The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

I am not sure how to respond to that x_x

Mei deserves to be run over by a bus

That wouldn’t kill her, though.

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However you want


Would you like some Mei ice cream? O_O

Explain yourself. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I swear you guys get off on hating Mei, why not make a thread dedicated to YOUR favorite hero then?

It’s actually not a hate club, some of us think Mei is sweet, and some others think she’s
PRETENDING to be sweet but is actually Satan.

Akaras used to be pro-Satan, but he flipped, and I used to be pro-sweet, and I flipped.

It’s fun if you don’t take it too seriously.

I used to run a Mercy fanclub, which actually was tons more popular, but most of the members were cute girls and the toxic expletives ran them out of the forums and the thread died. I still talk to some of them on Bnet app.

That’s sad but interesting, Scary part is you can’t tell if it’s fun or being serious with some people.

It was more fun back in Overwatch
Overwatch2 killed the fun

You’re just angry because you were going to win that last match, and then you got caught in the center of a Blizzard, and the Mei spammed “sorry” while killing you to death. You can admit it, it’s okay, nobody will think the worse of you.

Considering how long this gag has been going on, I can assure you we’re not serious about it. xD

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I would have put a picture of a hydrogen bomb detonating, but I suppose this will do just as well. :slight_smile:

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Only way she can freeze anyone now thanks to the pull away from all inclusive and CC being “annoying”

I dunno, man. A good Mei can team-kill everybody. I’ve been busted like that maaaany times. Surviving a well-placed Blizzard is a doozy. And Mercy has more mobility than most other heroes.

As for Lifeweaver, I wish they’d delete the character and assign his whole kit to a dog. He’s so overtly obsessed with porking everything in sight that a dog humping Mercy’s leg would at least be a funny way to go about making such a character.

How many of them did its while dead?

Here maybe but outside the forum, You’d surprised.

That is my issue with him.
Isn’t that kind of talking would usually get someone banned?

i want mei to right-click me in the head

She usually right clicks on the ice cream truck. Frighten off the driver, rob the ice cream truck, pass it out to the Mei Minions.

If they permanently ban Lifeweaver, I would be very happy.