The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

If you played it or looked up spoilers you’d understand.
Looks like rebirth will take us to the end of the first disk of the original i only say that because i accidentally stumbled on a picture.
Im really excited to talk about it but the only person i can she’s usually working and we both don’t look for spoilers.
A shame that you aren’t able to speculate with me.

Gah, I am sorry I forgot to reply.

I understand your eagerness, but won’t you be three times as eager to find out the last part of the game, but it won’t come out for like 4 more years? :frowning:

I think Battle Pass started out as viable. The Genji Mythic was spectacular, and there was tons of good stuff in the Battle Pass itself. Also, all the special titles were really good. Later, the only truly good thing in the BP came to be the Mythic, and like you said everything else that was good got put in the Cash Shop. Right now I am particularly depressed because even the MYTHIC isn’t that great. And the titles may appeal to some people, but not others.

Right, of course, the original Star Wars series came out ages ago, but I mean the 1-3 were separated from each other by years. And, FF7 remake has so much new stuff, I’d argue it’s not all just a fresh coat of paint on graphics and sound.

I wish FF6 got remade like FF7 did.

Let’s be honest, you just want free ice cream, and Mei is all out and you aren’t happy about it.

Mei is either super sweet or super sweet masquerading as Satan, depending on your take on it. It’s a good running gag.

You don’t know that yet.

It never was.

TBH i would have also enjoyed a page by page remake too.

Hopefully the new bosses fix what i believe is wrong. The exclusion of battle pass would be a step in the right direction.

Ive waited 20+ years for this whats 4 more.
It also gave me a chance to understand the new mechanics and master them so much so that the boss they introduced in the DLC, tho very hard, i was able to take down.

I can’t wait for the chance to play the old characters and listen to the music.
Look at how awesome it was done!
It’s just the one song but it’s the only one that matters

FF6 was revolutionary and brilliant in a lot of ways, including the whole map getting remade mid-game and really creative characters. The only problem with it was that it took about 25 hours to beat, due to being a SNES game and too short. There could have been so much more character development and such if that were not so. Being remade would fix that.

Activision did a bad job of running Bliz, but the Microsoft folks are taking about a year to observe what Blizzard does before stepping in and making changes. I am guessing at the end of that year, a lot of stuff will be made. I think the transition from loot boxes to Battle Pass/Cash Shop was a bad one. Loot boxes did cost a bunch, but this is worse.

To be completely honest, I don’t remember FF7 that well. I misunderstood the ending to mean that ALL the characters got killed, and together with the Aeris killing, it took down all the enthusiasm I had for the game. By the time I found out that the ending didn’t actually kill the characters, I already had a sour taste for FF7 and didn’t repeat it.

That said, once the remake is FULLY done, I think i’ll play it all-together.

This tradition of nearly-impossible bosses that FF7 started wasn’t my thing either. The only thing I don’t like about games like Lost Ark and FF14 is that some of the bosses are like that, and if you don’t have a Yale BA in Gaming, you’ll never kill them. Lost Ark has that left and right, FF14 has that in only the highest echelons of the game, so I personally play FF14 but not Lost Ark.

I listened to the song you linked, and it sounds like good FF music.

Here’s my favorite, kinda similar, and the best part starts at 1:30.
FFXIV OST - Shiva’s Theme (

The FF7 classic battle theme perfectly synced with the remake battle theme. The nostalgia from the music alone hits one part in particular in Shinra tower.

Imagine robbing yourself of the pleasures of her being alive this whole time because you dont want to play the “incomplete” game.

Well anyway - Aerith FF7 Remake

We are looking at 2025 before Microsoft steps in…

This is the part i take issue with.
You don’t know enough about Remake to say this, some people like the changes and some don’t.
Personally im just happy to see anything being done with the characters that made me into the gamer I am today.

The hardest part was getting the Gold Chocobo
Once you get KotRT


Until enemy is dead

Fire Giant hits pretty hard…

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testing 1 2 3

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Merry christmas guys!!!

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Just commenting in support of Mei

Happy holidays, Widowmei!!! CAn you believe it’s almost 2024?!

Mei has ice cream!

That is one pissed off Mei!!! RUN BEFORE SHE PUTS YOU ON ICE!!!

I hope Microsoft does better than Activision…

Well, I can always play it later! Not exactly any shortage of games.

Have you tried FF14?

still hooked on the kanojo manga cuz of you

Oh, you’re reading it? I dropped it a long time ago, pacing got to be too slow. When it fully finishes, I’ll binge it to the end.

Did you know that Mami has a rabid fanclub? I guess some men need a female concentration camp guard.

If Aeris runs Sephiroth through the back with a giant sword, I will be flying like a jet to the Game Stop to get in on that expletive.

I’ll still play it, just later.

I just don’t like the philosophy of games that are partially released and you need to stay tuned for three years for more action.

Fire Giant? That’s straight out of dungeons and dragons…

The latest chapter of the Manga shows that Mini-chan has a rabid fanbase

I still gonna say the main character is gonna end up marrying Mini-chan, and the secondary main character is gonna become a chaste temple maiden.

Btw the secondary main characters most recent paid date was with the main characters gramma

Well, Mini helps them, just not in an innocent angel-like way that Sumi does. I don’t think Kazuya will end up with Mini because she’s rooting for him and Chizuru, and also from what I understand she only likes girls and already has a girlfriend.

Please don’t provide spoilers!

I dont think the date with gramma is much of a spoiler, to be honest

I think you are wrong about Mini’s gender preference. The only person she seems to be attached to is…the main character

her striped hair for some reason fascinates me, and I cant put a finger on why that is

why is her hair striped, oh learned one?

finally, who would you say - aside from the two main characters - are the second tier characters in this manga? Early on, I’d say Mami would be on that list but she’s barely a part of the story at this point. Same with the chick who feels SHE is the main characters girlfriend, when nothing could be further from the truth. Mini-chan is absolutely on that 2nd tier list at this point, like Sakura in Naruto or Rukia in Bleach. Are you aware of her current living arrangements? (trying to avoid spoilers, as requested)

I am 100% certain that Mini told Kazuya she has a girlfriend. I think the point of this was so he’d have a wingman that the reader doesn’t need to worry about competing for him with Chizuru. She might have been altered to be bisexual to find Kaz attractive, but she’s definitely not heterosexual.

I hate Mami not because she’s the bad guy, I hate Mami because there are disgusting readers who think she’s sexy and they drool over pics of her like she’s Arianna Grande or Taylor Swift. Mami is a concentration camp guard who pees sitting down. She has no redeeming qualities other than looking hot. It’s sad that our society has so lost sight of ethics and morality that men can find that sack of expletive to be attractive.

I don’t think Sakura was a 2nd tier character, actually. She was 2nd tier in the original Naruto series, but once she became Tsunade’s heir, she grew up a lot and became much more complicated – and much more important – in Shippuden. Her stubborn love for Sasuke means a lot more when he’s a despicable criminal and everybody but her and Naruto hates him, than when EVERY chick was after him. There’s also a Naruto movie, The Last, where Hinata and Naruto finally get together, Sakura plays a pivotal role in helping with that.

However, I am not aware of anything in Rent-a-Girlfriend. My patience with the series finally went away in the arc where Umi comes uninvited and tries to take Chizuru away from Kazuya, by THAT point Chizuru shouldn’t have even agreed to talk to him without Kazuya in the room, and a lot of the dumber fans, prior to that point, believed that Umi was some sort of “nice friend” who wanted to help Kaz and Chizuru get together. That arc beat that out of them, but to me, the situation seemed forced and it really seemed like the mangaka was just trying to stretch the manga out more to sell more copies.

I’ll read it from the Umi arc to the very end when the manga concludes. But I don’t want to repeat the Hawaiians arc, where that scene where Mami tries to destroy Chizuru and Kaz in front of their families and friends literally dragged out for one year.

I look at anyone aside from the two main characters as 2nd tier. Still quite important and or involved, but not a mc. The fish got close to second tier at one point :slight_smile:

The wiki makes it VERY unclear what Mini’s gender preference is. But ok.

Umi seems like a complete non factor. Just another event to send the mc into his wackyworld of doubt and anxiety yet again

The pink haired girl makes no sense to me. You cant be extremely shy AND actually take a job as a rental gf (a concept I am still trying to wrap my brain around. Does this exist in countries other than Japan? The closest thing in the US that I am aware of is the worlds oldest profession, and o course there are some very very distinct differences between the two

Btw I only read the manga. I do not watch the anime

Sumi is the most beloved character in the manga, completely altruistic and she’ll do anything for a person in trouble. She is the series’ guardian angel, coming in the narrative very rarely, but every time she does, Kaz and Chizuru are at a difficult juncture and Sumi shows them the way to go. She was formally shown as the guardian angel in Ch. 255, where she was drawn as a chibi angel with the white robe, wings, and a little cupid-like bow and arrow.

The reason Sumi became a rental girlfriend was because she is extremely shy and wanted to try and come out of her shell. One of her clients described in a review that when she smiled at him, “it was as if I saw the face of G-d.”

She has her own manga, though while I was following the series, it kept going on hiatus. Ironically, it has a much higher rating on Mangadex than the actual Rent-a-Girlfriend does.

Mini tells Kazuya that she has a girlfriend shortly after meeting him. It’s only mentioned once, but I remember it because it’s the reason she’s always on his side but not trying to grab him from Chizuru.

Umi is a wealthy, powerful expletivehole. Typical alpha male BS thing. I’d describe in detail what he did at that “party” of his, but let’s just say Chizuru took Kazuya and left the party and to the reader’s knowledge she never had contact with Umi after that. Good judgment on her part.

I did not know there was a spinoff manga for this one

I’ll have to see if I can find it

You can easily find it, go to mangadex. org and search for Kanojo, Hitomishirimasu . That is the manga, and sadly it’s STILL on hiatus since two years ago.

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Their plan to make all the new heroes available to everyone at release sounds good so far.

Balder’s gate 3?
Madden 2024?
Fallout 4 on next gen?

Haven’t been interested in any FF since i finished 10 with good reason because the next one i played was the underwhelming FF13

First off she uses a staff, second we have no idea what’s going to happen. I told you it is not a page by page remake.

In this time I’ve been excitedly thinking of whats to come. It’s different when you know you can’t just get the answers online. Currently no one but the devs know what’s in store.

Final Fantasy VII was released in 1997 whats three years compared to the 20+ years this project has taken for anything to be done with. Before we start crying about more deserving entries in the Final Fantasy universe you should be reminded that of every FF released 7 is by far the most ugly but also the most beloved.
Remake is as it’s title describes, a REMAKE the characters are the same with a hint of something else brewing underneath. If they needed to sell a few million copies of a “incomplete” game to know the fans really wanted this they know now.
Listening to fans has actually been helping pull Square out of the billion dollar hole they dug themselves. Maybe Blizzard will catch on

And your journey towards becoming Elden lord?

No progress currently…