The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

Serenicus! I remember you. Back in 2017-18 good old forums days.

havent played since beating Godrick. I dont even have his greatrune active yet.

That’s a bummer, I won’t say it gets more easy but its nice to have someone going through the experience as well. Fire Giant is a proper giant and is no joke.

i pretty much hate caelid

how does one deal with the giant crows who are as fast on foot as torrent?

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Im not the best person to ask for advice from.
In my case i just kept going until they turned around.
Running away is usually my go to choice on video games.
Unless I put myself into the fight in that case it’s all trial and error

I recall when i first started Overwatch and did not know how anyone’s ults worked

I count on Torrent’s speed as one of my primary outdoor combat assets

but these Crows landspeed equals Torrents at full gallop

That clip i shared is the strongest boss on FF7 Remakes hardest boss on the DLC. I eventually beat it after seven hours of trial and error you can see i die on that clip a few times.

I hear ya
But i don’t recall having any issue except dieing in one shot evey now and then

Glad to see this is still going.

Alas, Mei seems to have been unseated from her throne in Hell. I’ve heard Ana called the devil on at least two occasions recently and no reference to Mei. How times change…

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The frozen witch menace is no more, Blizzard(ironically) saw to her end.
It’s good that other games stepped up to fill the void.

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I don’t understand this post but I am giving it a bump anyway.

I LOVE snow.

and i do use slowblower.
i enjoy playing in it.

When I was a tiny tiny child I remember the snow being so stacked it was like 8ft high and me and friends use to dig tunnels through it.

now-a-days we get less snow usually but i still enjoy playing it in, making snowmen, snowballs, etc.

Very sorry about the ultra-late reply.

Yeah, the lack of availability of ALL heroes unless you BP or unlock them is straying from the whole “we only sell cosmetics in Overwatch” thing. Which is not good.

I want Fallout 5, 6, AND 7 all at the same time. :slight_smile:

FF14 is super old, but remains one of the most successful MMORPGs. It’s ultra cutesy, has lots of classes, lots of cosmetics, and the story would take literally months to finish. Content ranges from casual to “only top 500 Overwatch players would be able to complete.”

Can’t you put a huge sword at the end of a staff and then it becomes a polearm? :slight_smile:

Your patience is different from my patience. I can leave things be, but when actually in them, I want to be able to complete the story.

I think the part of FF7 that’s really immortal is how cute Tifa looks. All the hot girls in gaming such as Lara Croft come and go, but Tifa remains a horny poster on gamers’ room walls.

Hi there! Sorry for the ultra late reply. I was thinking of making a Sigma goofy story, but a lot of humorless ppl will say it’s awful. xD

You should spend your free time building additional pylons, Dodo. When you have 200 supply, you can build a lot of carriers with it.

They locked the Mercy thread because I couldn’t keep it going, but this has been active enough to survive. Probably because Mei forgot to murder us. I don’t think you should underestimate her like that.

I am pretty sure she’s just trying to lull us into a false sense of ice creamcurity.

Mei. The Satan of ice cream.

I personally love snow in theory. In practice, I’d rather live somewhere where I don’t need to shovel 8 feet of it to get the car out of the drive way. xD

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This and her back story really make me wish I could give a hug and a big mug of hot coco for her troubles and a big external hard drive for the data she’s gathered.

You can probably mellow out her homicidal ideation with a hug and some ice cream, yes. But only temporarily. :slight_smile:

Yeah no, if you want to play the “Mei is the devil” game with me, Allow me to introduce to this dead horse, here’s a bat. Have fun.

You also had to option to “play” for it, do X amount of games as X and the number of games was too much considering you had to play they type of Overwatch2 it wanted you to play.

I dont believe Final Fantasy works as one.
1-10 a good story you can play any time you want.
11 errr

Yeah probably

Then what?

The music
The era it came out in
Our beloved characters

Technically, a cybernetic horse is dead but still moves quite fast. Think about THAT! O_O

I always BP for the Mythics, so I didn’t know about that option.

I thought 14 is the only MMO?

See? Aeris revenge time!

Then I order a hot Tifa Lockhart poster and then realize that I’d have to take down my hot Mercy poster for it?

The time has come for Sephiroth to go to prison. For a very very long time.

11 and 14


Nah once you finish the story its over. Think back to that second time you did a run through of a difficult game you finished.

Sephiroth killed ONE character from your party which ultimately ended up saving the world from black materia.

Kefka destroyed the world

Which one is worse :thinking:

Let’s be honest, Kefka is way better a villain than Sephiroth. Kefka was an Imperial General and just spun out of control, doing things even the Empire didn’t approve of, and then he ruins the world and becomes its mad god, frying discontents from his heavenly palace.

Whereas Sephiroth’s appeal is that he’s a “bad boy” who did the standard “destroy the world” routine.

I’d say Kefka was more of a surprise, and had a more complex story. That, and his iconic laugh is just unforgettable. I REALLY enjoyed killing him to death.

I have almost 4,000 hours on Fallout 4, most of it on Survival difficulty. I’d say I’ve done more than a “second” run through with that one.

Is 11 any good?

The world was to be his space ship as he sailed the cosmos.
Suddenly Sephiroth doesn’t seem so bad huh?
Stacked against Kefka