The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

Im glad you were able to find something that helped ya. I wasn’t able to get on all of November but from what i remember i need 800,000+ to level up

Wow, how the tides have changed. I never imagined you’d go over to the non-evil side.

I have, but the ppl I know who played it all went over to D4 when that came out.

That sounds like a lot needed to lvl up…

I am just waiting for the dragons to form a union and go on strike. They get killed all the time, and their wages are terrible. Dragons unite, you have nothing to lose but your food chains! Viva la proletariat!

Blame Overwatch2 and their pull away from a casual audience. I used to LOVE playing Overwatch playing real quick and then quitting for the day, as we got closer to Overwatch2 I was having less fun.
With minimal effort I felt like i made a difference in games i.e. freezing opponents or mass rezzing my team.

Now Mei has a tickle gun…

It will be the game that holds me over until FF7 Rebirth(Feb29th).
I have a PS5 with no PS+ im not doing alot of multiplayer these days…

Oh yeah.
The ones that hurt are going to reclaim lost runes only to die in a silly way. I lost 500,000 last time i was playing because i didn’t want to heal myself after a fight i didn’t need to do only to be killed by a little imp thing i didn’t see…

Have you lost a bunch of runes accidentally falling of a cliff yet?
Its so frustrating. I wish fall damage wasnt in the game.

Those imps gave me a ton of trouble at the start of the game.

Only once when I had stick drift, because of the drift I played/play very carefully around edges.

The start?
Im talking about those little guys near Bestial Sanctum in Caelid they hit pretty hard with their ranged attack.

Use the cat talisman…

Spoiler alert.
It doesn’t work so well
Prevents fall damage but wont save you from dying

Honestly, when Mei ults me, I am as dead as when Rein ults me. She has all the time in the world to icicle everybody in the blizzard.

I wonder if the you right now went into the past and had a conversation with the OW1 you, what would you guys say to each other…

I am going to play FF7 remake only when the third and final part of it comes out.

I still hate the fact that Aeris dies, but FF7 was a good game other than that, and was worth the time.

The folks I know on Diablo 4 passed their time on Elden Ring, but they seem to have fully gone back on Diablo when D4 came.

I am sorry you lost your runes…

That sounds like a lemming mob death. But this is not Final Fantasy 14, so I am guessing there was no Lalafell stampede going on.

In Hearthstone, the end comes when either you or your enemy summons Sargeras, who opens a gate that pumps out 2 3/2 Imps that have Taunt per round. Taunt enemies have to be killed until other enemy minions or the enemy hero can even be targeted. It’s pretty rough.

Is this a case where they start a fight and you guys finish it?

Jetpack Cat? I am still pissed at Bliz for not making that in OW.

That’s what people said about Zarya, and then someone poked her and now we have to deal with that crazy Russian expletive who can out-armwrestle Rein.

Ive never played DPS in Ow2

I would open with “Blizzard will drastically change putting monetary gain over their players, all but few skins will need to be purchased and CC will be a thing of the past”

You very much need to get that head start Remake is NOT classic and im very much sure Rebirth will be no different.

maybe ill be back in on Blizzard in 2025

Easy come easy go

They just like to ambush

It’s called the Longtail Cat Talisman

I once bought a bottle of ciroc, and took it to my dads house.
He kind of gave me crap about buying a more expensive bottle of vodka.
He had me do a blind taste test with it vs a cheap bottle of vodka.
I couldnt tell the difference.

How far into the game are you?

Also, how far into the game are you?
Have you beaten rennala?

Just past the erd tree, I think currently im fighting general niall(sub boss)

I think I need to deal with the academy next

thats where the finger reader crone told me to go

level 65 or so

The general is down.

I guess you need to down him before you can use the lift. Not so much a sub boss than I’m guessing.

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I only have the left half of the dectus

I am not sure why you think the Mei changes are so bad, to be honest. Mei still has her wall, which can do all sorts of stuff, she still can slow you with the spray, she still has the icicle launcher which hurts like pain, and if you can’t get out of her ults, she can basically team-kill with that ult. And you can still have her say “sorry” seven times as you put an icicle into an ulted enemy’s face.

I am pretty sad that the Battle Pass promises little more than the Mythic Skin, at this point. Genji’s Season 1 had all sorts of good stuff in the Battle Pass. Now, you get the Mythic and some small things, but most of the good skins other than the Mythic are in the Shop and not in the Battle Pass.

I think this started really being a bad situation when the general quality of the Mythics decreased. Comparing Orisa and Hanzo Mythics with Kiriko/Junker Queen/Genji shows that the earlier Mythics were better. I think the last truly spectacular Mythic was Tracer. I honestly don’t even know why I bought the Battle Pass this season. I never play Orisa, and if I did, I wouldn’t be exactly wow’ed by this skin.

I am fine with being patient in general. Like, I wandered off on the Star Wars franchise, but my philosophy was to not watch the 1-3 trilogy until 3 came out. 8 year cliffhangers are not my thing.

It’s back. I tried it tonight, and they fundamentally altered how the super-items drop. Where before, the drop rate was about 1 in 100,000, now they made a mechanic where fighting Duriel, which is a major boss, gives you a small but realistic shot to get the super-item you need.

In itself, that’s not enough to fully rescue D4, but I’ve played Diablo since Diablo 1, and while it has always been a grind, the quality of the grind allowed you to get the best items and make the grind worthwhile. I think Blizzard realizes that their big-ticket game was suffering and is finally taking steps to get back the players they lost.

If Mercy had a cat and that cat had a jetpack and healed people, that would be the most hilarious heals duo in Overwatch.

Vodka in itself is just water with alcohol mixed into it. Much easier to work with flavor with other types of hard liquor, where the recipe calls for so much more than just alcohol and water.

Do you guys all play this game together?

How have you been doing, Dodo?

Are you liking Overwatch lately?

Any Mythics you hope will happen in the future? My hankering for a Mercy Mythic should be predictable, but I am guessing they’ll save Mercy’s Mythic for when the company is not doing well and they want to get a gigantic boost in revenue with their eyes closed.

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The right half is in that building behind the sleeping dragon. Charge your way through the bats and harpys and climb the ladder hidden in the back and at the top you’ll find the right half.

Why the hell does Mei have a fanclub? Since she lost the freeze she lost all her personality IMO. I used to love Mei but she got so much of who she was from that freeze, now she just looks like some random boring girl with glasses pointlessly running around like a puppet.

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I read somewhere that if you do that, you’ll die trying to get out - so - I’ll have to at least thin out the foes on the way in

Happens ALOT less these days

The post two spots over this one is a great example

Or spend all your runes before going in so if you lose all your runes who cares

The loss of her freeze has absolutely ruined OW for me. Used to be my favourite game of all time and now I barely ever play it. She is just dull dull dull without it IMO and she has lost loads of ‘‘spirit and flair’’ as Jeff used to put it.

It started being bad when they decided to charge us for the skins. On Overwatch there wasn’t anything we couldn’t get(outside of a very few skins) by not playing the game.

The whole idea of a battle pass on Overwatch is completely ridiculous. Think of it like this you find a character you like to play and now you want A skin for it fortunately for you, you can see the rewards down the line but 6 seasons in you still haven’t got that skin you wanted. The lootbox wasn’t much better but at least the rewards were random and for the duplicates we got credits so eventually we could buy whatever skin.

You know 4,5,6 came out years before right?
The order to watch them in now is more crazy and gets crazier. You watched e3 before watching the entire clone wars series and movie after episode 2.
In the end we know Anakin brings balance to the force when he kills Palpatine

Overwatch was fun for everyone when it came out because anyone could make a difference that 6year old could have just as much an impact as that 30year old gamer.
Some changes needed to happen. Roadhog hook pulling characters through dimensions.

Some changes never needed to happen. The deletion of mass rez.
Rip mass rez