The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

do y’all have any source for this or is it just some weird headcanon u talk about around a campfire together?

If you want to see what I am talking about, pay attention to Lifeweaver talking to other characters in spawn before a match. I don’t want to talk about this anymore, to be honest.

Hm, so I looked through all of LW’s Quotes, and the closest one I see to that at all, is this kind-of flirt about going to a restaurant with ?? (extra ticket), and that one triples as a Mauga teaser from Bap’s stories before Mauga was playable, and references a couple places Bap and Mauga go to together as well, so uhhhhh
What am I missing, if someone else could clue me in please? :slight_smile:

I officially endorse this thread.

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I miss playing video games!
Been in ABQ for three weeks because i had to see Tom Segura and Bert Kreischer.

Next week.
For sure.
Ill be back on my quest to become Elden Lord!!!

The wall is the scary part.

You ever escaped?

I went snowboarding in santa fe on Sunday.
It was dope.
Have you gotten any further in elden ring (same question for you megadodo)?

Also whats up serenicus? How have you been?

I was still on fire giant I haven’t really got to fight it yet

sorry for delayed response to both of you.

I havent played elden ring for several weeks now, too wrapped up in other stuff


If you guys (akaras and megadodo) beat elden ring and liked the game, get dark souls 3. Its very comparable.
In fact, i like the bosses more in it.
I think im a bit over halfway through it.

I just got past the Fire giant now im off to that really big cup behind him.
Im finally home.
I have no idea whats going on with Overwatch something about season 9? But my video game time is now for Elden ring because FF7Rebirth drops soon(29th) and im putting all my time into that and it will be a slow burn.

Nice, i just beat this jerk a bit earlier(he beat me pretty much all day yesterday).

Im currently getting destroyed by a boss called the nameless king.

I kinda had a similar situation on FF7Remake

He slapped me around for seven hours straight. I called it trail and error, every loss was a learning experience.
In my video i even left in my failures but ultimately got my win. I got him several times after but nothing compared to that first time.

Kinda like that first time most of us played Overwatch, it was fun that first time we all played.

I am sorry I haven’t been in this thread for so long. The healer nerfs have severely canned my enthusiasm for Overwatch.

How are you doing?

You know, you could just call a lawyer and sue the game’s last boss. After he’s convicted in a court of law, you send the SWAT team after him, and laugh as they swarm him with sniper rifles.

I wonder how you guys feel about the Overwatch changes.

Also, how are ya?

Whats up my friend?
I beat that game (dark souls 3), about a week or so ago.
It was a great game. Im playing dark souls 1 right now, i don’t like it so far. Its kind of annoying.

Hi Widowmei! :slight_smile: Good to hear from you again.

I am glad that you beat Dark Souls 3, but consider hiring a lawyer and going after the game company, if they code in you winning the game, the lawsuit ends. This is an unconventional but effective way to beat the game. (joking of course!)

Well, if Dark Souls 1 sucks but Dark Souls 3 is good, that sounds like the game company learned from its mistake.

Are you enjoying OW lately? For me, the healer nerfs have made it difficult to continue playing. I am doing the dailies/weeklies, but not binging on the game otherwise.

At least I have the Wahmulance voice line. :slight_smile:

What are you up to?

Adding a 2 did that for me.
And free to play
And catering to the “pros”
And BaTtLE pASs
And removing most CC

You needn’t look far for how i feel about it. I havent gotten on in a long while.

I took out the fire giant and killed a few dragons but unfortunately had to stop.
FF7 Rebirth comes out tomorrow!

I mean, right now, most supports are borderline unplayable. When a player gets hit, their healing received is nerfed by a lot. I can’t even keep my team alive during Valkyrie. At this rate, there will be an exodus of support players. The whole support category sucks right now.

Do you think you’ll return if they start fixing stuff?

Also, how have you been doing? Are you playing a game you like, currently?

Well one time as he was using Lifegrip on Mei he said “You’re my favorite Climatologist.” In a flirty look up his lines, I’m sure someone uploaded them.

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Do people just Magically forget Baptiste like… exist and his actual personality?

Im pretty sure Baptiste has flirted with the ENTIRE OVERWATCH OVERWATCH ROSTER more then anyone else period.

Hell there’s probably a Rammatra voice line Im not not aware of yet where he offers him back massage.

I’ve only heard him hit on Lifeweaver. It’s pretty gross, though… :nauseated_face:

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