The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

Mercy > D.Va in hotness. D.Va consumes way too much soda and chips while gaming AND she has a squealing anime girl voice which, according to double-blind placebo studies will make your brain explode eventually.

Also, is it just me, or has this forum turned into a radical politics echo chamber? They’re not even demanding 14 nerfs to Brig at this point, which at least was connected to the game.

Widowmei is great with the gals! Go Widowmei!

Why do you hate OW2 so much?

Hana Song is Korean.


Justify putting a 2 in the title.
It’s just a monetization update with some new maps pushing a political agenda.

Overwatch > Overwatch 2

Overwatch had loot boxes which sucks but EVERYTHING else was free outside of a FEW skins. Early Overwatch only Tracer was errrr but now we kneed to know everything about all the heroes as if that changes the game in a significant way.

Overwatch was just plain stupid fun(snowball fight, soccer match, cool PVE events to name a few)
Overwatch2 a COMPETITIVE fps that will prioritize it’s PC agenda over anything else

Honestly, I like Overwatch 2 more than I liked Overwatch 1. At least the 5x5 concept. The tank now has a lot more importance, and the dynamic has changed. Some of the new characters have good kits. Balance is off, but I think that’s always been true.

The change I do not like is the gutting of supports. Healing is MUCH worse now, and healers are only relevant because the opposing team’s healers are also gutted. In Mercy’s case, they at least compensated for the terrible heals by boosting her mobility considerably, so I think it’s not ALL bad. At least not for me.

I can see how you don’t like it, though.

The thing I don’t like is this shifting of the game towards politics, just like you said. Of course, it’s not a bad idea to have made Tracer LGBT, (one or two characters,) but they’ve moved to make a lot of characters like that, and it’s getting more and more frequent. LGBT of course should have rights – but these folks conveniently forget that everybody else should have rights too, including people that this crowd doesn’t champion.

This sort of politics has been a disaster towards literally every corporation that ever adopted it because it’s not offered, it’s shoved in people’s faces, and very rudely. People say “no,” and these folks just shove it in their faces anyway. Bud Light went from being the #1 beer to the gutter ranks, Gillette lost 8 billion overnight over a woke act, and so on. I guess Blizzard wants this to happen to them. They don’t seem to have clued into the fact that the people that loudly demand this sort of thing have no loyalties. They constantly call Blizzard bigoted even now, and smear Blizzard constantly, even though Blizzard fully caved to them.

I will say straight-up, if they ever make Mercy some “queer icon,” I am quitting the game on the spot. No ifs or buts about it. Mercy is the only character I play, for a lot of reasons, and if she’s given this treatment I will quit, also for a lot of reasons. Expletive these people.

D.Va is certainly attractive, as is her voice actress, but I like Mercy better. Sorry, I know I am biased but yeah.

Widowmei has a lot of gals looking his way! Go Widowmei!

This was okay by me but i can not over look the predatory monetization method they adopted when they moved to free to play which i would have been cool with IF they had rolled out a proper PvE

And almost all CC such as Meis freeze

Look at all our guy heros since overwatch 2 came out, yeah just the one, one would say two but that guy dances in a floating flower…

NEVER had an issue with that because it didn’t feel forced like everyone else they have now.

Believe me, I know.
Id have to say Hana would be my fave only because there is a lack of Latinas(Im aware of Sombra but she isn’t my type) and no Native girls.

Can someone more wise explain to me how this post has 17 thousand replies…

I think that was an overreach, honestly. People on forums love to complain, and sometimes they get more than what they bargained for. Like how they trashed Pink Mercy endlessly as worthless during the charity drive, and switched to endless whinging after it went out of circulation. With the loot boxes, you could have everything for a reasonable price, and now you can’t.

I think Bliz made a miscalculation on that. Once you can’t have everything because each skin is so expensive, people’s spending habits will go down, not up. It would take something pretty crazy for me right now to buy a non-Mercy skin, but I used to try and get everything during the loot box format.

Mercy is a dedicated healer, and now she can’t heal well. It just sucks. I don’t know much about Mei’s kit and mechanics because I only play Mercy, so I’ll take your word for it.

Yeah, as long as it was reasonable, I was all for it. But right now it’s become everything. So, the Twitter post that showed Mercy getting a potential significant other showed like half the roster hitting on her, so now every character is eligible for LGBT. Straight people need fan service too, and it just seems to not be happening.

People like fictitious characters because they either admire them for some reason or more often because they can RELATE to them. The philosophy Bliz is using increasingly drives people away. I personally don’t have as much fun and excitement about Overwatch as I once did.

And the more Blizzard caters to them, the more they call Blizzard bigoted and worthless and greedy. I just don’t understand why the devs and staff put up with it.

Sombra is pretty scary because she can destroy your life using computers. But at the same time, through spawn room interactions, you can find out that she does have a good side – she looks after her friends, such as Baptiste. Which, for a Talon member, is better than one can say for most of them.

But it would have justified the “2” because the changes they did put in could have been a update.

You mean people that aren’t the BIGGEST audience for video games that being straight single males

Who cares because i sure don’t
She can take her punk attitude and take a walk

You’d be surprised. Mercy mains especially, a lot of them are gals. I don’t know if you met Aranea, she’s a top 500 Mercy main. Means I can’t do any gaming with her because of the insurmountable difference in skill, but there’s a lot of BS that gets talked about on forums, but she knows the real deal. And oftentimes, I can apply that to my level of gaming, and it’s helped me a bunch.

Like, she told me that no matter the skill level, Genji will always need looking after cause he’s always in need of heals. And when she told me that, I started observing, and she’s right. Stuff like that.

She lost her dad a couple weeks ago. I hope she’ll be okay.

I don’t like the concept of hacking, to be honest. Nothing I can do about it, obviously, but it feels the same as robbery for some con to get into my computer and steal everything.

But then I remember that I don’t have anything to steal and that makes me feel better, lol.

There are other games
Forza(good luck finding ladies on these previously mentioned game’s)
Mortal combat
Ace combat
Monster Hunter
Final Fantasy
And i can go on and on but i think i made my point.
Guy gamers are the single biggest demographic for video games and Blizzard seems to have forgotten that with Overwatch2.
What the hell is that new hero i thoughtit was a cool looking dude.
Turns out it’s an unattractive lady…

Nothing to fear for us

It’s the same thing as tomboys back when video games weren’t a thing yet. Some gals like to hang out with the guys and do guy stuff. When gaming became a thing, girls with that philosophy started playing games. Both genders are equally stuck on the internet.

Also, honestly, there’s no shortage of hot girls in gaming. Don’t ask me how or why it works, but I’ve seen it.

Thing is, now that the fringe politics situation is getting worse here, normal and likeable people increasingly opt out. When I come here, it’s usually just this thread now. I don’t want to deal with them.

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I liked it better before the edit.

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I actually remember you. You and I were in a thread together really late at night a few years ago, and one of these stinkers was accosting us both. He spent some time talking down to us really haughtily about how we need to have more empathy for people, and five minutes later he started ranting about how he wants all the Baby Boomers to die because they disagree with him. You told him that, “that’s some empathy you have.”

It was like 3:30am and I was 3/4s asleep and he accosted me for being a coward for not standing up for my beliefs or something. At which point I told him that it’s funny he called me that, because I am not afraid of him in the slightest, but the way he’s talking to me made it literally impossible for me to take anything he says seriously. You then told me that you agreed with me on this.

These idiots are all some version of that. They think they’re virtuous when they’ll often sever ties with direct family for not agreeing with their stupid ideology. And oftentimes, they don’t have basic knowledge of the basic things they’re talking about. I remember talking about two heavily armed factions in conflict with each other, and one wiped another out. One such guy told me I was “lowkey supporting genocide” with this, when genocide means an armed group exterminating an UNARMED group. He got like 42 downvotes on Reddit for this idiocy.

They behave like this, and individually they can’t convince a pigeon to fly off their car. But they mob you like 15 on 1, screaming “trans rights are human rights” while literally assaulting you as a mob, (I saw this on TV.) They’re not out to convince you. They’re too stupid and immoral to truly convince anybody, but, hey, if they mob you, that’s “justice.” The cult that advances humanity forward with the good 'ole medieval torches-and-pitchforks mob.

I guess the reason I edited it out was because the guy the post was meant for is a good, smart guy that knows all this already. I’ve known him for years. You clearly know it already, but I think the environment here has really gone downhill since the last time you and I talked. Blizzard is bending over backwards for them now, like every hero is some sort of Woke icon, and in true Woke fashion they thank Blizzard by constantly calling the company vile names.

Pretty normal girls tend to be the first to get out of a place like this because it’s just so abusive. I remember Mercy’s voice actress – herself a really pretty girl – was so fed up with abuse towards Mercy main female players that she publicly stated she wanted to voice a “go heal yourself” voice line, and Blizzard actually agreed, and that’s the “someone call the Wahmbulance” that every Mercy main has equipped.

This thread is a bit of a hang out thread for me and a few nice forum goers. The general public doesn’t come here often lol.

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I can’t say im any different, if you do see me in the wild im usually jumping in a thing that has a good idea but needs a jump start.

A correct statement. I however am stuck in the middle of TWO spring breaks giving me no free time to do the one thing I really want to do play Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. So instead I just complain on the internet(a very dangerous place and chalk full of spoilers) about how I have no free time to play the game I REALLY want to.

No girls around here hung out with guys only one did but was my brother’s girlfriend. She’d ask me every now and then in the softest voice if she could play Dark Cloud and I’d let her have the console and the room, I’d show up abit and tease her with the same lines she fed me. The second girl i knew liked games i can not talk about(im still beating myself up about that one) the third one we played Bloodborne together abit she was cool until she wanted more than a buddy to game with and I was not having it. I guess my ex liked the Sims I bought her a Wii with Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquillity she loved it. A friends daughters love games but are still young so they may grow out of it.
Thats my entire personal history with girls that like games.
The guys on the other hand my list of guys i met that didn’t care for them is shorter even my band director played MGS!
Im telling you males are the biggest demographic for video games.
I will be acquiring Steller Blade not because i want it but because the gaming “journalists” say it is garbage that “ReAL females” don’t look like Eve. The media controls every facet of our lives and I will NOT let them tell me what video games I can not play. They already ruined one game i really liked(Overwatch) I will not let it happen again.

Obligatory Overwatch crap

So when are the seasons done? Do they just go on forever milking peoples wallets I wonder what Jeff would say about this game he created? Probably not something friendly.
Do they ever change something so drastically that the game becomes fun again for a few days. I remember reading something about how they planned on giving all heroes the CoD heal, which would make the support class absolutely useless I personally hope they scrapped that plan. Microsoft was supposed to be the savior of Overwatch so far all i know is they are making all heros free and available at launch and the first hero getting the treatment is a guy I thought looked neat that ended up being a unattractive female.

Clearly, what you “Should” do is call Blizzard bigoted for not having enough LGBT characters. We need a tri-sexual Asian hooker hero. This is the central civil rights injustice of our times. We cannot allow it to go on unchallenged like this.

Soon, you will have enough time for FF7 and Aeris will die again and then come back to life and show Sephiroth the finger. I am sorry for not putting spoiler tags on this. (joking)

Well, the video game girls tend to be cute. Take Genshin for example. Several husbandos, like 10,000 cute waifus.

But there’s loli stuff in that game and that’s messed up.

If you’re Player 1 and a cute gal is Player 2, that’s a good thing.

If it’s a Mercy mythic, I’ll swallow my pride.

I was getting a drink at Starbucks. The clerk had a female’s figure and pigtails, but the voice was a deep male guy’s voice.

This is really confusing stuff.

As for Microsoft, Bill Gates is a “dear friend” to Xi Xinping because he had Microsoft helped them refine their censorship algorithm.

Blizzard has done this “admirably.” Heals are so gutted.

Why stop at tri we can go quad or quin maybe even deci.
I saw an article that Microsoft is done with putting pretty women in their games…
The new hero supports this
Might even be bad news for your Mythic.

Aeris is dead
Aerith is :zipper_mouth_face:

Now its offensive.
Remember how much guys have crying about our unrealistic body representation in games?
Or right we haven’t, we just like cool characters

She doesn’t have one?
If so i have to imagine that maybe another character is being left out.

I hate it😄
I walked into a restaurant talking with my mom and I saw the waitress was struggling with me. I have long hair because i have always had it and my voice has always been higher pitched

(This guy can comfirm)

Id fix it if i could but maybe 35 is too late to try. Anyways when she came back to our I was ranting about something with my ma “no one takes me seriously because i look like a 20 year old person in transition but im a just a guy with long beautiful hair!” And i immediately started laughing after. The waitress heard and there was some relief in her demeanor.

Overwatch drew me in because it was different and now its just a cookie cutter FPS…
Dibs on the P90 when ever it comes out

If they make Mercy not straight, I will quit Overwatch on the spot and will never come back.

Honestly, if you told me Aeris got revived, I wouldn’t be mad for that particular spoiler. I’d be glad for it and I’d actually be more eager to play the game. The Aeris killing is why I never played FF7 beyond the first time.

Everything is offensive now, my dear Akaras. There were some folks in forums whining that bikinis and form fitting clothing are a form of misogyny because the evil men brainwashed women into wearing this clothing and it’s dehumanizing to the women. The stupidity is breathtaking.

The general theory is that the Mercy mythic is being held back for when Blizzard is having a slow sales time and they need a clutch item to get attention back to Overwatch. Since Mercy is so popular, I do think that’ll work.

My friends used Mercy as a honey trap to lure me into Overwatch. I am not a huge fan of FPS because I am not huge on PvP and the competitive/toxic environment. Mercy doesn’t need much aim and she’s mostly about healing or empowering people, so that became my niche in the game. When her healing was gutted, that was pretty ouch.

Admittedly, with Mercy in particular, they gave her much better movement to compensate, and it’s fun to fly around so fast. So it’s not all bad – yet, at least.

Still eye candy tho

But you’ll say 6 was better…

How else are they gonna get rellly comfortable at the beach?

I guess back in my day Tracer was the cool one.

I was, but at some point i had done everything you could do in that space until Overwatch came out

You got your Mythic skin, was it everything you dreamed it would be?

Honestly, it’s not absolutely horrible, but at the same time it’s not great or even good. It’s bad-to-mediocre. If they were going to go the way of evil Mercy, they should have named and conceptualized it as “fallen angel,” instead of making a meh Talon skin. Basically the whole playerbase knows that the Mercy Mythic was Blizzard’s trump card for when the playerbase was not happy with them. And they STILL managed to mess it up. The Moira Lillith Legendary in Season 9 was tons better and more appropriate for Moira than this skin is for Mercy.

I’ll get it, of course, but I doubt I’ll use it like I would have if it was like Kiriko’s Goddess skin. I’ll likely use Pink and Olympic Goddess and Lifeguard.

How are you doing, Akaras?

In my observation, Tracer is either really good or really bad, depending on the player using her. Kinda like Doomfist and Widowmaker. An excellent Tracer can take the whole enemy team apart, and I hate dealing with that.

You’re dealing with the grievance industry. Asking for these people to make sense might be asking too much.

I grew up on 6, yes.

Her voice actress is eye candy too. :slight_smile:

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It’s a Mei zing how this got so big