way they were different on classic was a through their limit breaks. Least on this FF7 trilogy all the characters have different fighting styles and roles

Good to hear!

Aeris died, didn’t she. Tifa celebrated by secksing Cloud?

Until you beat it and have to wait for a long time for the series finale :frowning:

Two Mercies plz.

How are you doing?

So you’ve already played it?

24hours in the grasslands and now im finally making my way to the mythril caves
I slow burn every game i play making sure ive done just about everything possible so i can wait for #3 it shouldn’t take as long as remake(23 years) or rebirth(4 years)

I dont know anything about that other than they are on the cover of the game
(No free spoilers from me, play the games!)

Nope, but it’s what Hotaru would say if she was trolling me.

Well, yes, that’s true, but I personally will wait for 0 days between games. :smiley:

It was just some experimental thingar where they let people have two of the same DPS and/or two of the same Heals on one team. It was bizarre playing with another Mercy. Good healing though.

They are gone now it’s time you let them be free.

You can still do that if you slow burn it i haven’t even made it into Junon yet as i am currently trying to aquire a bird.

That was this once beloved game at launch I remember rolling two Bastions with my cousin.
I really havent put a dent into Rebirth when you factor in this game covers from Midgar to Forgotten City. Thats all of Fort Condor(i am here), Junon, Costa del Sol, Corel, Gold Saucer, Gongaga, Cosmo Canyon Nibelheim, Rocket Town, Bone Village, Temple of the Ancients. Running at Remake pace it will definitely take a good chuck of my year to complete it.

Or i could play Overwatch2…
No i can’t pretend to be excited about it Bobby made sure Overwatch was done as he was running for the door, dude didn’t know anything about video games just how to exploit a gamers wallet.

That does sound like something they would say.
I miss hotaru, n7, and toridadog.

They just left.
Probably got tired of me calling out the worst Final Fantasy(13) and having to admit seven is the one that stands out the most.
I don’t remember N7 I suspect we got along tho.
Tori ran into trouble with the mods.

But we are still here, I doubt all of us still play the game but we still hangout here.

I am sure they’re on the Overwatch official forum in the sky.

How are you doing?

This one time, Hotaru trolled me with a picture of Sephiroth killing Aeris.

I don’t actually know whether Hotaru was a he or a she…

I only play FF14. But there’s no truly finishing that game. It does occupy a special place in internet gaming, both because the mods are admins are zero tolerance on player abuse, and because the game is so good and cutesy.

I’ll be more excited about Overwatch when they finally come out with the Mercy Mythic.

I only played ff10. I remember liking it, but it was a really long time ago (back when the ps2 was popular).

Is deming hitting 70s yet? Abq was starting to warm up then it decided to rain and snow yesterday and the day before.

Im good brother, how are you?
The forums have been awfully complainy and political lately, que no?

That is a Hotaru move

Now you know why i used gender neutral

The reason I’ll NEVER play it

It wasn’t bad ten is usually on the Best Final Fantasy list, i prefer 10 over 8 but not over 9 and 7

I was just thinking i should switch to shorts for bed but the last three nights were really cold

Hi Widowmei! I am doing well! Is it getting warm in New Mexico yet?

And yeah, forums have outforumed themselves lately. Though, in fairness, what did any of us expect? xD

Are you having fun with Overwatch lately?

I am well aware. I hope the remake has Aeris come back to life and run Sephiroth through with an even BIGGER sword!


FF14 actually has a VERY long story, just like any other FF game. It just keeps getting added to.

What do you think of FF6?

One of the draws of being in Florida is that it’s always summer here. I am a little surprised New Mexico is still cold sometimes this time of year.

I started doing it while we were chatting back in the day

Until they don’t like with 11. I don’t think FF transitions well into MMO.

I can not speak against it because i have never played it all the way through like i have with 7,8,9,10,10-2,13, FF7DC, FF7CC
But ive only heard good things about 6 I do know Kefka blows up the world making him one of a very few villains to achieve their goal.
And Sephiroth killed one girl.
Id say between the two Kefka is much worse.

Dont try to understand our weather we live here and we don’t get it

Yup, we are finally starting to hit low 70s for highs.
But that could change randomly. Is anything new with you?

I never downloaded overwatch 2, i am upset they got rid of ow 1. I just hang out on here to talk to you guys, post dad jokes, and occasionally argue with the political posts.

Today was beautiful out. Have you ever tried a twisters breakfast burrito in abq? My gf and i have been getting it (or dions) each weekend lately.
The three meat biggie smuthered in green chile is so good.

The gym girl?
On a scale from Zarya to OOM Dva?

Nahh an ex gf i dated in college.
We ran into eachother about 6 months ago, at the store.

Thats cool, is she still as cool as before?

Or is she a fan of Overwatch2 :face_vomiting: